Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Buffy or Angel characters they belong to Joss Whendon and ME.

Summary: (All Human) William 'Spike' Giles is Sunnydale's resident popular bad boy, when Buffy Summers moves to SD from LA sparks fly. (Spuffy)

Open your eyes

Chapter 1: Meetings

Buffy Summers walked into Sunnydale High school, looking very lost, she had woken up late and was now going to be late for her first day. The corridors were empty as she looked at her timetable trying to find A21 where she had her first class.

She hurriedly turned a corner and collided with something hard, she fell backwards her stuff flying everywhere.

"I'm sorry I …" Buffy started as she tried to pick up her stuff.

"Watch where you're going next time, princess." Spike sneered at her looking her up and down seeing her highly priced labelled clothes, thinking she was another stuck up rich girl.

"Well it's not like I'm the only one to blame you should watch where you're going." Buffy said back not liking the way he just looked her up and down.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you're probably used to everyone falling at your feet, rich little princess." Spike muttered.

"What was that?" Buffy asked fuming, this guy didn't know anything about her.

"Nothing." Spike said as he began to walk past her, but when he seen the principal coming turned the other way.

"William!" The principal shouted and Spike visibly flinched before turning around.

"Hi, I'm…" Buffy started but the principal cut her off.

"I know who you are Miss Summers. I trust you've met Mr Giles and have decided to steer clear of his type. I'm Principal Snyder." The bald little man said.

Buffy had, had her first class with Willow and it had been decided Willow would show her one half of the classes and Spike would show her the others. Buffy now sat with Willow and her friends.

"Ok, so this is Xander, Anya and Oz, over their," Willow pointed to a table over on the other side of the lunch room. "Is, Cordelia, Xander's girlfriend, Angel and his girl friend Faith, Parker, Scott and Spike."

"I guessed." Buffy muttered. "Mr-holier-than-thou, sits with the popular crowd, he's so stuck up and he isn't even that attractive I don't know why all the girls were going on about him and he just…" Buffy trailed off seeing the looks the others were giving her.

"Buffy had a run in literally, with Spike this morning. You know how cranky that guy gets in the morning." Willow told the group.

"He must be lacking orgasms, but I can't imagine why every girl in school wants him." Anya said bluntly.

"Anya's the blunt one of the group, she says everything that comes into head. That means loads of talk about sex and orgasms." Xander told her smiling. "Don't worry about Spike, he's an ok guy when you get to know him."

"I'm glad you feel so strongly about me, Harris." Spike said smirking at this friend.

"Yeah, I know you return the feelings, Giles." Xander replied smiling.

"Oh, isn't it Miss-holier-than-thou." Spike stated looking at Buffy, she just glared.

"Me! You're the one that walks around here like you own the place, bleach boy." Buffy retorted feeling the anger boiling up inside her.

"I'm sorry, maybe I'll come back when you've had Daddies credit card removed from your ass." Spike said, a look of pain crossed Buffy's face as she gathered her stuff and quickly left. The rest of the group turned to look at Spike. "What!" he asked before stalking after Buffy.

"What did he say?" Xander asked confused as to why she ran off.

"Something about her dad, I presume it's a sore subject. Maybe he's dead." The group turned to look at her. "What he might be, it's not liked I'd say that to her face.

A/N: I know it's short but it's just the first chappy leave me yummy reviews to tell me what you think.