Disclaimer: SUSHI, MAN! 'COURSE NOT. (sushi is my way of sayin sht… me trinna make an effort not ta swear... go meego me)

Alrite. New story. Yea I kno… onli fourth chap of Perplexing Pasts… but… that's okay… I couldn't help it… I just had to start it. So here we go. I Dare You. ENJOY

.:Chapter One:.

-Hate at First Sight-

"Mom, please… I have friends here. I don't want to move. Don't make me. I'm going to be lonely there. Its taken me such a long time to make friends where I am right now. Don't make me have to go through that again." Kagome whispered.

"Hey sis, who are you talking to?" Souta asked as he walked into his and his sister's shared room.

Kagome sat straight up from her bed. "Huh? Oh, no one, just uh, practicing for a script I have to memorize for school." Kagome stumbled.

"Oh… okay. Well, mom says that she needs your help downstairs right away, so I think you better get going…" Souta said.

"Alright, thanks Souta." Kagome muttered as she got off her bed and slowly walked downstairs, going over again the small pleading speech that she planned to give her mom.


"Yeah! You got it! Now, what's the answer?"

"Iunno. What's the answer?"

Inuyasha smacked himself on the head over and over again. "God, Shippo. We've been at this question for an hour, and you STILL don't get it?"

Shippo looked up at his babysitter and blinked. "I guess." He replied.

Inuyasha shook his head. Why had he gotten himself into this mess? Stupid Miroku and his stupid dares… Inuyasha sighed. "Ok. Let's try this in a different way." He thought for a moment. "O O O! Got it! Stay right here, ya little dumbo. I'll be right back." With that he ran out of the room.

Inuyasha jogged back into the room a moment later with a big jar of coffee candy. Just looking at it made Shippo's mouth water. "Where'dyou find that? My mommy hides it from me so I can't eat it." Shippo said excitedly.

"That's for me to know and you to try and find out… though I doubt you'll be able to…" Inuyasha muttered. "Alright. Let's see… Your mom buys you five coffee candies…" Inuyasha said as he arranged five coffee candies on the table, in front of Shippo. "And... uh… you give me two, because I'm such a nice babysitter." He continued as he swiped two coffee candies to his side of the table. "Now, how many coffee candies do you still have?" Inuyasha asked.

Shippo blinked... And reached over to take back the two candies in front of Inuyasha. "Five." Shippo said.

Inuyasha sputtered. "B-but… no. Because you gave me two remember?" he said as he quickly stole the two pieces of candy back.

Shippo shook his head. "No. No. No! I don't want to give you my candy. Because you're NOT a good babysitter. So I still have five!" he reached over again to try and snatch his precious candy from his evil babysitter.

Inuyasha held up the candy in his hands where the little six year old kid wouldn't be able to reach. "What? I've been patiently teaching you- no…TRYING to teach you math for the last hour and you say I'm not a good babysitter?" Inuyasha said with mock hurt in his voice.

"Gimme back my candy, you big meani!" Shippo yelled as he pounded on Inuyasha's knees.

Inuyasha smirked and popped both pieces of candy into his mouth. "Too late." He stuck out his tongue at the annoying kid.

Shippo stared wide-eyed at his babysitter… then started to bawl. "WAAAAAAH!" Inuyasha covered his sensitive ears quickly.

"Aw fu- " Inuyasha started to say, when the phone rang. Shippo abruptly stopped crying. Inyasha sighed and picked up the phone. "Yeah?" he said gruffly.

"Inuyasha? Is everything alright over there?" It was Akashi.

"Uh… yeah, 'course. Why?" Inuyasha asked hesitantly.

"Oh, I don't know. I just had this feeling that my little angelic Shippo was unhappy. But he's having fun, right?" Akashi questioned.

