Inu is HOT.
…but I own him not… (sniff sniff) are u guyz HAPPY NOW? WAAH!

AN: Second chappie of I.D.Y./ I.D.U. ahahah that sounds funni! …sorri. Anywayz, I decided to start on the second chap bfor the fifth chap of P.P. (which I guess you could say I started… I mean I've got the disclaimer and AN and some replies for my SWEET REVIEWERS!...but other then that… no…) so yea… I've got more stuff planned for I.D.Y. then for P.P., that's all. So here's some replies for my reviewers on my first chappie!

Kitti Pee- - . –' But I dun wanna give u candy… n U CHEATED! You reviewed BFOR u read the chappie so THAT'S y u were the first reviewer… or else Bow would have been - . –' cheap… meh… n anwayz… u stole mostly all my candy while u were ova at my house… I've been bank robbed… wait no… candyrobbed. By KATHY! WHERE ARE THE COPS WHEN I NEED 'EM! WHEN I GROW UP, IMMA BE SUCH A BETTA COP THEN ALL Y'ALL SLACKERS! HMPH!

Bow- Lol! Sure bowie… SUUUUURE… I KNOW YOU KNOW THAT 5-3 SO DOES NOT 8! I MEAN EVEN IIII KNEW THAT! …so like… yea… THNX FO THINKIN IT WAS A FOOONI CHAPIE! UR SO NIIIIIIISHIE!...ok that was just gay… but thnx…

Kuro Yasha- Hey! New reviewer! Glad you liked the chap, man! Have fun reading this one D

Luvinukagome- Hey, Ash! Lol your reviews are fun to read! Army brat, eh? Well, I think that's cool! Cept for the moving part… I hate moving… but… hey… u make new friends! And there's always msn… muhahahahahaha… so happy that you liked the story, hope you like this one just as much!

Hikari no Ohjisan- HEY MEAGAN! Oops.i mean hikari no ohjisan! I'M DOING AS YOU SAID, MASTA! I'M UPDATIN! ARENT I A GOOD LITTLE SLAVE! And the only SMALL favour ur little slave wants is that you keep reviewin and reading this little slave's chapters!

Kealilah- Hey, Sarah! So FREAKIN HAPPY THAT YOU READ MY CHAPPIE! Hehehehe. Thnx for the compliment. I tried to stick as many fooonie things I could in that chapter, just for fun. And inlove wit Shippo eh? OOOOOO. Hehe yea hes cute! But askin bout what the dare's gonna be… hmmm… as Inu said in the last chap: That's fo me ta kno n fo U ta TRY and find out… tho I doubt you'll be able to! Cept in this case… u probably WILL figure it out… hm…


Inumaiden- Hey, hey! LOoki here! Another new reviewer! Hi! My name's BUM, NICE TA MEET CHA! What's YOUUUR NAME? Hope you like this chap! HEHE

Kelly- Hi, Kelly! I'm glad you read my chap, and liked it! Hehe. Hope ya keep reading n reviewin! D

Phyllie- Hi ya, Phil… HAHAHA…sorri. Great that you liked the chap, n awww thnnnx u think I'll bcome an author! But uh… sorri bout my bad spelling… I barely ever self edit it hehe. So yea. Thnx!

Yea you know who this is- - . –'lol yea…I do kno who this is.Since you didn't put ur name tho,I'll just help keep it a secret…even tho u kept ur email address on it- . –'

So, 'yea you know who this is', thnx for reading my chap, n thnx for your semi compliment! D

Anita- Hey, 'Nita! Don't APPOLIGIZE for reading n reviewing so late! ITS ALL THE SAME! Its all for the same chap, so it doesn't matter when you read. I don't mind. And you don't HAVE to read it if you don't want to, man. I hope you know that… cuz I dun wan u to feel um.. wus that word… "pressured" D alrite? Thnx fo the review, tho!

Leah- OOOOh!Hihihi! lol thnx fo the compliment.Glad ya liked the chap.Check out my other stori sumtime,too!

Drvnkrazee- Lol. Wow… jee thnx… one of THE best frst chaps eh…?(grins like mad)thnk ya thnk ya thnk ya. N yup, I tend ta make Inu kinda obnoxious and mean in the beginning of stories. He'll get nicer… along the way…hehe. Once again…THNX!

