Disclaimer: all Dynasty Warriors/3 kingdoms games are own by Koei. I own my fanfic.

Kingdom Under Fire- Crimson Tide

Chapter 1: The bells of war

At the Yangtze River…

Zhao Yun spends the entire 2-day sail to Jing on a pirate ship. Especially it's not the quietest transportation service.

"Ocean men, here we swarm throughout the sea! Seeking adventures where no one has gone before!" Mysterious Pirate navigator sang.

Is this the right decision to sail at Jing? With this ruckus singing so loud, but what's more is he's wearing a necklace with jiggle bells that compose with the rhyme of his lyrics.

"Groan…." Zhao Yun groaned. Could this guy be anymore louder than his bells?

"Aye! Cap'n, we're almost at the port of Jiang Ling!" one pirate said.

When Zhao Yun hears this, it completely wakes him up. The whole day he tries to get some quiet rest while the navigator can't stop being so loud. He looks around the view of Jing province, a state of riverbanks with boats trafficking here and there. This could be where Liu Bei moves the refugees with his friends along with him. Now it's time to prepare for the leave. His horse is on the ship.

"Hey soldier! Glad you're up, how about singing with me before you leave?" Pirate Navigator asked.

"Uh..no thanks. Anyway, thanks for dropping me off here. By the way, do you know anyone by the name Lord Taishi Ci?" Zhao Yun asked.

"Taishi Ci, hmm. It rings the bell. You mention one of Wu's generals and I'm also from Wu, but I disguise myself as a pirate for spy operations. Call me Gan Ning of the Bells!" Gan Ning said.

"So, you know Ci. Give him my regards then. By the way, I'm Zhao Yun," Zhao Yun said. The ship stops at the harbor and the crewmates begin to deck the platform.

"That's a nice horse there. Where did you get it?" Gan Ning questioned. Before Zhao Yun is about to ride across the street off the deck, he turns at Gan Ning who is very thrilled of his qualities.

"From the man who once known as the white horse general of the north," Zhao Yun replied. He then turns back and mount on his journey to Xin Ye.

It's been almost 2 years before he decided to join Liu Bei. The rest of the months were training at Yue Ling before leaving to Jing. Zhao Yun looks around the town in Jiang Ling. Merchants are marketing their goods where customers try to see things in which are interesting to them on buying the product. Also, the saloon gathers attention to few folks showing a dance performance with concubines satisfying the men of this town.

"Hm, the people around here sure enjoy themselves with sensational. They never experience the pain I encountered in my own former home…" Zhao Yun thought.

While Gan Ning is still stationed at the port, he thinks about the warrior on the white horse. No way could that warrior be suited for a sissy ruler like Liu Biao or an ass who Gan Ning also served and degraded his fellow pirate mates Huang Zu. What could this man possible be of service to? Gan Ning shook his head slowly, he glad he's no longer being worked for those two and now joined Sun family Wu kingdom.

Later at Xu Chang…

Xu Chang is one of the largest cities; its imperial council is where the young emperor Liu Xian is. Two other cities that connect with Xu Chang, Chen Lin, and Qiao are all based on Cao Cao's home vassal with the core of the three cities as the Cao family growing power.

Inside the castle…

Xu Chang castle is very quiet. The guards are most elitist and train in perfection. After winning the showdown at Guan Du by a miracle and with the defection of Xu You, Cao Cao continues on to capture the rest of the north. However, victory cost him the death of his greatest friend Guo Jia. Guo Jia's prophecy of Cao Cao becoming the most powerful ruler of the land has come to fruition. Cao Cao wishes him a long rest in peace with his spirit now in the presence of Cao Cao's mind.

"Your eminence, the emperor would like to see you," Xun Yu said. Xun Yu is one of Cao Cao's advisors and a former servant of Han court during its last days.

"Again…." Cao Cao assumed. Xun Yu can only nod with sweatdrops. Cao Cao had enough of the runt, although he did used the emperor in order to continue expanding his demand. Being titled as Prime Minister is now becoming a royal pain. He gets of the imperial court and walks towards the hall with Xun Yu following his lord.

