Okay I know I have not updated in like one hundred seven billion years, and I am soooo sorry. I will give you my reasons, so if you would just lower those pitchforks for a second, I shall explain my absence.
1: I broke my arm. It is really hard to type with this cast on,
I'm supposed to be getting it off in like four days and I've had
it since like August. I broke it playing Red Rover of all things!
2: School started, and I moved to a new school, so I've just
been trying to adjust and get some friends and all. It's just so
crazy. BUT I'm back to finish up my stories, and since it's
Friday and it's so going to rain so I'm not going to go to my
friend's Field Hockey game (GO EMILY!) But instead write for you my
Alright you lovely people, this is the last chapter. I'm so excited to finish it, and hope you all like it!
Chapter 17
3rd Person
The cops had arrived at the Curtis residence eight minutes after Darry was murdered. They found Kitten standing there with the knife which she had used to stab him through the heart, watching the blood flow. When Kitty saw the cops, she charged at them, only seeing them as more blood. One man shot her in the leg to bring her down, and two others tackled her to her back forcing the knife from her, and putting her in hand cuffs. Pony and Soda watched it all through tears they were no longer holding back. Their oldest brother was dead, and their older sister was being taken away. A social worker took them to the side, to talk about where they would live from now on. Two-Bit, Steve, Dally, and Johnny just stood on the side, watching it all, taking it in. Sure they had all seen Dally, and Two-Bit arrested many times before, but nothing like this. The cops hauled Kitty to the cop car, repeating her rights. She didn't speak a word, but when she saw the boys she once knew as her brother's friends standing there, she looked them in the eyes. All she wanted to do was to protect them, to show them love in her own way. They all shuddered seeing her, drenched in blood both fresh and dried, staring at them with those cold, dead, eyes. She put in the cop car, and the cops went over to her little brothers.
"Where will we be able to reach you?" A cop in his late forties asked.
"They'll be staying at my house," Two-Bit Mathews mother smiled at them.
The cop nodded and both he and the social worker went to talk with her. Until the trial was over, they would be staying with Mrs. Mathews.
The trial was two months after Kitty's last killing of her own brother. Many people had attended, for her case was hot headlines for the media everywhere. Pony and Soda were both called to the stand, as was Dallas Winston, Buck Merrill, and various others. The last one called to the stand was Kitten Marie Curtis.
After many questions, Kitty didn't even deny being there, or doing such things. 'Why did you do it?' was the last questions. Kitty decided to take her time in answering, looking at each member of the audience she had gathered.
"I did it to show my love, and all those people were getting in the way of loving them. They deserved to die, to be in hell burning slowly, but with no more blood left. They were obstacles, i just knocked them off course."
It didn't take the jury long to figure out her verdict. Guilty.
Curtis was put to death seven months after her trial. Many people
wanted to see, but her brothers nor their friends bothered to even
amuse the idea. She was already gone and nothing but a horrible and
wicked memory in their mind.
and Pony went to live with foster parents on the same block as Johnny
Cade. The two boys and their four friends stick together like glue.
Curtis was given the best funeral they could afford. Everyone chipped
in, even Mrs. Mathews and Dallas. There was much grieving and
mourning, and utterly depressing sadness. But no crying, for they
knew he was in a better place with his parents.
Curtis sister did not get a funeral, but did get a burial. On her
tombstone it simply reads "Kitten Curtis 1948 - 1966".
Curtis has become a legend in all of Tulsa, even spreading to other
Oklahoma cities. People swear the old Curtis house is haunted, and no
one dares to go in it. Not even it's former residence. For it's
legend that at the dark of night, if you listen closely you can
faintly hear a girl singing.
Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black, black. She has a
knife, knife, knife, stuck in her back, back, back..."
Well there it is!Hope you liked it as much as I liked writing it!
My Last Thank-You's for Blood Stained Tears:
Hope you liked it! Sorry for the long wait.
Amai: I'm so glad you love it! Hope you liked how I
wrapped it up!
for lyf: Yes it's sad, but Darry's gone. Originally I was
going to have her kill everyone but Sodapop. But I like how it turned
out better.
Curtis-Carter: Hope you liked it.
Case89: I miss Darry too lol. Hope you liked!
Aww I don't want to scare you too much...okay well I do lol. Hope
you liked.
Dally will protect you for sure! Lol. Hope you enjoyed: )
And everyone I know says I can't scare a fly, hmmph! Lol, hope you
liked reading it.
Viruses stinky lol. Kitty killed Darry because he was trying to get
her away and stop her. Which in Kitty's little mind is not very
good. Hope you enjoyed.
MirokuNekoChan: Hope
you liked it!
Hope you liked the ending!
Sorry it was a little to..gory with the head thingy lol. I can
picture things in my mind when I read too, and trust me, it's not a
very nice thing lol. I wrote this story because a lot of people
complain about how Curtis sister fics are all the same (since most
are) and I decided I'll write one that's so different, it'll
never have been done before, and voila! Lol, hope you enjoyed it
: Hope you liked it!
x k ii zz: Well I'm glad you like it! I hope you liked how I
ended it, I'm so bad at endings: )
I'm glad you liked it! Hope you liked how it ended.
Alrighty, well that's it folks! Please review and tell me how you liked the ending. I loved writing this story, it was fun lol. Toodles!