What Better Way to Die?
Spoilers: Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part 1
Rating: G
Summary: Kara can't think of a better way to die.
Disclaimer: I don't own Battlestar Galactica. I do, however, own this story and the ideas contained within. Don't steal them. I'll cry.
What better way to die than for the people you love?
Kara knows she may die going to Caprica. She's not sure if she cares, not anymore. She hurt Lee, Lee hurt her. She hurt the old man, the old man hurt her. If she wants to think about it, which she doesn't, she hurt Gaius, Gaius hurt her. The Vice President doesn't matter, not really. Lee and the old man matter too much. If she stops to think about it, which she usually doesn't, they're her family and the only people she loves in the universe, and they're the only people who loves her. But people you love don't lie to you. They trust you. People you love don't try their hardest to hurt you real bad because they've been hurt. If she thinks about it, which she tries not to, maybe she meant to hurt Lee. Maybe she meant to make him jealous. It backfired, because she's a screw-up. So she'll die for Lee, if she has to. She'll die for the old man. The old man might miss her, but Lee will only miss the pilot called Starbuck.
Why better way to die than doing something you believe in?
Kara's not sure if she believes in what she's doing. She's not sure if she believes in anything, not anymore. Sometimes she wonders if the Lords of Kobol really exist. If they do, she finds it hard to believe they'd allow such a thing to happen to the human race. When she thinks that, sometimes she decides they had no choice in the matter. Sometimes she remembers that over 47,000 humans still exist. Sometimes she believes it all happened for a reason. But a lot of times, she comes to the conclusion that either the Lords of Kobol don't exist, or they don't care very much for the human race. Kara doesn't blame them. She doesn't care very much for the human race, and they don't care very much for her. But the President believes the Lords of Kobol sent her to show the human race the way to Earth, and she believe she needs Kara to make the prophesies come true. Kara may not believe, but she believes the President believes, and that's enough. That's enough because Kara has been lied to and hurt.
Kara is flying for the people she loves and she's flying for something someone believes in. She may die when she reaches Caprica, she may die when she's on Caprica, she may die going back to Galactica, she may die when Lee and the old man stop loving her, she may die while battling the Cylons.
She can't think of a better way to die.
Please review? Btw, I love all of you who have reviewed my other Battlestar Galactica reviews; thank you so much. Reviews mean a lot to me, especially ones as wonderful and thoughtful as the ones I've been given so far. So thank you again.