"Oh yea, man. He's doing great." Inuyasha replied, glancing at 'little angelic' Shippo. The kid soon realized that it was his mother on the other line, and opened his mouth to start bawling again, just so that Inuyasha would get in BIG BIG trouble with his mommy. Inuyasha saw it coming and widened his eyes. "Uh yo Akashi I gotta go. Everything's fine. Bye." Then he slammed down the receiver just in time as Shippo started wailing again.

"Hey, ya little brat. You can stop your annoying crying now. Your mommmy can't here you anymore." Inuyasha smirked at Shippo.

…Shippo stopped crying. "Oh."


"Hey, mom. You need my help with something?" Kagome asked.

"Oh, yes, dear. Come help me carry this box outside. The moving truck will be here in five minutes. And I forgot all about the beds! We'll have to ask the moving men to help us out with that!" Mrs. Higurashi said cheerily.

"Sure, mom. I'll help." Kagome and her mother lifted the box up together and brought it out onto their front doorstep.

"Oh, honey. I'm so glad you're not complaining about us moving again. You've been such a good girl. I'm so proud of you. And I will promise you my life that this will be our last move." Mrs. Higurashi said with a heart-warming smile.

"It's alright, mom. I don't mind." Kagome answered, returning a small smile.

"Aw, darling, come here." With that Kagome's mother pulled her into a gentle hug. "You're going to love it there… I just know it."

"I'm sure I will, mom." Kagome said half heartedly. So much for my little speech… she thought to herself.

The moving truck arrived and everything the Higurashis owned got packed in and drove off to their new house. Mrs. Higurashi and Souta got into their small Pontiac Wave. Kagome stood in front of their house. "Guess this is goodbye, house. But I've got to say… I'm not going to miss you much." She said into the air.

"Yo, Kagome, c'mon! We have to go!" Souta called from the car.

"Coming!" she shouted back as she ran and got into the Pontiac.

"I can't wait to see our new house, sis!" Souta said excited to Kagome.

"Yea… neither can I." She replied.

"Hey, Kagome? How come your friends weren't here to give you a final goodbye?" Mrs. Higurashi asked her daughter causiously.

"Oh. Um… We already gave final goodbyes on the phone with each other." Kagome said quickly.

"Ah. I see I see." Her mom said.

Kagome didn't tell her mom that the real reason her friends weren't there was because she hadn't told them. It's not as if she had really nice friends anyways. So what if they didn't know she was gone. Tomorrow they'll go to school, wonder for a moment where Kagome Higursomething is, and then forget all about her. I don't have great friends. Tough. Kagome told herself.


"AAAH! NO! FIVE MINUS THREE IS NOT EIGHT! MY GOD!" Inuyasha was on the verge of tears. "How can a kid be this dumb!"

Shippo looked at Inuyasha innocently and asked, "Wanna be my sister?"

The babysitter's face turned pink and red and purple and blue and green and yellow and… WOW! What a pretty rainbow!

Finally he spoke. "You better pray that your mom comes home in the next five seconds, because I'm going to beat you so much that Akashi wont even recognize you and will think you're some Easter Bunny with a bumpy face!" Inuaysha threatened half heartedly.

Shippo's eyes widened again.

"No… aw hell no… no… don't you DARE start crying again… no… Shippo…" Inuyasha quickly stood up and backed away from the teary-eyed kid.


Inuyasha ran to the door and swung it open as fast as he could, then pulled the person waiting on the doorsteps into a great manly hug. "Ah! Thank the Lord you're back. I've been waiting for you for like freaking HOURS! What took you so long, man? I've been suffering every second you've been gone. That kid of yours is one big pain in the a- " Inuyasha stopped to take in a whiff of the air. Ugh. Some kinda strong cologne mixed with a variety of other strong perfumes… wait… cologne… variety of different perfumes? This isn't Akashi… Inuyasha thought for a moment. It's… he ripped himself apart from the mysterious person and came face to face with… "Miroku! You bastard. Ugh! Why'd you just stand there while I freaking hugged you, man? You freaking sicko."