"Cousin…" Xiahou Dun shows up and follows him. Cao Cao nodded at his right hand man. As they continue on, Cao Hong appears and follows them, then Cao Ren, and Xiahou Yuan.

"This is the last time I'm going to hear him whining about where his Uncle at," Cao Cao thought. He takes a small breath and continues walking to the emperor's door room.

Near the door to Emperor Xian…

"Prime minister…" Cheng Yu said. He is another of Cao Cao's strategists. Cao Cao nodded in greet and ready to open the door quietly leaving his servants all standing behind him.

"Your highness, I'm here as you request. Is there something you want to ask me about?" Cao Cao said.

The young emperor looked at Cao Cao puzzled. As feared as the Prime Minister looks, the Emperor worries of his motivation besides still serving under him. Liu Xian knew there is no other way out, but try not to piss his own Prime Minister off.

"I have just one question for you. Has the world change?" the Emperor questioned. This question hit Cao Cao with shocked facial. What could the Emperor have in mind?

"Sigh…no your eminence. What do you have in mind?" Cao Cao asked.

"I think you've done enough to show me what power is like to control the government. If that's what all this land is about, then I couldn't have asked someone else to be Prime Minister," The Emperor said.

"Ah, I see," Cao Cao said. "Is there anything else you want to say to me about?"

"No, I think that's all for now Prime Minister Cao," the Emperor said.

Cao Cao leaves the room and closes the door. His party is looking at him with serious faces. Whatever happens, they worry about their prime minister's lack of needing anger management.

"He only ask me about changing the world nothing more or less,' Cao Cao sighed.

"Well, there's something funny going on with him telling you that," Xiahou Dun said.

"Who knows, the emperor is getting tired with his position. Lord Cao Cao, now its time you should take advantage of this," Xun Yu demanded.

"No, that will bait me out," Cao Cao said as he begin to walk out of the hall back to the court. "Prepare for the audience."

Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun, Xun Yu, Cao Hong, Cao Ren, Cheng Yu, and Xiahou Yuan walked together in ranks across the hall moving along to the court. Yue Jin and Yu Jin show up to follow them.

Outside the court…

The audience has been gathered. There are Xu Zhu, Xu Huang, Man Chong, Zhang Liao, Han Hao, Xun You, Jia Xu, and a few other talents at Cao Cao's service. Today is going to be a special announcement.

"Oh, heh, I forgot one officer short. Be right back," Cao Cao said. He left the court to find one precious person who his son found during the campaign north. While walking through the hall, he sees his son standing behind the walls with his arms crossed.

"Cao Pi, did you see your mysterious fiancée around here?" Cao Cao asked.

"Why father? Take another exclusive look at her legs? Hahaha! You had all the other ladies crowded at you. This one never tried to do the same thing with me. She's out the back feeding birds…" Cao Pi said. It's amusing to him, but still his fiancée put an enlighten strip tease around the Cao perverts.

"I see, then go help me prepare my audience and I'll be there with your fiancée when she's finish with the flock," Cao Cao said. His son walks off distinguish with a mix of his father's mean look. Cao Cao heads out the back.

Zhen Ji enjoys herself feeding the birds. Her lifetime with the Cao family is put to challenge. When Cao Pi's unit found her wandering around the central plains, she thought about joining up with Cao Cao as a strategist, but soon as they found out she was Yuan Xi's wife, Cao Pi quickly took this opportunity by having her for himself as his fiancée. She doesn't have any other choice to resist. This is her destiny. During the entire months living in the palace at Xu Chang, she thinks about Zhao Yun.

"Ahem, Lady Zhen, I ask for you to join the audience with me on my special announcement. Today, you'll be assigning as one of my officers. You wanted this right?" Cao Cao said.

She stops what she doing and stood up to face the Prime Minister. She had been a convenience woman to everyone around the imperial court. If it wasn't for her beauty, then none of the officers with Cao Cao could ever take her talents serious because she's just a woman.

"I am ready now," Zhen Ji said.

"Very well, our audience draws outside the court. Better hurry, before Cao Pi takes my spotlight," Cao Cao said. And they both walk out of the backyard to the hall. What is this special announcement Cao Cao revealing?

At the palace outside...

