Authors Note: Yes I know it has been awhile. Anyhow here is the next chapter for all of you who still want to read it. Thanks to all of you how have review I really enjoy reading you comments.

Never Forgotten – Chapter Fourteen

Scott sat there on the bed for what seemed like hours as the past months since Jean had returned home played through his mind. After all they had shared, through all the years and love he had given her, how could she mess with his mind, his thoughts, his feelings like that. It was in that moment that he lost what little love he had left for the woman that was once his entire world.

"Scott honey, what wrong." Jean asked as she walked over to her vanity mirror and take a seat in front of it, and started brushing her hair.

Scott head snapped up at the sound of her voice, he had been so lost in the thoughts of her treachery, that he hadn't even heard her come into their room. Then in a clam tone he stated sarcastically "You're the one who's been in charge of that area lately, so why don't you tell me what's wrong with me."

Jean froze as she head the conversation Scott had just had with Logan fill her head. How could he that bastard, did he realize what he had just done, not just to her but to himself. Jean swallowed hard her mouth suddenly dry as she turned in her chair to face Scott. "Scott… I …" was all she could get out before Scott was up off the bed and right in front of her cutting her off with his own choice of words.

"Why Jean… why would you…" Scott paused in mid sentence as he watched her stand and look at the door on the other side of the room. "Oh, no you don't. You're not leaving until I get some answers Jean. So you had better start talking." Scott said low and angry as he took a hold of her arm.

"Scott please it's… not, it's not what you think… you see… Marie…" Jean started to explain in between sobs.

Scott immediately let go her as if the very touch of her skin seemed to burn his hands, when she said Marie's name. She was going to try and blame this on Marie of all people, did she really think he was that stupid. Marie had never done anything but step aside for Jean to take her place back here at the mansion and for the first time in his life Scott was actually tempted to hit a woman. "Don't you dare, use Marie for an accuse Jean." Scott warned as he walked away from her not trusting himself to be within arms length of her.

"I'm not, I swear… I just want to explain… please, would you just listen to me." She cried as she stood in the middle of their room where he had left her. At a lost for words she walked up behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders and decided it was time, that maybe, she try the truth. "I just wanted you to love…me. To love me the way you used to… not her."

When he felt her hands on his arms, he automatically tensed up but didn't turn around. He couldn't look at her, how could she, how could she let him believe all of those things she had put into his head. That is was too late, that Marie didn't love him anymore, that he could never make Marie happy. He had given Jean everything, his heart, his soul, his smile, he had opened up to her and trusted her with things that he had to no one. Then when she had come back he had given up everything that he had with Marie for her to make sure she was happy. In a taut voice he warned her "You know what's funny about all this is, I did love you. However right now, if I were you, I would really consider staying away from me for you own safety."

"Scott… please this is a lot more complicated than..." was all she got out as Scott walked past her and straight to the door.

"Is it, well then let me uncomplicate it for you… Get out." He got his answer that was all he needed. It hadn't matter to Jean that he had broken his and Marie's heart in order to make her happy and give her what love he did have for her, no that wasn't good enough, she wanted all of him. So she had betrayed him, and played with his heart and mind, all because she couldn't accept the fact the Scott had truly loved another.

"What." Jean choked out. Never would she have ever thought that she would hear Scott telling her to leave. He had always stayed right beside her no matter how hard things had gotten, no matter how bad it seemed, he had never failed to stay and work things out. Now she could hardly breathe, he wasn't even asking her to leave, he was ordering it. "No… I told you… it this isn't what you…"

Scott then walked over to her and grabbed her by arm, and pulled her unwilling to the door. He didn't even care that she was begging, crying, and pleading as he opened the door and pushed her out of it, then without even a final look at her he slammed the door shut and locked it into place. Leaning his back against the door he listened to her, as his heart sank for all the pain he had caused Marie, all for this.

"Scott… Please don't do this…. Scott…" Marie screamed as she pounded on the door. "Please…" she cried as she hit the door one last time before sinking to her knees and started cry uncontrollable. Where was she going to go, what was she going to do now.

"Dr. Grey, are you alright, is there anything I can do?" Warren questioned now standing above her; he still couldn't believe that he had just witnessed Scott throwing her out.

"No, no… I'm fine. I can take care of myself." Jean said as she stood, she walked to the elevator, pressed the button and then stared at the door to Scott's room, what used to be their room. When the door open she got in and took a deep breathe, hoping that she wouldn't be turned away from where she was about to go.

