9/9/13 Update: I'm going through and cleaning up my account, and really I almost deleted this one, but at 55 reviews I just couldn't let it go. So enjoy some good old, absolutely terrible, nearly a decade old crackfic.

(Are they even still called crackfics anymore? What fanfic terminology do the kids use these days?)

I adore Joey. Don't get me wrong just 'cause I'm picking on him. He's not that much of an idiot. However, he doesn't exactly seem like the type to have excellent reading comprehension skills, plus this was written back in my freshman year when my bff and I would spend hours thinking up new ways to make fun of (good-naturedly, of course) Joey.

Joey and Yugi were sitting in Literature class. The teacher was passing out worksheets over short stories the class had read that year. "Okay class, you can work together and help your classmates on this worksheet, but absolutely no giving each other the answers." The teacher gives a meaningful look towards someone. "Understand, Mr. Muto and Mr. Wheeler?"

"Yep," said Joey.

"Of course," said Yugi.

The teacher gave them a disbelieving look and continued passing out papers. "Uh huh."

"The Lady Or The Tiger," read Joey. "Which one was that again?"

"The first one we read this year."

"That one where the king threw his daughter's boyfriend in the tiger pit?"

"Well…kinda…He had to pick a door. Behind one of the doors was a beautiful woman, and behind the other was a ferocious tiger."

"Well that's an easy choice. Any idiot would choose a woman over a tiger unless he wanted to die."

"He didn't know what was behind which door."

"How could he forget something like that?"

"He didn't forget. He was never told."

"Who would let him go in there without telling him first? Sounds like someone's got a big-time grudge."

"Yeah, the king. He didn't like the idea of the guy seeing his daughter."

"Sound's like a typical dad. So how did the guy know which door to choose?"

"The princess told him."

"She was in the pit too?"

"No, she was up in the stands next to her father."

"So how did she tell him?"

"Signaled him with her right hand."

"Oh. What was behind tha door?"

"The story never said. It left the choice up to the reader."

"Howzat possible? He either chose the lady or the tiger. It's one or the other. Which was it?"

"It's an ambiguous ending, Joey."

"What's ambiguous mean?"

"Unclear, indistinct, uncertain, hazy…Stuff like that."

"So it was foggy that day?"