Title: Mixed Feelings

Chapter 1: The School's Babe Magnet

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. I just own the plot.

"So like I was saying he is such a total hotty! Gawd imagine how muscular he is! I'd kill in order to get him to be my boyfriend!" Risa said looking at a picture with her friends.

"Who's a total hotty?" Riku asked. She grabbed the picture that Risa was holding and looked at it. "Hiwatari?" Riku looked at her sister as if she was insane.

"Well I can't help it. You know how he's so athletic, funny, cute, hot-"

"How come you never told me? Huh, sis?" Riku asked all upset.

"Well for your information I wasn't able to talk to you since like forever! I mean your schedule is like jammed packed! We can't even spend some time alone talking like before," Risa spat.

"I'm sorry…it's just that I have like practice for sports…you know….and I have piano lessons…" Riku said. Mr. Kinoto walked in and everyone went to there seat. Risa tapped Riku on the shoulder. Riku turned around.

"Pssst! May I borrow a pen?" Risa asked. Riku frowned and gave her a pen.

"Good morning everyone, hope you had a great weekend," Mr. Kinoto said happily. "We'll get the class started after I take the attendance. Crystal Adeline is here...The Harada twins are here…uhh Jess Heraclites…is absent….Satoshi Hiwatari?" Mr. Kinoto looked up to see if Satoshi was there. He was about to mark him absent when the door flew open. There stood a blue haired guy with his arms folded in a slick way.

"Here…" He said softly. Riku looked at Satoshi raising an eyebrow. Satoshi walked slowly to his seat and noticed that Riku was staring at him. He stopped, looked at Riku and winked at her. Riku blushed red when Satoshi sat down on his seat.

"Well anyways…since Mr. Hiwatari is here and late…is Chitseru Miru here?" Mr. Kinoto looked up and saw Chitseru raising his hand. "Okay…then…is Daisuke Niwa here?" Suddenly the door swung open again and there stood Daisuke panting.

"Wait! Don't mark me absent! I'm here! Sorry I missed the bus again…" Daisuke said trying to catch his breath.

"Well it seems Mr. Hiwatari wasn't the only one tardy today…" Mr. Kinoto said staring at Daisuke. Daisuke walked to his seat quietly and sighed. Riku was looking at Daisuke while Risa was giggling at him. "Okay class just wait up…I have to give this to the office. Open your English book to page 114 and take notes." Mr. Kinoto left the room and everyone just began talking except for Riku. Riku was about to write on her notebook when a folded piece of paper was thrown at her from the back. She opened it and it read:

Hey Riku! Your stupid pen ran out of INK! This is my first time using it too after you let me borrow it.

Riku frowned and decided to write back. She then threw it behind her back and started to read page 114. Risa got the paper and opened it up and it read:

Look…I don't care! Why don't you go ask for one from Niwa or somebody! And Gawd! Do you're freaking work! You'll get in trouble if you don't! stupid…

Risa pouted. She got out of her seat and went over to Daisuke's desk. She tapped him by the shoulder. Daisuke turned around and was surprised when he saw Risa standing in front of him.

"Niwa…do you have a pen or pencil I can borrow?" Risa asked sweetly. Daisuke smiled opened his bag and tossed a pen at Risa.

"I'm going to be need my pen back Ms. Harada for health class," Daisuke said. He took one glance at Risa and then turned back to talk to his friends. Risa skipped merrily back to her seat. She took the folded up piece of paper and wrote on it. She tossed it to Riku. Riku opened it and it read:

Guess whose pen I have? Niwa's! Isn't it cool?He is soo nice! Do you know that he has this SUPER crush on me? He asked me to go out and see a movie with him. But I was like no sorry I have to do something for Mr. Kinoto. Anyways my eyes are only for one guy and it's SATOSHI HIWATARI! 3 .

Riku grunted and wrote back to Risa. She threw it at Risa. Risa opened it and it read:

So that's why Daisuke was low that day…it was your fault…why did you have to do that to Daisuke. Look sis, you have to know something. I sort of like Daisuke Niwa. Sorry about arguing with you that day. It's just because I thought you also liked him….

"Aww! That's so cute!" Risa said to Riku. "Since when?" Riku stood up and faced Risa.

"Since he asked you out….Now SHUSH up!" Riku yelled. Mr. Kinoto walked in the room finding Riku the only one talking and not doing her work.

"Ms. Harada, I've explicitly told you the instruction and I found you not doing your work? I'd expected better from you. I'll have to speak with you after class," Mr. Kinoto said. Riku flushed all red and sat down. "Okay class there is some of you that needs to do your test since some of you didn't finish and you were absent. So Mr. Hiwatari, Mr. Niwa, Mr. Saehara, Ms. Adeline, and Mr. Miru, if you would please grab your test on my desk. Then you guys will have to go to the backroom and to take it. As for the rest of you…keep reading page 114. Remember take lots of notes!" Mr. Kinoto said.

Riku turned around to Risa and glared at her. She grabbed the paper with all their notes on them. She scribbled something on it and tossed it behind her and missed Risa's desk. Risa didn't notice it fall because she was reading. The bell rang and every one got their things and went out of the English class. Daisuke was always the last one out of the room. He handed the test to Mr. Kinoto and went to his desk to get his things. He then noticed a folded piece of paper on the ground. He walked towards it and grabbed it. He opened it and read everything. He grinned and walked out of the class. He saw his two best friends, Takeshi Saehara and Satoshi Hiwatari.

