Sorry about all the mistakes, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. I'll have chapter five up as soon as I can. However, that may not be till next week. Brknlight
Chapter Four
"Are you entirely sure about this Harry?" Hermione asked late that night as they came up the walk to number four Privet Drive.
"No," Harry said as he knocked on the door. "But we'll just have to see, won't we?"
A light came on inside and the door slowly opened. "Here, are you," said a gruff voice. "Get inside quick, before the neighbors see you." Vernon Dursley stepped out of the way to let the two witches and four wizards inside, something they were all shocked to see him do.
"Thanks, Uncle Vernon," Harry said as he closed the door. "It'll only be for a few days."
"You should be grateful we let you stay at all," he replied huffily. "The only reason you're all standing in this house is because of Petunia and those ruddy owls that keep flying around here."
"Owls?" Harry asked. "From where? From who?" He looked at the others who returned it blankly.
"I don't know, but she wants to talk to you, first thing in the morning." Mr. Dursley ushered them all upstairs. "No noise now, or I'll chuck you right out. I have work tomorrow."
Once they were all settled in Harry's room with blankets and pillows, the door closed and locked, the six were free to talk.
"Who's your aunt been talking to?" Fred asked.
"I'm not sure," Harry replied. "The only owl she ever really had was from Dumbledore, at least that I knew of."
"Then maybe it was from him," Ron said brightly. "Maybe he's okay!"
"Well, we won't really know anything until I talk to her and Mrs. Figg, then we can make some more definite plans." Harry turned out the light and sat on his bed. "Does anyone else want the bed?" he asked suddenly.
"No, Harry," Fred said. "You keep it. We'll all kip under these blankets. It's your room."
"Not anymore, it's not," he said quietly, but no one actually heard him, except Ginny. She kept silent, however, and rolled onto her side to sleep.
Ginny was walking down a corridor, there were doors on either side of her, but she ignored them. None of them were right, were what she wanted, what she needed to find. She turned a corner and stopped in front of a blank wall. Putting up a hand, she felt the coolness of the stone and felt a little wet settle on the tips of her fingers. Ginny pulled them away and touched them to her tongue. Blood. Harry had been here, had left her this clue. She looked at the stone blocks more closely and noticed a small snake in one corner of a particularly large block.
Mustering up all her strength, Ginny put her hands on the stone and pushed with all her might. It slid forward and a large section of the wall came away to revel a long tunnel that was almost completely dark. She started to jog along it, running faster and faster, fearing and hoping for what she would find at the end. Finally, after running for what seemed hours, she descended some steps carved out of the earth in the cave-like tunnel and entered a cold room. Stone pillars supported the low ceiling and torches were flickering odd colors of green and blue in their brackets.
On the floor, not ten feet from her was a body laying face down. Ginny rushed to it and turned it over. A cold cruel laugh sounded as she recognized the face as Harry's. He was still alive but barely.
"You're too late," a voice said from the shadows. A voice that made her go cold all over. "He's already gone."
"No," Ginny said. "You're wrong. You'll never defeat him. You can't." Harry stirred in her arms and she lowered her lips to his ear. "I love you, Harry," she whispered. "Don't let go."
Then, a man appeared from the shadows, a tall, thin man cloaked in black. His fingers were like long pale spiders and grasped a wand. "Maybe you'd care to join him," the man said. He whispered some words under his breath and a green wind shot from the end of his wand. Ginny screamed.
"Ginny!" a voice called out of the dark. "Ginny!" She opened her eyes and saw Harry's face. She was in Harry's old bedroom in his aunt and uncle's house. "Ginny, are you okay?"
"Yeah," she said sitting up. "Just a nightmare." She looked around. Everyone was still asleep. The pale light coming from the window told her that dawn was approaching. And everything was okay. Harry was still alive.
"A nightmare?" Harry said contemplatively. "Who were you talking to?"
"What do you mean?" Ginny asked.
"You were talking in your sleep saying something about someone never defeating someone else."
