DISCALIMER: I own nothing. Nada. Not The Teen Titans, not Batman. None of it's mine except the story line, and I'm not making any money from this, it's all for fun...(I think that's everything...).
SUMMARY: When an old enemy of Robin's comes to town, so does Batman. The Titans learn of Robin's past, and much more... but what about his future?
NOTE: This is it. The last chapter .It's been fun! thanks to everyone who reviewed this story! (" ,). Onwards!
Robin had awakened a few hours ago. After giving him a check over and allowing the Titans to see him for a while, Batman had decided it was best to let Robin rest.
"Dude!" Beastboy protested. "He's been sleeping for a week, I think he's rested enough!" Following this statement, Cyborg had placed an arm around Beastboys neck and dragged him out of the room. Raven and Starfire had left more peacefully, laeving Batman alone with him.
Batman turned to face Robin. "Two-Face is in prison." He said. Robin nodded. They stayed silent for a few minuets. "I'm glad you're OK." Batman said.
"Thanks." Robin said, smiling. "I am too."
Batman nodded. "Well. I, erm...I should let you get some rest." He said, turning to leave.
Robin watched him leave, and smiled. Batman had never really been one for sloppy, happy scenes. Robin closed his eyes and sighed. Emotion really wasn't Batman's thing. Maybe that's why he got on so well with Raven?
"Robin!" Starfire exclaimed, running over to his bed and hugging him tightly.
"Ah, Star! Star!" Robin said. He was glad to see them, but she was squeezing him a little too tightly making his side hurt.
"I shall sing the Tameranian song of Joy!" Starfire exclaimed, releasing him. "All two-hundred versus! For both our friends are well, and have returned to us!"
"That really won't be necessary, Star." Raven said. She turned and smiled a little at Robin.
Robin shot her a relieved look. He'd barely escaped a spoonfull of 'Pudding of Happiness', he didn't think he could stand one of her Tameranian folk songs. "Yeah," He said, facing Starfire. "The hug was enough."
She smiled at him and blushed a little. "I truely believe I have never been so happy!" She said, looking at Raven. "Do you agree Friend Raven? Robin?" She looked at him. Robin nodded.
"Erm, yeah." Raven said. "Ditto."
Starfire clasped her hands infront of her. "I shall prepare The Feast of Turnick!" She said, leaving the room in a hurry.
"The feast of what now?" Robin asked, looking up at Raven.
Raven shrugged. "I don't wanna know." She said, looking at where Starfire had just been standing. She turned back to face Robin. "So how are you?" She asked. "I mean really."
"I'm OK." He said, "My side's a little sore, but, y'know." He shrugged. "You?" He asked.
She nodded. "I'm fine." She said. She was. After Robin had woken up, she'd spent the best part of ten minuets blowing up lightbulbs and such like on her way to tell the others. She then gone to her room to meditate and get her emotions under control. "It's been an interesting week." She said.
Robin smiled a little. "Yeah." He said. He turned to face her again. "I'm...I'm sorry I tried to kill you." He said, still smiling a little.
"It wasn't really you." She said, "Well, it was, but you know what I mean."
He laughed. "Yeah. I'm sorry anyway."
She nodded. "No point beating yourself up over it." She just realised what she'd said. "No pun intended." He smiled at her, then closed his eyes and sighed. "I'll let yo get some rest." She said. "And try and find out what this feast thing is." She said. "I'll see you later."
"Bye, Raven." He said. "And thanks." He opened his eyes and looked at her. "Thank." He said again.
She nodded and left.
"Feast of what now?" Cyborg asked, looking at Starfire as she whizzed about the kitchen.
"The Feast of Turnick!" She said, stopping what she was doing and staring at him and Beastboy.
"Erm," Beastboy said, looking confussed. "What Cy said."
"Turnick!" Starfire said again, as if saying it more would suddenly help them realise what it was. "On my planet, Turnick is the end of a long journey, be it physical, or emotion,"She explained. "When the journy is over, a feast is eaten by all!" She said happily, continuing her task of rummaging through the refridgerator.
"O...Kay." Cyborg said, turning back to the GameStation.
"Yeah." Beastboy said, slumping down in the seat next to Cyborg. "If it's anything like the Pudding of Happiness, it should be great." He said sarcastically.
Raven entered the room and sat down next to Beastboy. "The Feast of Turnick?" She asked, looking at Starfire.
The two nodded, although neither looked away from the game they were in the middle of playing. "How is he?" Cyborg asked.
"OK." Raven said, turnign away from Starfire to look at the screen. "I mean, he seems OK."
Cyborg and Beastboy just grunted. Yep, she thought, things getting back to normal.
Batman left two days later. It had taken Robin a while to convince him that he was OK, but eventually he'd admitted that he should go back to Gotham. The Titans watched as the two shared a seemingly emotionless good bye.
"He is not sad to be leaving Robin?" Starfire asked Raven, turning to face her.
Raven looked at her. "I think he is." She said, "It's just the way they are." She said, "They don't get all happy and sad." She explained. "At least not infront of each other."
"So then The Batman is sad to be leaving?" She asked. Raven nodded. "Oh." Starfire said, turning back to face Robin and Batman.
Batman placed a hand on Robin's shoulder and said something, though they couldn't hear what. They were sitting on the sofa 'watching TV', while Robin and Batman stood at the door. In truth, they were all staring at the two. Batman turned to face them and walked over. "It was good to meet you all at last." He said, looking at each of them in turn. "I only hope that, next time we meet, it's under better circumstances." He looked at Starfire. "And thank you for that, erm, pudding." He said. "It was very...very interesting."
"You are most welcome, Friend Batman." She said, smiling at him.
Batman nodded at her. "Well." He said, looking at the other Titans. "Take care." He said, turning to leave. He stoped as he passed Robin, saying a few more words, before leaving.
"Oh my God!" Beastboy said, turning back to face the TV. "I just spent a week with Batman! How sweet is that!" He said, looking at Cyborg. Cyborg grunted - He was playing on the GameStation again. Beastboy turned to face Raven - She was reading. Starfire - she was just smiling, watching Cyborg play. "Nobody else agree?" He asked, sounding a little hurt. They didn't answer him. "Nobody?"
Robin walked over to the sofa and sat down.
"Yo, man," Cyborg said. "Quite jabberin' and give Robin the controller." He said, looking at Beastboy. "I'm tired of kciking your ass."
"Hey!" Beastboy protested, handing the controller over. "You didn't 'kick my ass'.!"
Cyborg scoffed, Starfire laughed a little. "Whatever, BB." Raven said, not looking up from her book.
Robin took the conroller. "So what we playing?" He asked.
"Don't matter." Said Cyborg. "'Cos 'm gonna win anyway."
"Oh yeah?" Robin asked, sitting forwards a little. "I doubt that!"
I know, I know. But I couldn't think how to end it, so I though I'd just finnish it there. Hope you enjoyed it. It's been a blast. I'm off now to read some or YOUR fics, (I have this weird thing that I can't read a fic and write one at the same time. My brain gets muddled...). I can't decide if I should do a sequal to this. Well, not really a sequal, just a story that needs this as it's background. What do'ya think? If not, I've got another idea, anywayz.
Well, thats it for this story. Till next time!
Lataz, JayBird0009