"Good morning, Inuyasha. Why, I would love to come in, thank you." Miroku said politely as he strolled past Inuyasha and into Akashi's house with a smirk on his face.

Inuyasha sighed and closed the door. Then he heard a muffled laugh. "Alright Shippo, where the hell are you? Come out 'cause I ain't in a mood to play hide and seek." He growled. Shippo must have heard the seriousness in his babysitter's voice, so he obediently crawled out from under a small table.

"Keekee… hee… tee… hee hee heeee!"

"What the hell are you laughing about?" Inuyasha said, annoyed, while Miroku just stood and watched with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Inu-ya-sha-is-a-LES-BI-AN!" Shippo said in a singsong voice.

There was a moment of silence… until Miroku cracked up and started laughing, joining the hysterical laughter from Shippo. "Inuyasha… a lesbo… AHAHAHAAHAHA. Good one, yo!" Miroku said as he raised his hand for Shippo to give him a high five. Then the doorbell rang again. Inuyasha stomped away to open the door, leaving the two maniacs laughing on the floor. He swung the door open again and growled. "What do you want?"

"What's up with you, Inu?"

"Oh… Akashi. Hey… WHAT FREAKING TOOK YOU SO LONG?" Inuyasha yelled.

"Traffic." She said simply, also brushing by Inuyasha and into her house. "Now, where's my little angelic baby?" Akashi said in a cute baby voice.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. A pretty devilish lil' angelic baby, if you ask me… and a dumb one too… he snickered at his own little joke.

"Hey Miroku." Akashi said to the drooling dude who was making google eyes at her. Awwwwnn. Look at my Shippo. Did you have fun with these two big boys?" she said to her son Shippo, who was now in Akashi's arms.

"Mnn." Was the muffled reply.

"Pardon?" Akashi asked.


"Oh… Inuyasha… Miroku… other room… right now…" Akashi said as she put her son onto the ground with a smile plastered on her face.

"Uhm… ok…" The two boys looked at each other helplessly and followed Akashi into the kitchen.

"So, Akashi, what's shakin'?" Miroku said timidly.

"Your son's a pain in the ass."

Akashi and Miroku both turned to Inuyasha. Akashi stared and Miroku glared. (HAHA THAT RHYMES!...sorri…) "Why would you say that, Inu? What did Shippo do?" the mother asked with confusion in her voice.

"He doesn't know what five minus two is."

(Sweat drops are seen from Miroku and Akashi.)

"Wait… five minus two? Yes he does! I taught him that yesterday!" Akashi declared.

Inuyasha smirked. "Oh yea? Well I guess he forgot it 'cause I've been trying to teach him the answer for the last… five freakin hours." He said, checking his watch. "No… wait… four hours and… no… five hours and four minutes!" he said triumphantly. Miroku snickered again.

"Alright, fine. I'll prove it to you then. Shippo, honey, would you come here for a moment?" Akashi called out.

Shippo appeared in the kitchen a moment later with a what did I do look on his face. "You're not in trouble, sweetie, we just wanted to ask you a math question. What's five subtracted by two?" Akashi said slowly.

Shippo looked up at his mom and didn't speak.

"Keh. Told ya so! He doesn't know!" (WOWOWOW! THAT rhymed TOO! I'm so TALENTED! Lol…I'm joking…)










Inuyasha opened his mouth to say another dumb comeback… then closed it. He turned to look at Akashi. She had a smug look on her face. Then he turned to Miroku. He had a dazed look on his face. Inuyasha followed Miroku's gaze and found… "MY GOD, MIROKU. GET A ROOM WITH HER, MAN!"


"We're here!" Mrs. Higurashi exclaimed.

"YAY!" Souta shouted.

"Whoo hoo…" Kagome said with no enthusiasm.

The three Higurashis got out of their car and gawked at their new house- no… MANSION.

"Whoa…" Kagome and Souta said with disbelief.