"And I will soon be the succession to my father's establishing kingdom," Cao Pi announced. Xun Yu cough up in disagreeing this turn of events, but what really bothers him is that the special announcement has not become clear yet. A sound of footsteps can be heard coming from the front of the court hall. Cao Cao and Zhen Ji arrive on time to start the audience.

"Enjoying your short speech, my son?" Cao Cao mocked.

"Its all fun, father. I'm still learning from the progress in politics," Cao Pi said.

Zhen Ji clears her throat and look down on the floor of herself a little. She's a bit uncomfortable when Cao Pi's arrogance gets the best of himself. Gosh, this is her fiancé with a higher percentage of charisma even his father rivals it. Cao Pi slowly turns at Zhen Ji with a small grin and nod at her. Zhen Ji didn't notice it while she's still looking down the ground waiting for her lord to say something.

"My vassals, today I hear by the announcement in this court that each and everyone of you are going to prepare for the southern campaign," Cao Cao announced.

Xiahou Dun grunt a bit to hear this news of another war coming, he hopes his dear cousin won't put heavy work force efforts on the troops as long as they store the energy to continue marching far away from their home and families.

"There are two powers whom still a torn to my side and aren't satisfy with my support for the emperor. Those two are Liu Biao of Jing and Sun Quan of Wu. We shall start with Jing and I suggust Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun are going to command two forces down the road to Bo Wang Po," Cao Cao said. Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren move up in the center of the audience and look directly at their lord. They took a bow.

"Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren, while you both prepare to head on the way; station yourselves there soon so I'll request another commanding force as back up," Cao Cao said as he continues, "Now, Xu Shu? What is the best season to invade Wu?"

Xu Shu is standing next to Zhang He and between Xiahou En. He has done nothing for Cao Cao since his mother was taken to Xu Cheng in order to force Xu Shu to work with Cao Cao as long as he isn't giving his former lord Liu Bei a chance at power.

"The season you announce your southern campaign is autumn. I advise you delay the march till next spring. From there the weather will be calm and an accomplishing invasion will succeed," Xu Shu predicted.

"I object, my lord. What in the hell are you talking? The winds being the main threat to the invasion in the south!" Xun Yu questioned.

"Stand aside, Xun Yu. I only asked for Xu Shu's opinion and it doesn't mean I agree to it. There may be a possibility to invade the South this season, however, quick and massive raid is the name of my game. We will take Jing from Liu Biao and if Xu Shu is wrong, we'll succeed capturing Wu," Cao Cao said. Cao Pi smiled devilish, no one doubts his father's astonishing leadership. He is after all the Prime Minister.

"My lord, I will like Lord Li Dian to be my vice commander," Xiahou Dun demanded. Li Dian moves next to Xiahou Dun and salute. "After all, Cao Ren will screw things up with me, so having Li Dian here can help solve internal problems with our unit. Besides, we still haven't learned from our mistakes in Ru Nan."

"Very well, I accept. Li Dian, you will also be giving a promotion, so continue gaining deeds," Cao Cao said. "Be ready to march out the gate, now that's all, dismiss"

Cao Cao's entire party leaves to prepare for the southern campaign. Zhen Ji walks back towards the hall with Cao Pi following her.

"Looks like father is about to make history again," Cao Pi said.

"Good for him, I will gladly help your father succeed…if you don't stop following me all the time.." Zhen Ji sighed.

"Hehehe, ok, but you must still admit I'm your fiancé. You're lucky, my father still in control of the houses. Sooner or later when I succeed the mandate, you will do everything I command you and I will follow you everywhere you go," Cao Pi said.

"Um, do you have any other consorts to bother with and parties to go than invading my privacy?" Zhen Ji questioned.

"Oh, I forgot, Cao Zhang wanted to spar with me, anyway, later toots" Cao Pi winked and leaves the hall to meet his brother at the barracks.

Zhen Ji picks up a sword and swings it against the cylinder wall leaving a crack there. The maidens stare at their mistress in fear. She is not in good mood.

Back in Jing….

Zhao Yun is at the middle of his journey to Xie Ye, he takes a small rest at the village near him. The mystic Zuo Ci is welcomed by the presence of the wandering warrior.

"Young man, you seek future reference that lies beyond your destiny…" Zuo Ci said.

