Hello everyone, it's Blackdiamond Princess here! Yes, I know. My previous account has been deleted from this site and with it all of my stories, so I'm going to play it safe with this new account. All lemons featured in this story will be cut out from this site, but posted on the other sites thatare hosting this story. For the links to them and my other works, please check my bio. Unfinished stories that previously got published will continue to get updated but unfortunately not on this site.

Let's go then! You'll find this story to be different from my previous ones, but I still hope you'll enjoy it!

Intro - Depths of memory

Do you believe in karma? You know; that word people use to say "What comes around goes around?"

Do you?

Okay, do you believe in the rebirth of souls, then? The recycling of souls until we supposedly achieve our ultimate form, free of all earthly weights and temptations. The proper term for that is re-incarnation, I think.

Do you?

Well at first, I didn't either.

What made me change my mind, you ask?

You'd probably call me a lunatic if I told you.


Well, alright then.

I fell in love.

I know…

But with someone of the same sex.

Makes it different, huh?

Heh, he really changed my life. Turned my world upside down, literally, as he did every time we met in our past lives.

You get it; this is the part where it gets weird.

Not just your everyday weird.

But really fucked up weird.

Want to join the ride?

You better buckle up.