This is the final chapter of this story i really didnt expect to make another sequel but theres still too much of a story there to stop now...Gives y'all somethin to look forward too i guess lol

Chapter 44


I opened my eyes slowly, not knowing what I was going to see. The last thing I remembered was being hit over the head with the butt of a pistol. I wasn't sure how long I had been unconscious or even where I was. I felt almost comfortable as I sat up, noticing I had been placed onto a small bed inside the cell. Grabbing for my forehead, trying to stifle the horrible aching along with just about every bone in my body. Rubbing my head with my hand I looked around. It was dark, I couldn't hear the ocean anymore. The air thick with loneliness and sadness. My hands were bound by iron shackles. The walls of the brig cold with condensation. The sound of the sea sloshing outside the thick wooden boards.

I cringed when his voice broke the silence. "Good morning, my love." James smiled, standing from the chair he had been perched on. "I'm glad to see you are awake and relatively unharmed. Besides that lump on your forehead. For which I am deeply sorry for." He reached up to stroke my hair, I quickly pulled away from him.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned, standing from the bed that had been strategically placed in the small cell.

"Oh don't worry. HE won't find us." James smiled wickedly, chilling me to the bone.

"Jack will find me, and I pray he will kill ye." I spat in his face, which in hind sight wasn't the best idea. My face was met with a hard slap of the palm of James' hand. I flew backwards into the metal bars.

"I will make you love me, even if I have to beat it into you." James stated coldly stepping toward me, clasping a fistful of my hair to make me stare at him, reaching up my hand found its way to where fresh blood seeped from a wound on my lip.

"oh yeah that's going to work." I retorted, rolling my eyes at his statement. "Because the way to a woman's heart is to steal her and hit her."

"I apologized for that." He said quickly almost remorsefully.

"An apology I have not and will not accept." I spat anger filling my very soul. I imagined killing him with my bare hands but the shackles around my wrists would certainly have to go. "So tell me, now that you 'ave me 'ere what ye plan on doin'? After all I won't 'ave anything to do with ye." My anger peaked with curiosity, if I could find out his plan I could certainly find a way to escape. My fingers grasping at the metal bars behind me.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this." He said leaning forward cautiously. "But, that is need to know information. As smart as you are, you definitely don't need to know."

"In that case, can ye at least remove the shackles? After all ye seem to think I'm not goin' anywhere." I stated, pulling on the shackles in an attempt to pull them apart to my surprise as rusty as they were they rather strong. I half expected when the damn things came off for my wrists to be turned a rusted gold color for awhile.

He chuckled. "I don't think so." He laughed as if I had told a joke I however saw nothing funny.

"well, well, well." I heard an unfamiliar deep voice come in through the unlocked cell door. The man was dirty from head to toe, his clothes tattered and torn. When he smiled I noticed a missing front tooth as well as two teeth missing on the bottom. "You were right, she is very beautiful. It was a good idea to take her for a slave." The man smiled wickedly his bushy eyebrows rising and falling sharply, I quickly backed up as far as I could but was stopped when my back hit the cold walls of the brig. Swallowing hard when the mans dirty fingers reached for my face.

James quickly grabbed the mans wrist, turning it with force. "You and no one aboard is to touch her." James warned coldly, releasing his wrist.

"Oh, I forgot she is all yours. Such a pity we could have some real fun." He smirked mischievously, his eyes filled with lust.

"Get out of here!" James bellowed, causing me to jump in surprise. "I'll call you when you're needed."

"Yes sir." the man stated sadly. "I'll be seein' you later." Winking at me before he leaving the cell, closing the cell door.

I continued to try and pull the shackles from my writes. Angrily growling as they cut into my wrists.

"Be careful, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

"Fuck off." I spat with an icy glare. Forgetting the shackles for a moment I lunged at him. Kicking him in the stomach, he bent over grabbing his stomach which was perfect, I kicked him in the face sending him backward into the bars. I ignored his growl as I made my way out of the unlocked cell door. Making my way down the corridor I had no idea which way to go. I had no idea where I was going to go on the ship, I just wanted to get away. Running aimlessly I ran toward the stairway pushing myself up the stiars. James now on my heels yelling for his companions. I felt something tug at my upper arm, turning around I used my shackles to hit him in the face. He cried out in pain, grabbing his nose as blood flowed free. Reaching the top of the stairs I was confronted by a full crew of men. The sun hot on my face my eyes narrowed as I heard someone yell "get her!" No weapon to be found I punched the first assailant to come toward me, kicking the next in the stomach I turned him around wrapping my shackles around his throat. Any weapon would do at this point I would have to be creative. Something hit me hard on the back of the head leaving my mind dazed I let go of the man dropping him to his knees.

