Hello! This is my 2nd fan fiction. It's a Sess/Kag one! Yea for Sesshomaru! There will be lemons later on in the chapters and ummm… the hock ups will be- Sess/Kag, Mir/San, Inu? (I'm not tellin'! It's a surprise!) and maybe Shippo will have a crush. Ohh! So cute!

Don't own him so why you askin' if I did this would be happening!(maybe not)

Chapie 1

"What the hell are you doing Kagome!" Inuyasha asked frustrated. As she packed up her bag.

"Where do you think you baka! I'm going home! Are you happy now?" Kagome yelled in aggravation.

Just a little earlier, Koga dropped by to see 'his woman'. Of course being himself Inuyasha tried to kill him with Tetsusaiga. Kagome getting mad that he was being to protective yelled oswari to get him to stop. Koga then ran over to Kagome and claimed her, his own and said he'd bring Naraku's head for her. After Koga ran off with a cocky remark to Inuyasha she yelled at Inuyasha for being such a baka and on and on. Until he pissed her off enough to make her want to go home.

"Anyways I always go home on the half-crescent moon! DUH! Gosh! You're so annoying! You expect me to take your crap, then next I bet your going to tell me to stay here for your pathetic of an excuse of 'We have to find more jewel shards!' Gah! You're excuses are lamer than the blondes at school!" (No offence to blondes I just got in a fight with one) Kagome yelled even more fierce than usual.

"Inuyasha" Miroku sighed "Just let her go she needs to blow off some of that steam."

"Yes Inuyasha, let her go she really needs some real rest, and she probly has another test or something." Sango said gently, even though she wanted to rip his head off for yelling at her sister. That's how she felt and that's how it would stay.

Inuyasha growled. "Feh! Fine only for 3 days!" 'Damn how about never…' He whined in his head.

"Good! You guys want anything?... Besides ramen?"

"Oka-san, can you bring me some chocolate? OH OH OH! I know which kind, if you'll get it that is." Kagome nodded in approval "Then can I get Cookies 'n' cream Hershey's bar?"

"Sure Shippo! What about you guys, Miroku and Sango?"

"Could you get me some more rubber bands and stuff for my hair, if that's ok?" Sango asked. "Of course Sango! What about you Miroku"

When he answered Kagome and Sango stunned. "Is it ok if you just get me a Hershey bar like Shippo?" Both of the girls were expecting something hentai-ish.

"Umm…Ok Miroku…Are you feeling ok?" Kagome answered and asked. "Yes I'm sure, Kagome." "Alright if you say so. Which I'm actually glad!" Kagome smiled and leapt through the well. 'Hmm… I wonder if I changed directions I would end up in another time? No time to think stuff like that.'

When Kagome arrived at home it was a little before sunset. 'Mom's going to be happy I'm back home!' Kagome thought cheerful thoughts trying not to think about you know who.

"Mom, Sota, Gramps! I'm home!" Kagome yelled. "Why hello Kagome! What are you doing home earlier than usual?" Her mom asked in her normal cheery voice. Before Kagome could reply "HEY SIS!" She was knocked over by the one and only Sota. "Hey squirt!" "I'm not a squirt!" "Are to!" "Are not!" "Are-" "C'mon you guys you just got home and you're already fighting!" Her grandpa said in annoyance.

They all gave each other a bear hug and went to eat some of Kags mom's good dinner. During dinner her mom asked "Kagome are you going to school tomorrow?" "Yea mom, why?" "Oh just curious. Cause you won't be able to stay out very late tomorrow you know." Kagome looked down at her food. 'That's right. Tomorrow is the half-crescent moon. That's when my spell wear's off and I turn into my true form.'

"Do you think Inuyasha will come a little earlier than normal and accidentally see you sis?" "I hope not." She replied back. "Oh! Wait that's right. I yelled at him pretty harsh so he's hopefully still petrified." Her whole family looked strangely at Kagome. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Her whole family sweat dropped. "Eh-he… of course not sis" Sota answered with a nervous laugh.

With Inuyasha and the gang

"Damn, when is she coming back?" Inuyasha irritated.

"Oh, chill out Inuyasha. She said she'd be back in three days. What's the big rush?" Shippo asked curiously.

"Duh Shippo! To gather more jewel shards! What else would it be for?"

"I think he already misses her and she's only been gone for a couple hours." Sango whispered into Miroku's ear.

"Yea. I'd hate to see him if she ever got kidnapped again." He whispered back as he tried to grab for her ass.

SLAP "You stupid hentai when will you learn." Inuyasha asked as he rolled his eyes.

Sesshomaru's castle

"Sesshomaru-sama nothing is working! She won't heal. I'm sorry." Kurai explained to her Lord.

Sesshomaru growled louder than earlier when the last person failed to heal Rin. "Damn it! Why can't any of you fools heal her!" Sesshomaru growled more furiously.

"Sesshomaru-sama why don't you get that human miko, the one that dresses stranger than most." Kurai advised.

He growled again but gave in when he saw his young ward on the bed sweating her heart out. "Try every thing you can, just don't allow her to die." Sesshomaru looked down on the ground when he said these words. Sesshomaru left the room as soon as he could. 'I have to find that miko, I may not agree, but for Rin sake' and with that he headed east.

With Kags were ever she heads off to

'OMG! I'm soooo behind!' Kagome thought furiously. 'I hope I can borrow some notes from Umi, Yuki, and Shima!' (I don't know her friends names.)

After class Kagome and her friends walked to Atsui Kiri their favorite restaurant, and ordered their favorite, PIZZA! 'Yes finally! It's been forever since I've had a pizza!' Kagome thought.

"So Kagome how's your back?" Yuki asked. "Huh? Oh right! Umm.. It's perfectly fine, never felt better." Kagome said. 'I'm gonna kill Gramps! Why can't he say I just have the flu or something, instead of all these strange diseases!'

"Hey you guys I can't stay much longer, I have to be home before sunset. Gomen." Kagome informed them.

"Okay I guess." They all said in unison. After a little while later Hojo walked up. "Hey Kagome, Yuki, Umi, and Shima! Oh I'm glad you're back Kagome! You've missed so much!" Hojo said all cheery like.

"Ummm… Hi Hojo, thanks I'm glad I am to, and yes I know I've been missing a lot." Kagome managed to get in one sentence. "Well it's almost sunset! I've got to go! Bye everyone!" Kagome said kinda upset.

"Kagome are you going to come to school tomorrow?" "Umm… I doubt it. Gomen. Bye" and with that Kagome ran out the door.

So the first chapter is finished! Whatcha think? Give me your reviews please! Read and review! L8ers! -