She looked at him sharply. "What else did I say?"
"Er," Harry said looking uncomfortable. "Nothing really. You just screamed." Ginny put her face in her hands and groaned. She knew that he heard her say she loved him.
"Listen, why don't you come up on the bed," Harry said. "Maybe the change'll help you sleep better."
"I can't kick you out of your own bed," Ginny protested.
"Then why don't we share it?" Harry said this very fast as though afraid he wouldn't be able to say it at all.
"What?" Ginny looked at him, her brown eyes even larger than normal. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," Harry replied. "Please. I'm having nightmares again, too."
"I guess," Ginny replied and she stumbled to her feet. She climbed into the bed and lay down with her back against the wall. Harry climbed in after her, lying on his back with his hands behind his head.
"Try to sleep some more," he whispered to her. "It's going to be a busy day."
When Ginny woke the next morning, she was curled up next to Harry, her hand on his chest. He had an arm around her shoulders and his lips were inches from her forehead. She tried to move, but couldn't for fear she would wake him. She sighed and snuggled a little closer. She really did enjoy it, truth be told.
But what happens when the others wake up, she thought to herself. They'll see us like this. But after a moment her fears went away.
"Let them see," she whispered to herself. "If Ron and Hermione can do it, so can we."
Harry stirred and opened his eyes. Ginny looked up at him quickly, wondering what he would say. But she didn't need to worry; he was smiling.
"Never thought this would happen," he whispered. He closed his eyes again and drew her closer to him. "Hmm," he muttered into her red hair. "I like this."
Ginny wasn't complaining but the sun was fully up now and thought it might be better if they got up. "Shouldn't we get up?" she asked tentatively.
"I suppose," Harry answered. "But this is so nice." He squeezed her tightly and kissed her forehead. "Can't I stay here?"
"We've got work to do," Ginny reminded him. "Get up." She then pushed him off the bed.
A cry of "ow!" came from the floor from two voices. Harry had landed on George.
"What'd you do that for?" George asked. "I was sleeping."
"Sorry," Harry said. "Ginny pushed me." She looked over the edge of the bed and scowled at him.
"How else was I supposed to get you off me?" she demanded.
"You were on my sister?" George cried.
"No, not like that," Harry tried to say, but his words were drowned out by George calling, "Oy, Fred!"
"What!" his twin called from the other side of the small room.
"Harry was on top of Ginny!"
"He was what?" Ron said. The shouting had woken both he and Hermione up. She was watching the scene with sleepy-eyed interest. Harry covered his scarlet face in his hands. Ginny tried to hide under the blankets.
"On top of Ginny," George explained. "She pushed him off her and onto me."
"What'd you push him off for?" Fred asked Ginny. She uncovered her head.
"He needed to wake up," she answered. "And he really wasn't on top of me, more next to me."
"But you were sleeping in the same bed, right?" Ron asked Harry.
"Yes," he replied evasively.
"Well, finally!" Ginny's three brothers chorused.
"We've been waiting for ages," Fred said.
"You've what?" Ginny asked.
"I've always wanted you to be with Harry," Ron told her. "He's so much better than all those other gits you've dated."
"I know," Ginny said. Harry looked up at her and blushed.
"As cute as this is," Hermione said. "There are things we need to do today."
"Yes," Harry agreed. "My aunt, uncle and cousin are probably already downstairs, waiting to see what sort of unwholesome people I've brought here."
"Well then let's not disappoint them," Fred said with a malicious glint in his eyes.
"Oh, be nice you," Hermione chided. "And you too, George."
"What?" George asked with his arms spread wide. In his left hand was a small chocolate wrapped in bright red paper.
"What's that?" Ginny asked pointing to it.
George hurriedly stuffed his hand in his pocket. "Nothing," he said.
"I highly doubt that," Hermione said.
"Please," Harry implored the twins. "Don't do anything to get us kicked out. This is the only place we have to go for now."
"Okay, okay," said Fred. "We won't do anything."
"We promise," the twins said in unison.