The Next Morning

Marie woke the next morning with Scott holding her tight and she took a minute to cherish the feeling of being in his arms. She nuzzled her head into the curve of his neck, enjoying the scent of him. He smelt like Kenneth Cole Black, which surprised that he still wore because it was the cologne she had gotten him for Christmas last year. Marie then looked up with a puzzled face after feeling Scott kiss the top of her head, what did he think he was doing with Jean running around here. If she were to walk in on them like this she would have a heart attack. Then Marie felt his thumb rubbing the back of her hand and she really didn't care anymore.

"Hey." She sighed delicately.

"How are you feeling?" He asked running a finger down her cheek. He didn't know how she might be feeling on the inside but she certainly looked a hundred times better, her color was back, and her glow was once again lighting up the world. It had been two days since Marie had come out of the coma, and although she start had to wearing her bracelet again to turn off her powers Hank had promised Scott it wouldn't take Marie to long to heal and be on her way home, really to only reason she was still there is because she had lost quite a bit of weight and had to regain her strength.

Marie looked him over, and then without thanking she moved her lips to press against his. Then gradually as she deepened the kiss, she felt him push her away. She looked at him with a sad look upon her face understanding what he was doing. How could she have been so stupid, he was with Jean. He wasn't hers anymore, hadn't been for awhile now.

"Easy, ok… you are still really weak Marie… and I… I not am taking any chances right now… you need to slow down… rest and" Scott explained, more for himself than for her, until being cut-off by Marie trying to defending herself.

"Scott, I was only playing around, it's ok really. Think of it as me just saying good morning." Marie said innocent and sweetly giving herself and Scott and easy out from the kiss she had just planted on him.

"Trust me Marie, you were saying something, and it wasn't good morning." He stated sliding out of the bed, with a slight smirk on his face, thinking now would be a good time for a cold shower. It wasn't just the way Marie kissed him that had sent him into a frenzy, although it was enough, it was merely having her there in his arms, waking up to her lips brushing across his neck, things like that seemed to fuel him much more than he was accustomed to. Especially after being so petrified he would never feel her touch, hear her voice, or see her smile again. He had taken for granted what he used to consider those trivial moments. However he knew now that there was nothing insignificant with any of the time he was given to be with her, every second was now a blessing good or bad, he would appreciate it all.

"Look, I'm sorry... I crossed the line with what I just did, and I know that you and Jean are happy, I just I don't know…" Marie began rambling on her apologies with her eyes downcast as she shifted herself into a sitting position.

"Marie, stop… you have nothing to be… MARIE I SAID STOP…" Scott yelled finally getting her attention and thankfully her silent along with it. Scott ran a hand through his hair and turn to face her. He turned back and took a seat next to her on the bed. "As I was saying you have nothing to be sorry for, and I would be just as much to blame as for kissing you back. But you see the thing is Jean and I… well we're over."

"You're what?" Marie asked with her big brown eyes staring at Scott in confusion.

"That's right I kicked Jean out of my room last night. But we can talk about that later, ok. Right now… I just… I need to ask you something… I know, I screwed up, I made a mistake not trusting in the love we had, and ever since the day you left me… I've been living in hell." Scott then moved one of his hands up her arm and underneath her chin to lift her eyes to his. "Even after you left… you were still with me, every where I went you were there. Being in our room was the worst, every night I would open the door and look around expecting to see you there, and every night that you weren't… I…" Scott paused a moment and swallowed hard, he had never opened up to anyone the way he had Marie. Even though he hated reliving the pain he felt being without her, he knew this was something that needed to be said. "I still have your ring, I couldn't get raid of it, because then… then you would have been completely gone. So instead I wore it, and in some strange way it made me feel like you were with me… Anyhow the point is… I love you, Marie. I never stopped loving you…And I know I may have ruined any chance of you loving me again, but I going to warn you, that there is no way I am leaving here without you back in my arms."

"Scott, you…" Marie started to protest, but this time Scott cut her words short yet again. When his lips met hers, her mind went blank as she gave into to the passion that started coursing through her. She didn't care any more why or how he was here. It only mattered that he was here, with her, and that he loved her. The kiss was a gentle one full of love and wanting, and when they parted there was only one question left she had for her love.

"So, when do I get to move back in?"

Scott kissed her lips letting his actions speak to her instead of words. Everything about her was so familiar yet, felt new some how. He couldn't seem to take his hands out of her hair. It had been one of the many things he had loved about her, and to feel the silkiness of it running through his fingers again caused unexplainable feelings. She was back in his arms, she was his, and this time nothing or no one could ever make him let go of her again.