"Speak, wise man," Zhao Yun demanded.

"In 48 hours, a large army from the north will prepare for the grand invasion on this land. But, fate rest inside you with the aid of the sleeping dragon and the flattering phoenix," Zuo Ci said.

"Hmm, that's an interesting prediction. An army from the north eh? Come to think of it, Yuan Shao lost the battle two years ago in an unexpected turn of events," Zhao Yun said.

"The army that will come also awaits you is the person you think about the most; that person will come at you, but not with the aide of the army," Zuo Ci said.

Zhao Yun eyes widen, could the person be what he knew before two years ago coming after him? Only time will tell after he leaves this village. There's 48 hours before the invasion happens so he better get back on his horse to reach Liu Bei before deadline.

"Thank you for telling the future of my path, Master Zuo," Zhao Yun said with gratitude.

"Don't mind thanking me, now go, the bells of war are ringing" Zuo Ci said.

Zhao Yun mount on his horse and rode out of the village to Xin Ye. Zhao Yun wonders who is the Sleeping Dragon and the Flattering Phoenix he'll encounter. Something says they're famous.

Two hours later…

Xin Ye is the north fort that guards Jing's northern borders. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are sparring together with Guan Ping and Liao Hua watching.

"Hiya!" Zhang Fei strikes his pike at his brother's halberd.

"Still moving like a turtle, Brother Fei," Guan Yu taunted.

They continue striking and parrying each other's attacks with Guan Yu still gaining a bit of edge in terms of speed and the blow of Zhang Fei's pike can wore out Guan Yu's durability sometimes.

Liu Bei is sitting at the imperial chair with the famous sleeping dragon, Zhuge Liang, standing next to him. They too are watching the sworn brothers sparring until it turn out rough. Liu Bei, worried of their condition if they're going to face Cao Cao no sooner when his forces prepare to invade the border.

"Ok, that's enough you two. Even if this is some sort of training, you will both end up getting hurt badly. We are to prepare ourselves in best condition against Cao Cao," Liu Bei said.

"Do not worry about my father, my lord. We all fit 100 percentin battle. Whether it's Cao Cao or some other uprising force coming through our way. We shall strike em with fearless valor in your glory," Guan Ping said.

"Thank you, Guan Ping. I will remember that, but still I care about my soldiers as they were all my brothers," Liu Bei said.

"My lord, with Liu Biao falling ill, we should ask him if it's necessary to request aid of Jing military defenses. His successor lacks the power to control it's force and I'm not sure we can ask Cai Mao the permission, he seems to be acting suspicious too," Zhuge Liang said.

"Ok, we shall go visit Liu Biao at Xiang Yang to ask for his military aid. While the rest of you prepare the troops for tomorrow," Liu Bei ordered.

Suddenly, a man races up to Liu Bei to bring him news. It's Jian Yong as he approach.

"My lord, a soldier came all the way from Jiang Ling to see you. You might know who he is by this exciting news," Jian Yong confirmed.

"Well well, he's finally here," Liu Bei said in joy.

"Who is here, my lord that I must introduce myself before him?" Zhuge Liang questioned.

"Come with me, everyone outside to meet our surprising guest," Liu Bei said.

Outside the fort…

Mi Zhu, Sun Qian, Mi Fang, Liu Feng, Hu Ban, and Fu Tu Ren are there to greet the guest. The guest is no other than Zhao Yun who finally arrived from the long trip here.

"Lord Zhao Yun, praise the heavens to have brought you here with us on your journey!" Liu Bei praised.

"It's an honor to be here with you all. Still, if Lord Gongsun Zan was still alive…" Zhao Yun said.

Everyone was silent when Yun mentioned his former lord. Zhuge Liang is still staring at Zhao Yun like there is something odd about the ronin. Liu Bei turns to see his advisor wanting an introduction to the friend.

"Oh, Zhao Yun, I will like to introduce you my strategist, Master Zhuge Liang," Liu Bei said.

As Zhao Yun sees Zhuge Liang, the word of Zuo Ci speaks true. Finally meet the Sleeping Dragon face to face. What does fate lies in the two warriors? Zhao Yun bowed the strategist and the strategist did the same.

