Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Harry Potter (unless she's really nice and gave me some of them)

Warning: Spoilers: books 1-4 (possible)

Character bashing

Chapter 1: how it al started

Date: 13th August 2004 (I have no idea what the real year was in book 4, but its easier both for you (the readers) and for me (the writer) if we just assume the years 2004 when its supposed to be Harry's fifth year)

As the dementor's glided by the cells in the dark pathway's in Azkaban one (if they would actually dare set a foot in the prison) could see a small boy, barely 16 and clearly malnutritioned shivering in his cell, he looked like he had been to hell and back,

he had unruly black hair with streaks of silver, dulled emerald green eyes

and shabby simple black robes. Now one might wonder what one so young was doing in

prison, well, this is how it happened.

Date: 6 June 2003

Harry James Potter, you are accused of using one of the three unforgivables

against one of your fellow students and so killing him, how do you plead?

"Innocent" Harry proclaimed, immediately murmurs arose around the room,

and he had no doubts about the fact that the press had been spreading false rumors about him….again.

As he looked around the room he saw many unfamiliar faces, but also a few faces he recognized:

The Weasley clan, they were all looking angry at him, all except Ginny, who seemed to be crying and trying to convince her brothers and parents, Snape (oddly he was looking at him with a sad gaze), Draco (with the same look as Snape, while he was sneering at the order members), Dumbledore (with a disappointed and sad look in his eyes), Hermione, sitting next to the Weasley's. Sirius and Remus, both were looking angry and sad at the same time, and all the order members, oddly enough, Hagrid wasn't there.

Fudge rose of his chair and said "This is preposterous; we have your wand signature, your wand on which we performed priori incantatem, an eye witness, Lucious Malfoy, a respectable member of the wizarding community, and everybody at Hogwarts saw you disappear

when you and Diggory grabbed the trophy and everybody saw Diggory was dead when you returned minutes later."

At that moment Harry spoke up "I already told you, the trophy was a portkey, when we touched it,

we were transported to a graveyard, where we were assaulted by death eaters and we tried to defend ourselves , but we were stunned, then they grabbed my wand and performed Avada Kedavra on Cedric before they threw it back at me, then they performed a dark ceremony to

return Voldemort back to power."

"Sure, a really believable story, but you asked for a fair trial, so we'll give you one,

I call for Ronald Weasley as a witness" Fudge proclaimed.

Ron went up to the chair, and they administered 3 drops of veritaserum before starting the interrogation. "So, you're a close friend of Potter I heard, what can you tell me about him? Did he ever show ANY indication of studying the dark arts?" Fudge asked.

"In the first year we had the Quirrel incident, he went up against Voldemort in the body of our DADA teacher, and he survived were many older, more powerful and wiser witches and wizards would have died, he could only have survived using the dark arts, in our second year we found out he was a parselmouth, which is widely known to be a dark trait, in our third year he used a time turner to save Sirius black (who here has been found innocent in the middle of Harry's fourth year." Ron sneered.

Then they called up everybody but Ginny they said she was too "distressed" and finally

, Harry's last hope appeared, Dumbledore.

"Professor' Harry said 'You have to believe me, I told you everything that happened on the graveyard,

you know I can't cast Avada Kedavra…"Harry begged, crying by now.

"Shut up you bastard, you're a disgrace for your parents! They must be turning in their graves as they see how low their only son has fallen!" Remus and Sirius both screamed.

"So, now the interruptions are over, since Dumbledore has already taken the serum let us begin" Fudge said.

"What is your full name" Fudge asked.

"Albus Percival Jonathan Dumbledore" Dumbledore asked.

"Did Potter ever show an inclination of going dark" Fudge asked.

"No, but he was exceptionally good at DADA." Dumbledore asked

"Do you believe Potter capable of casting Avada Kedavra?" Fudge asked.

"I am not sure if he has the anger and the hate to cast such a dark spell

but I am sure he has the needed power to cast such a spell, proven by the fact that he could cast the expecto patronum charm in his third year." Dumbledore answered again.

"That was all" Fudge said

Murmurs arose from the room, and Harry could pick up small parts of what was

being said like "Always knew he was dark that one" "He could even have killed our

kids in their sleep!" "The dementor's kiss, that's what he deservers!"

"Silence" Fudge proclaimed "The jury has come to a decision, Harrold James Potter

on the charges of murder, illegal use of dark spells treachery to the wizarding world


Then Harry was dragged away, the guards stopped tough, when his roommates

and Hermione stood in front of them.

"You filthy traitor how could you!" They all said, they all boxed Harry somewhere and Hermione scratched him in the face (hmmm that'll leave a scar I thought weakly)

"You're a heartless bastard! There's only one way to make you pay for what you did!"

They placed his trunk just out of his reach, broke his broom, threw the pieces in his trunk and cried Incendio in unison while he screamed "NOOOOOOOOOO" when he saw

his photo album burn up, along with all his school books and trinkets.

"And for the finishing touch! A dark creature like this doesn't deserve to live!

That I ever sold her and didn't see it I don't understand!"

This was said by the pet shop owner, he then showed me Hedwig, bound in magical

ropes, he cast a feather plucking charm on her, then a cutting hex

and then threw her in my burning trunk where she burned up still alive

and hooting.

If Harry hadn't been held up at that moment everybody was sure he would have fallen on his knees, sobbing for the loss of his loyal pet and the destruction of the only things he had to remember his parents by.

Then everybody moved aside and let him through, while they all

threw junk at him and scolded him and said how a disgrace he was for

his family.

This is how Harry Potter ended up in Azkaban.

Yes, its possible that you've read this before, but administrators took the story down for spelling, and now I got vacation so I've got some time to rewrite it

Also, I'd like to ask you if anyone wants to be a beta reader, I'm not picky, you must be reasonable good at English and it would be a + if you've already/are writing stories of this kind for suggestions.

Also, after Harry gets to Hogwarts, and has some revenge, what do YOU want to happen after that? Thanks you