Dang… that took a lot of room… ah well. I'll make the chap a bit longer… yea…Oh yea, ta clear things up a bit. Evra is Kag's mom. I made up the name. KATRINA is Inu's lil sis. I also made her up. N I realize Inu and his family's last name shud be Takashi. Sorry about that. We'll just have ta leave it at Taisho for this story! So here we go. Death Glarez. ENJOY!

.:Chapter Two:.

-Death Glarez-

--"Oh… I see you two have met…" Mrs. Higurashi said quietly.—


"Oh, Evra. Dinner was fantastic! Thank you for having us over!" Mrs. Taisho said warmly.

"Oh, no, Izayoi. Thank you!" Kagome's mom said with a big smile. (Izayoi is Mrs. Taisho's name.)

"Ah, it was nothing." Izayoi said with a wave of her hand.

"Well, we better get going, Izayoi," Mr. Taisho joined in.

"Alright. Katrina, dear, its time to go home!" Mrs. Taisho shouted up the stairs.

"Okay, okay, mom! Be right down!"

The adults laughed. Katrina had really hit it off with Souta. They were having a blast! Though nobody could say the same for the two older kids… All they've been doing the whole night is giving each other death glares that made everyone else shudder.

Katrina and Souta came racing down the stairs.

"Ha, Souta! I beat you!" Katrina shouted triumphantly.

"Aw… but you cheated! You ran while I was still tying me shoe!" Souta protested.

"Too bad!" Katrina said, sticking her tongue out.

Souta just stuck out his tongue too.

"Alright, Katrina, come on now." Mr. Taisho said.

Katrina put on her coat and her shoes.

"Good, you guys say goodbye to the Higurashis and thank them for the evening." Mrs. Taisho added.

"Bye, Mrs. Higurashi, bye Souta, bye Kagome! Thanks for this evening!" Katrina said cheerily.

"Inuyasha…" Mr. Taisho started.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Bye, Mrs. Higurashi, Souta." He muttered.

"Inu, you forgot Kagome!" Katrina said, pulling on her brother's pants.

"What? Who the hell is that?" Inuyasha said, annoyed.

"Inuyasha." His dad was getting pissed.

"It's alright, Mr. Taisho. He doesn't have to say bye to me." Kagome said with a tight smile. "Besides, its not like I want to hear his dog voice. Freaks the hell outta me and gives me goosebumps." She added quietly.

"What's that, wench?" Inuyasha growled.

Kagome ignored him. "Goodbye, Mr. Taisho, Mrs. Taisho, Katrina. I hope you come again."

"Um… alright, you three get in the car. I'll be right out!" Izayoi said quickly to her family. She needed to get Inuyasha out of the house before he and Kagome started fighting again.

Inuyasha opened the door and let himself out and Mr. Taisho followed giving a nod to Mrs. Higurashi.

"Bye, Souta!" Katrina waved and skipped out the door.

As soon as her family had all moved outside, Izayoi turned to Kagome. "Oh, Kagome, I'm sorry about Inuyasha. He's been acting that way for awhile. I'll have a little chat with him after I go home… don't worry. I'll have Inuyasha pick you up to go to school this Monday morning at around 7, alright, dear?" she asked.

"Uhm thanks but-"

"Great! Bye! I'll talk to you later, Evra!" with a final wave, Izayoi left.


"Katrina has a boyyy friennnd."

"No, I don't, Inu!"

"OOOOOOO Katrina and Souuuuuta, sitting in a room. K-I-"

"Daddy! Inuyasha's making fun of mee!"

"What? No I'm not!"





"You said me and Souta were kissing!"

"Nooo I was about to sayin KICKING!"


"Pffft. Told you…"

"Inuyasha, act like a seventeen year old for once, please." Mr. Taisho said shaking his head.

"Well, its not my fault you made me sit in your car with you guys." Inuyasha muttered.

"Inuyasha, your car ran out of gas."

"…that's not the point. I could have rode the bus. Or walked. Its not exactly far."

"Fine. Honey, stop the car." Mrs. Taisho said with a small smile.

"Gladly." Her husband said lightly.

"What… mom… dad… what are you guys doing…?" Inuyasha asked.

"Okay, Inuyasha. You can go now."

"What? Go where?"

"Oh, we're going to this new restaurant that just opened!"


Inuyasha's dad shrugged. "I dunno. Bus. Or you can walk. Though it is kind of far…" He smirked.