"And here's my nephew Liu Fang, and this is Liao Hua who joined because of Guan Yu," Liu Bei said.

"You don't have to greet me, I came because Mi Fang recommend me," Fu Tu Ren said.

"I welcome you all, let's do our best to defend the people of this land," Zhao Yun said.

"Hey, you still remember something don't you?" Guan Ping asked.

"Oh, about me being your sparring partner? Sure, how abour right now, I've been traveling all this way for some warm up," Zhao Yun said.

"Hahaha, now that's more like it. Father and Zhang Fei can't have all the fun around here," Guan Ping said.

Liu Bei sighed with his hands smacking his head. Zhuge Liang sees that the strength of the forces are greatly in high spirits now that the man that his lord talked about is here, Zhuge Liang decides it's time for the battle plan he has in mind.

"My lord, the visit to Liu Biao will have to wait. I have a very good plan that will test the might and spirit of our increasing forces," Zhuge Liang said.

"Alright, Master Zhuge Liang. Zhao Yun, we'll be heading to our meeting council. Feel free to have Guan Ping guild you around the fort until then," Liu Bei said.

The officers left back inside the imperial court leaving Guan Ping and Zhao Yun outside. What sort of meeting are they planning? Battle plans, domestic affairs, or other stuff that Zhao Yun knew in 48 hours the army of the north will start it's invasion against the north. Hopefully, Lord Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang come up with good solutions to defend the coming threat.

"Come on, I'll show you where the training court at," Guan Ping said.

"Wait? Did they know?" Zhao Yun questioned.

"Know about what?" Guan Ping asked.

"An army coming from the north that will invade this province in 2 days," Zhao Yun said.

"Yeah, that's why we're going to Liu Biao for more subordinate aid with Jing military defense troops. Cao Cao army had already defeated Yuan Shao's massive forces. We could tell that Cao Cao now has the power to command over…a million vassals," Guan Ping said.

"A Million…so you guys were already prepared to meet this threat…" Zhao Yun said.

"That is also another problem. The prefect Liu Biao suffer illness and to give us a chance to support the Jing forces, we'll have to convince him to have our Lord command his Navy. Liu Biao's successor, Liu Yong knows nothing of politics and naval command. But, his uncle Cai Mao with the help of his older sister, they're manipulating the power that Liu Biao commands leaving us a little hope to get support," Guan Ping said.

"And I expect another bastard that runs the land in chaos again," Zhao Yun said with his eyes rolled.

"It'll be taking care of at the council. Let me show you around the training court," Guan Ping said with a grin.

"Hm…" Zhao Yun nodded.

Back in Xu Chang…

"Cousin, the troops are ready," Xiahou Dun said.

"Starting with 75,000 each, we should calculate the terrain on the way to Bo Wang," Li Dian said.

"Jing is like our land only with woods and river basins covering the land," Cao Ren said.

"Very well, I'm counting on you three for the first wave of invading Jing. Yu Jin and Yue Jin will be reinforcing at Wan. Gentlemen, this is the moment we've been waiting for, Total Conquest! Now, march!" Cao Cao ordered.

Cao Cao prepares his entire forces for the southern campaign with five of his trusted generals leading the first wave of invasion. Total Conquest, does it always lead to victory?

In the training court at Xin Ye…

Zhao Yun is determinate to meet this threat with the defending forces of Liu Bei and the intelligent of Zhuge Liang. Only problem now is that time draws near for Liu Biao's life. Is there a way to bring aide for the Jing army with Cai family influence in Xiang Yang? Zhao Yun's destiny starts here with Cao Cao's ambition being objective of events.

Authors Notes: Ok, that was slooooow. It took me forever to have this sequel detailed from the subject of the story to its main idea. What bothers me is I decided to write people like Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang as just…human, unlike the novel they were overuse like gods. O.o Geez, hell even Zhao Yun, my favorite character in the novel was portrayed more underrated due to the rank of his military status nor his reknown for heroic deeds in his youth days. Ok, that's why Fanfiction is here. :rolleyes: There will be some humor, but right now its all drama in this first chapter. Zhao Yun x Zhen Ji pairing is still here! I have plans of the two that will remind Dynasty Warriors like Gundam…editing will be harder this time.