"Hey Hiwatari! Saehara! Wait up!" Daisuke said. Takeshi and Satoshi turned around and saw Daisuke running towards them.

"What's up Niwa?" Takeshi asked.

"Guess what I found?" Daisuke said holding up the folded up piece of paper.

"A messed up paper?" Takeshi said. Daisuke looked at Takeshi and raised an eyebrow. Satoshi snatched the paper and read it quickly. He grinned and looked at Daisuke.

"The two Harada twins…each has a crush on you and I," Satoshi said. Daisuke turned red.

"Risa has a crush on ME?" Daisuke asked.

"Not Risa. Riku you dumb butt," Satoshi said.

"Oh…man! Why couldn't it have been Risa!" Daisuke sighed.

"You're such a blind rat you fool. Riku is the hot one. I mean she's athletic and I bet you underneath those clothes of her she has this sweet figure," Satoshi said.

"Yeah…Satoshi is right. One time…I was suppose to give something to Mrs. Jockii the girl's gym teacher and her office is by the girl's gym locker. The gym door was open and Riku happened to be near the door. I saw the whole thing!" Takeshi said.

"You perverted freak. That's really too bad that you didn't have a video camera. I would have paid 30,000 yens for a copy," Satoshi said softly. Daisuke hit both Takeshi and Satoshi in the back of their heads.

"Now guys that's not how we mature men act," Daisuke said and winked as two girls walked pass them.

"Hi Niwa," One of the girls said and giggled when they turned.

"He's at it again…" Takeshi said to Satoshi.

"Impressing any girl that passes him…" Satoshi replied.

"Well it isn't my fault all the ladies in this school has the hotts for me. It' a shame that the both of you aren't gifted with the looks like me," Daisuke said stroking his hair back and forth.

"Who says that all of them has the hotts for you?" Takeshi asked making a fist.

"Yeah. We all know I'm the one who makes any girl fall in love with me," Satoshi said smirking at the both of them.

"As if….we'll see about that. Let's make a bet. You…make Riku fall in love with you and I'll do my magic with Risa. I mean we know that you really adore Riku but we also know that she likes another which is me. I on the other hand absolutely have feelings for Risa but we found out that she's the one who's been sending you all those love letters in your locker. Whoever makes their girl fall in love with them wins the title of being the school's babe magnet. We got a deal Hiwatari?" Daisuke asked holding out his hand.

"I wouldn't let down a deal like that," Satoshi said as he shook Daisuke's hand as tight as he could.

"I'll be the referee!" Takeshi called out to them.

"Whatever…well guys we should get to health class before the bell rings and besides…the Harada's are waiting for their Prince Charming," Satoshi said smoothly. They all walked together to their class saying hi to any girl that passes them. Suddenly the bell rang.

"Oh great! Look we're late now!" Daisuke said.

"It wasn't our fault that we had to wait for you just because this girl wanted your number," Takeshi said.

"Well it's not my fault that she couldn't resist me," Daisuke said.

"Shush up we're almost here," Satoshi said. Takeshi opened the door. Everyone was sitting down patiently looking at the three of them.

"Ms. Mariaki! We are extremely sorry for being late. Please forgive us for we did not mean it. We really favor your class that much!" Takeshi chirped. Ms. Mariaki stared at them. Satoshi stepped forward and tossed a rose and a note.

"What's this?" Ms. Mariaki asked looking at the rose and then Satoshi.

"It's a late pass for the three of us. I got it from Mr. Kinoto. But the rose of course is from me," Satoshi said as he walked toward his desk. Ms. Mariaki blushed and let their tardiness go.

"Thank you again Satoshi for this lovely rose. Now class we're going to do this project and you will need a partner that's the opposite sex. This is based on how to be a parent. Each group will be given a toy baby and you'll have to take care of it like a real parent. Now then go find your spouse!" Ms. Mariaki said as she stared at the rose on her desk.

"This is our chance Hiwatari," Daisuke said. Satoshi looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Didn't you hear Ms. Mariaki? The opposite sex!" Satoshi blurted out. Daisuke hit Satoshi on the head.

"There's Riku. Now go before any rotten guy gets her," Daisuke said. Satoshi walked up to Riku while rubbing his head. Daisuke mean while walked toward Risa. "May the best man win."

"Hey Riku…" Satoshi said softly.

"Oh hey Satoshi," Riku said.

"So…uh if you don't have a partner…do you want to be mine….I mean want to be my partner?" Satoshi said.

"Well…actually…" Riku started. She looked behind Satoshi and saw Daisuke by Risa. She fumed. "I don't have a partner yet and I'd be happy to be your partner." Satoshi grinned.

Yeah okay this chapter ends here. This is my first DN Angel fic. When I first saw the ad for the manga book I immediately got the book. I've read the books and it was awesome. Please review! Thanks a lot! Be here for the next chapter! COMING SOON AFTER GEPA TESTING!

-Kouga's One and Only-