"I told you not to hit her!" James yelled angrily.

"What else was I supposed to do?"

Gathering my bearings I backed away slowly. Debating on jumping off of the boat and taking my chances, even with no land in sight. I'd rather die than be subject to James' mercy. Readying myself two more men approached one holding a sword while another held a mop. Kicking the sword from the mans hand I punched him hard, grabbing the arm of the second man I quickly disarmed him. Shoving the two together their heads knocked together with force, leaving them out for the count at least for now.

James pointed his pistol at me, his eyes dark with anger. "Come now, you don't want to do that."

"Shoot me." I dared, though it was more of a plea than I wanted it to be.

Uncocking the pistol he tucked it into his belt. "you know I won't do that, there are other ways of persuasion."

Reaching for the sword on the deck I felt a hard kick knocking it from my hand. A kick to the face leaving me incapacitated I fell to the deck. Five men rushing toward me, James stepped in.

"Come on, back to your new home." James said, grabbing my right upper arm to pick me up. I tried hard to fight him off, but when his friends joined in, grabbing for my legs I knew I was beat. Squirming in their arms the entire way back to my cell.

"Put me down!" I screamed, hoping someone would hear. Deep down I knew it was useless but, I wasn't going to give up so easily.

Being tossed into the cell I fell to the wooden floor with a thud. Groaning I stared up at my attackers. Bending down James whispered into my ear. "There is no escape, my love." I had never seen James be so cruel. I now regretted letting him get so close to me in the first place, this was partly my fault.

"I think it's better if I give you some time to cool off. I'll be back soon." he grinned evilly. "I hope these conditions please you." He laughed leaving the clang of the metal door ringing in my ears. I was never one for getting emotional in times of stress, but, this was proving to weight on my nerves. My mind raced to formulate a plan to get me out of the conditions. Trying to pull my shackles apart was proving difficult and at times nearly impossible. Giving up with a heavy sigh I surveyed my surroundings. A small window to the outside gave little light. A small bed in the corner decorated with a black comforter and a few pillows. Turning around wearily I spotted a piece of paper laying in the corner. Cocking my head to the side I approached it, swooping down to pick it up. Opening the folded piece of parchment I looked at the writing. 'there is no escape' 'there is no escape' was written on it several times. Crumpling it in my hand I tossed it aside. Plopping onto a chair placed in the corner opposite of the bed I scrubbed my hands over my face. My dark hair falling over my face as I shook my head angrily. A sob escaping my lips I immediately stopped myself, deciding any emotion needed to go on the back burner until I was free. Standing back up I began to pace the room like a caged lion. There had only been a few times I had been arrested and each I had escaped flawlessly. This time however, was going to be nearly impossible. Deep down I knew it was fact. My mind calling for Jack though I had no idea where he was or even if he'd come for me.

Day turned into night as Jack and the crew of The Black Pearl sailed north toward Italy. Sitting alone in his cabin Jack's solemn prayer fell on deaf ears. Knowing it was going to take weeks maybe even a month to reach Italy With James' head start he could only hope Ravenica was safe and would be able to make an escape.

Gibbs entered the cabin. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

"I have a need to go faster." Jack told his long time friend and first mate.

"We are going as fast as we can, Cap'in." Gibbs spoke.

"We have the fastest ship on the sea, we will catch up to them." Jack looked to Gibbs, almost as if asking a question looking for hope.

"Aye, sir. Besides, she can take care of herself. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." Gibbs patted his friend on the back before leaving Jack in his wake.

Lydia appeared in the doorway, even at ten years old she couldn't help but see the pain her father was in. it broke her heart in more ways than one. She too worried about her mother, though she didn't know the extent of what was going on. Jack had been very candid in order to protect his only child. Stepping toward him she took her fathers hand in her own. Taking a deep breath Jack looked into the face of his daughter, how much she reminded him of her mother.

"Everything will be fine, father."

"You know that how?"

She smiled slowly a few curls cradling her face. "Faith."

Nodding Jack let out a heavy breath, knowing faith would have nothing to do with it. He had never had much faith in anything. What he did know however was he wasn't going to just leave one of his friends and even a former lover and the mother of his child stranded at the mercy of a psycho.