"Sweet! C'mon sis, let's go check out this place!" Souta said excitedly as he ran to the front door.

"Right behind you, Souta!" Kagome shouted. She forgot all about her I'm sulkingso don't bother me mood and ran after his brother. This is amazing…

As they reached the front door, they saw their real estate agent. "Hi, Rin!" Kagome said with a smile. "Can we have a look inside?" she asked.

Rin smiled. "Sure. Here's the key." She said, handing it over to Kagome.

"Thanks!" Kagome and Souta said together. Kagome quickly unlocked the door and stepped into the house… no… our house. She thought. She stood beside her brother and the two of them looked around. Wow…

Then suddenly something struck Kagome's mind. Wait a minute… how on earth were we able to pull this off? I thought we were having money problems…

"WHOA! KAG, COME UP STAIRS AND TAKE A LOOK! THERE'S LIKE FIFTY BEDROOMS!" Souta's voice sounded distant and echoed for a few seconds.

"Um… nah. You go ahead. I'm going to go see what mom's up to." Kagome called up.

"Aw, c'monnnn!"

"Later, Souta, I promise." Kagome said as she walked out of their new MANSION. How did we afford this place. I've got to ask mom. She walked out onto their drive way to find her mom still in a conversation with Rin. Kagome sighed. "I guess I'll have to ask her some other time…" Kagome was just about to head back inside when her mother called to her.

"Come here for a moment." Mrs. Higurashi said. Kagome walked over.

"Hey Kagome, so… what do you think?" Rin asked her with a smile.

"It's great, Rin, thank you." Kagome said with a grin.

Rin beamed. "Really? I'm glad! I think this is the first time I've seen you so happy about a new home!"

"Heh! Yea, but this place is perfect." Kagome said genuinely.

Rin gave a great big smile. "Well, I'm going to go get the Taisho family here so we can all have a chat, does that sound alright with you?" she asked Mrs. Higurashi.

"Yes, yes! That would be wonderful! Thank you so much, darling." Kagome's mom said cheerfully.

Rin gave a nod. "Well, see you guys later, then!" She got into her small Smart car and drove off.

As soon as Rin was gone, Kagome's mom bombarded her with questions.

"Oh, hon, do you really like it here? I'm so happy! Did you take a look at the bedrooms? They are so fabulous! And the washrooms! I don't think I can bare dumping my body's waste in those gorgeous toilets! Oh! The basement! There's a ping pong table, a basketball net, even an archery set! Did you see? You should go see! I know you'll just love it. Do you want to go right now? I'll take you!"

"Um. Maybe later mom. I've got to ask you something." Kagome said causiously.

"Oh. Okay sure Kag. What is it?"

Kagome took a deep breath. "Mom… where did you get all the money to afford this house?


"Hahaha! So, Inu, did you have fun babysitting that kid?" Miroku asked as they walked out of Akashi's house/mansion.

Inuyasha growled. "Go to hell, Miroku. That Shippo kid is evil. He scares me almost as much as Michael Jackson." He said with a shudder.

Miroku laughed some more. Man, my life is interesting. He thought. "That's great, man. See you later." He climbed into his Nissan Skyline and sped away.

"Hopefully not anytime soon…" Inuyasha muttered as he got into his Bugatti Veyron.


"Ah! Inuyasha, there you are. We were about to send some police officers out to find you." Mr. Taisho joked.

"Well, I'm back now." Inuyasha stated as he got out of his car.

"Don't bother locking it. Our whole family must go somewhere right away. I know you don't like sitting in our van, so you can drive your Bugatti and follow us." Inuyasha's dad said.

"Where are we going? Why do I have to go too?" Inuyasha asked huffily.

"Because we said so. And because if you don't, you wont be going to any parties this month. Now get back in your car, Inuyasha, dear. We're late!" Mrs. Taisho walked beside her husband.