Inuyasha stared at his parents. "But I-"

"Bye Inuyasha, see you at the resturant!" since Inuyasha was sitting in the front, his dad easily opened the door for his son and pushed him out of the car. Then he drove off.

"A-…cheh… I cant believe… ugghhhh!" Inuyasha started down the street, muttering to himself. "This is all the wench's fault. That stupid, stupid, stupid stupid- " Inuyasha stopped and glanced down to see what he had stepped on. He smelt it before he saw it. "Aw shit… "


"Wonder where Yash is at." Miroku said to no one in particular.

"Oh. Aunty Taisho said something about the whole family going over to a new neighbour's house or something." Akashi replied, her eyes glued to the tv.

As the credits started to roll, Sango, Akashi, Miroku, and Kouga began to shuffle around. "Meh… now what?" Kouga said lazily, lying on the floor.

"How 'bout a round of Truth or Dare?" Sango piped up.

"Sure." They all agreed. Akashi got up and went to find a bottle. (Spin the bottle kind of truth or dare… not the whole kissing thing… tho sum might be dared to kiss… hmmm…)


"Mom… I am NOT going to be in the same school with that obnoxious dog, am I?" Kagome asked calmly.

"If by dog you are referring to that lovely Inuyasha boy, then yes, ofcourse you are, hon! Infact, me and Izayoi have even worked out a way for you and Inuyasha to be in the same classes!" Mrs. Higurashi said happily.

"Oh god… no…"


"Mommmmmm! How could you do this to me!"

Mrs. Higurashi sighed. "Kagome, why aren't you giving the boy a chance? You barely know each other, but already look as if you hate him!"

"Mom, I know enough to make the assumption that he is an ego-istic, obnoxious, rude person! So please don't make him pick me up tomorrow morning!"

"No can do! It's been planned out already, Kagome. And besides… you two look so cute together!"



"If you say so, Sango…" Akashi said with an evil grin. Sango gulped. "Alright… I dare you… to smell Miroku's socks!" There was a moment of silence in the room… then hysterical laughter from Kouga and Akashi. Miroku looked at Akashi with no expression while Sango's eye twitched.

"You have got to be kidding me…" Sango muttered.

"Nope. A dare's a dare! C'mon girl! Do it and get it over with."

If it had been anyone else who had been dared to smell his socks, Miroku would have been laughing. But in this case, he felt sorry for Sango… and himself. Everybody knew that Miroku had smelly socks. It's not him… just the fact that he never remembers to wash them. He had no doubt Sango would be close to fainting once she took a whiff of his deadly socks. And if she did… then there was also no doubt that Miroku would get beat up afterwards… at times like these, Miroku had to say… my life sucks…


Inuyasha's stomach growled as he looked in the fridge. Then he growled. He was out of ramen… at times like these, Inuyasha just had to say… my life freakin sucks…


Kagome put her pencil case and a few notebooks into her patched up backpack. She was ready for tomorrow. She quietly slipped out of her new room and into Souta's. He was already sound asleep. Kagome smiled. "G'nite, kiddo." Then she tip-toed to her mother's room. She was sitting beside the window, looking up at the sky. "Hey, mom." Kagome said softly.

Mrs. Higurashi jerked her head towards her daughter. "Oh, hi dear." She said with false cheeriness in her voice.

"What's wrong?"

Her mom was silent for a moment. Then, in a wavering voice, "Oh, honey… I wish your dad could be here to see this…" She said with tears in her eyes.


Inuyasha heard footsteps and ran to open the door. His merciless family was back from the restaurant. "I just want you guys to know… I couldn't care less if you guys had a feast. I'm not even hungry." Inuyasha said, giving his parents and his sis death glares.

"Oh, that's a shame. We brought home some delicious ramen for you. But I guess we'll just have to throw it out." Mr. Taisho said hauntingly.

Inuyasha's eyes flew to the bag in his dad's hand. Ramen…


As Sango walked into the restroom, Miroku saw it as his only chance. He grabbed his jacket and raced out Akashi's mansion not bothering with goodbyes. If his friends really wanted him to stay alive, then they'd understand. He drove home and crawled up his porch. "Ah… home sweet home…"



"Ahhhh!" Kagome took her alarm clock and threw it.


