
Just a little drabble that came to me tonight. I miss Cole so much.

Sometimes he came to her at night, when she was asleep. She would drift away, and wake into another time, another place; he was always there, waiting for her, watching for her out of his dusky blue eyes, a smile on his fallen angel's face, and her name on his lips.

She would step into his strong and safe embrace, and his arms would encircle her, and remembered passion would sweep through her, and she would strive to kiss those sensual lips, but then the fog would come, and his grip would loosen, and fear would creep into her soul, a cold numbing fear; and his image would waver and flicker, and though she tried to hang on to him, her hands would always slide off, and he would slowly be pulled away from her and become as if made of smoke, always calling out for her to save him, by believing in him, to help him by not giving up on their love; and she would cry his name, and then wrench herself awake, with tears on her cheeks, and her heart still thumping.

But she would sit up in bed, and look around at the familiar objects in her room, and feel her soul come winging back into her body, and wipe the tears from her face, and then wonder why she had woken up crying, because during the day she wouldn't allow herself the luxury of remembering, it was only when she was asleep, and vulnerable - unable to control her inner self, that she called out for him, mourned him and hungered for him - and searched for ways to save him.

She had experienced the thrill of magic, and had loved many men; she had achieved a measure of success in her career, and for a little while that had been enough. But the children she had loved had not been her own, and the men she had loved had not been him – the only man who could make her vibrate with passion; her soul mate! She had experienced Utopia, and found it wanting. She had buried all three of her sisters, and grown old. She would look into her mirror at the hard eyed crone, and sometimes catch a glimpse of the beautiful creature she had once been. She had patted a unicorn, and held a fairy in her hand, she had fought and vanquished evil and ruled the underworld as queen.

And now, as the twilight approached, she wondered if the summons would come, and if she would be taken back, to help a young bride decide, and if this time, she would have the courage to help her younger self, knowing even now, that she would gladly die to be with him. This time, she would say what needed to be said, she would arm her younger self with the knowledge of how to save him, and her life would be very different. Magic had taken so much from her, and now she would take it back, with both hands. This time, she would live the life she wanted, with Cole by her side, and her children born to the inheritance that should have been.

He came to her at night, in her dreams, and she went longingly into his embrace. Her demon - her soul mate - her lover.