"But how about Sesshomaru? Isn't he part of this family too?" Inuyasha asked stubbornly.

"Honey, Sesshomaru is on a business trip, you know that. Now stop complaining and get in the car. Ah! There, see? Your little sister is coming too! Now hurry up! Rin's waiting for us!" Mrs. Taisho said fussily.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Fine, mom." He got back into his car and waited for Katrina (Inuyasha's little sister), and his parents to get into their big, fat, ugly van and followed the car out of the driveway. This had better be something good…



"They're here, they're here!" Souta shouted as he ran to get the door. Mrs. Higurashi joined him and opened the door.

"Come in, come in, everyone!" Mrs. Higurashi greeted with a smile.

"Evra, its great to see you again!" Mrs. Taisho said as she shook Mrs. Higurashi's hand.

"Oh no, the pleasure's all mine!" Evra replied. Then she turned to Rin. "Rin, thank you so much for bringing them here."

"No problem!" she said happily.

"Evra, I'd like you to meet my family. You've already met my husband, this my son Inuyasha, and my daughter Katrina. Sesshomaru, my other son, was unable to be here tonight." Mrs. Taisho informed Mrs. Higurashi.

"Oh, that's a shame. I wanted to meet everyone! But that's okay, I'll see him some other time! Nice to meet all of you, though!" Mrs. Higurashi smiled at Inuyasha and Katrina. "How old are you two?" she asked kindly.

"I'm seven and a half!" Katrina piped up.

"Hey, so am I!" Souta jumped out from behind a wall. He'd been hiding because he wanted to have a peek at his guests.

"Hehe!" Katrina said shyly.

"Hey, do you like video games? I'm playing this really cool game. Wanna come see?" Souta asked excitedly.

Katrina looked up at her mom and dad. They nodded. "Okay." Katrina answered. The two new friends skipped up the stairs.

The adults laughed. "And how about you?" Evra asked Inuyasha.

"Huh? Oh. Um… I'm seventeen." Inuyasha replied.

"Wow, isn't this a coincidence! My daughter will be turning seventeen next month!" Mrs. Higurashi stated.

"That's great! Inuyasha can show your daughter around school then!" Mr. Taisho said with a booming voice. Inuyasha groaned softly so his parents wouldn't hear. Oh great…

"That would be fantastic! And speaking of my daughter… I don't know where she's gotten!" Mrs. Higurashi shook her head. "Oh well, I'll introduce you guys to her as soon as we find her."

The group moved into the living room. "You guys sit tight on the couch for a moment. I've made us some of my famous pie! I'll be right back." Evra said as she went into the kitchen.

"I've gotta go to the washroom." Inuyasha told his parents. "I'll be back in a second." He got up from the couch and walked out of the living room to look for a washroom. He was looking inside one room when someone bumped into him, causing him to tumble into the room… which turned out to be a closet… "Ah!" he screamed.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" a voice said. "Are you alright?" A hand reached in the closet and pulled Inuyasha out of the closet.

"Wench!" Inuyasha growled. "What the hell did you do that for?" he glared at the girl who had bumped into him.

Kagome's eyes turned from a worried look into a disgusted look. "Well, so-rry, Mr., but how was I suppose to know some perverted guy was going to come and look in one of my closets?"

"Btch." Inuyasha spat out.

Kagome clenched her fists. "Bastard!" then she kicked Inuyasha in his… most sensitive area… "Ow…." Inuyasha squeaked as he slid down the wall.

"Hmph! That'll teach you! Talking to me like that! Huh!"

Footsteps were heard as Inuyasha's mom, dad, and Kagome's mom appeared.

"Oh… I see you two have met…" Mrs. Higurashi said quietly.

WHOOOO! DONE! I think this ish the longest chap I've done so far. But hey, it's the first chap, it's gotta be interesting! Hehe. Hope you guyz liked it! REVIEW n tell me wut u thot of it! XP heh. Alright. Posting time!