Kagome immediately sat up from bed. "Oh my lord! Did I hurt you Bouyou?(Is that spelt right?)

"Woof!" Yes… Bouyou the cat… he barks.

Seeing that her beloved fat cat was okay, Kagome rubbed her eyes and slowly got out of bed. She bent down and picked up her annoying alarm clock. It read 5:02 AM. Good, I've got time to take a shower before school! Kagome thought as she entered her very own washroom.


BRINNNNNG BRRINNNNG BRRINNNNNNNG BRINNNNNNG BRRINNNNNG- BEEEP! –Yo. Yash here. Out for the moment. Don't bother leaving a message. I probably wont check it. Try me again later.- BEEEEEP-

"Inuyasha, pick up the phone right now!" a booming voice said.

Inu stirred. "Nnnn… leave me alone."


The disturbed sleeper picked up the phone beside his King sized bed.

"What, dad?" Inuyasha snapped grumpily.

"Good morning to you too, son." Mr. Taisho said sarcastically.

"Yea yea…"

"Do you remember where the Higurashis live?"


"Great! Then you'll have no problem with picking Kagome up and taking her to school with you."


"Apparently, yes. But I'm a crazy person with authority. I can easily take away any of your privileges. Like your no curfew agreement. And unlimited ramen eating, your large allowances and… shall I go on?"

Inuyasha was shaking with fear. "Alright, alright alright! I'll take that wench to school! Just stop threatening me!"

"Good. I knew you'd understand. Now get up and get ready for school, son."

"Whatever, dad. Bye." Inuyasha hung up, and went back to sleep.

On the other side of the line, Mr. Taisho chuckled. He just loved teasing his son.


Kagome made herself some ramen and sat down on the floor. None of their furniture had been arranged yet, except for the sofa and the beds. She looked around her. Nearly the whole house was empty. Her mom was out with Souta, making arrangements at his new school. Kagome sighed, wishing that she was a kid again. Then she wouldn't be so nervous right now. She would be led to school by her mom, chatting all the way.

She glanced at her watch. 6:50. In about ten minutes, that bastard she'd encountered yesterday would be here to pick her up. Kagome braced herself. She decided to just sit on the kitchen floor with her jacket and backpack to wait for him to come.


Inuyasha rolled over on his bed and slowly sat up. He looked over at his clock and saw that it was 6:55. "Oh shit!" Inuyasha swore as he tore away from his bed and fussily got ready for school. As he rushed out of his garage in his Dodge Sling Shot, Inuyasha shook his head. He had had the weirdest dream last night. His dad had called him and asked him to take that bitch he had met yesterday to school. Inuyasha chuckled. "What a gay ass dream…"


Kagome fussily checked her watch again. 7:15. Where was that Inuyasha guy at? She wiped her sweat drops with her hand. She was going to be late for school on her first day. She sat there waiting for twenty more minutes. 7:35. Kagome couldn't take it anymore. She had to get to school! But how? She didn't know where it was, and didn't even have a map she try and read. She had to do something! Kagome just rushed out of her new home and onto the street. She looked around her. No one in sight. Then she heard a low rumbling sound. It was getting louder. She whipped around to see a motorcycle coming in sight. Kagome waved frantically. "Hey, you! Please stop for a moment!" she shouted. The motorcycle came to a stop beside Kagome, and she could now see the driver was a teenage boy.

"How may I help you, pretty lady?" the boy said with a wink.

"Uh… hi… sorry to bother you… but do you happen to know where the nearest high school is?" Kagome asked desperately.

"Gosh… there's a lot around here. Do you know the name?"

Kagome racked her brain. Her mother had mentioned it to her yesterday night. What was it… You… Youk… Suddenly she remembered.

"Youkai High School!"

The motorcycle driver looked surprised, then, a smile appeared on his face. "Well, call it luck or call it fate, but that's the same school I go to! Infact, I'm heading over to school right now. I'll give you a ride if you want!"

"GREAT!" Kagome said without thinking. She quickly jumped on the bike (motorcycle…) while the teenage boy gunned the throttle and then sped down the street. Kagome held onto him tightly around the waist.

"By the way," he shouted over the noise. "The name's Kouga!"

Alright alright alright! Finally done! Sorry this wasn't as long as the first chap, but I'm kind of running out of time right now! Gotta go sleep! So I hope you enjoyed it and review! Talk ta ya'll next time!
