Starring: Sasuke, Various fan girls, Itachi, Sakura, Naruto, Hinata, Orochimaru, Shikamaru, and Shino
Director: Anime-freak718
Narrator: The great, one and only, ROCK LEE!
Original Story by- Anime-freak718
Script and chapter ideas by- Complexity66
Behind the Scenes of "Just for You"
Chapter Two- She's a Maneater
The sun had just risen, the birds were chirping and all was mellow.
Inside of the Uchiha Manor, the sound of water droplets could be heard. Music rang through the halls.
I wish you had stayed here for five more minutes
I was just about to say 'I forgive you'
Sasuke ran his fingers through his wet hair and brushed it back as he looked to the camera which was positioned by his shower. He whispered with a smirk on his face.
"I… Am bold and delicious," Sasuke ended as he reached forward and turned off the camera. He got out of his shower and…. OH DEAR-!
Anime-freak718 – Lee, you're a man too. Oh… Oh no… you aren't…
Lee – Sasuke walked across the living room naked, forgetting about his clothes which lay folded by the shower. The sound of a bell rang through the house as Sasuke giggled and ran to the door.
Lee covered his face as Sasuke ran past him "The exuberance of Youth was very kind to Sasuke-Kun." Lee muttered.
Sasuke opened the door and noticed a letter on the ground. He bent over and picked it up, then opened it carefully and read the letter.
You are invited to the
Show of Ultimate Horrors
Hosted by
Uchiha Itachi
As soon as he finished reading it, the sound of many fan girls screaming pounded in his ears. A loud, shrieking, voice rang over the other voices.
Itachi stood in front of the camera as the director motioned for the show to begin.
"Welcome back to my bunderful show. Hosted by, of course, me." Itachi said arrogantly.
The camera woman stuck up her nose and whispered.
"It's 'wonderful' Itachi-San, 'wonderful.'"
Itachi swung his head and stared at her.
"That's what I said, bunderful," he repeated.
Itachi looked back at the screen.
"Today's episode is on how many couples have difficulties with their relationships. Our guests today," Itachi began as he walked to the couple. "Is my darling-yet-psychotic-little-brother Sasuke, and his bitch, some…. Harkudo girl."
"My name is HARUNO SAKURA," she said as she scoffed.
"Whatev, babe. So, what's… going on? Tell us. Please."
Sasuke sighed as he flipped his hair back.
"Man, this bitch is ruinin' all mah stuff, and she ain't payin' any damn bills and she is so damn lazy! She's getting so fat! Look at her! She can't even put on her clothes without me buttering the sides to make it slide down!" Sasuke yelled as he sat back with his arms folded.
"How dare you! You know what he does? He always puts me down about my weight, and he always steals my clothes- and he even ruined my BEST high heels for his stupid 'Herbal Essence Commercial.' Pfft. He thinks he can make it as a model. Doesn't he know that you have to be ten feet to be a model?!" Sakura shrieked.
Sasuke looked at her, horrified.
"OH, HELL NO! You did NOT just tell the world that!"
"Oh yeah? You wanna FIGHT?! BRING IT ON, BABY!"
The camera swung to Itachi, who was putting on purple nail polish in the corner. The camera woman shrugged and went back to Sasuke.
Naruto stood up in the audience and shouted-
Then Hinata stood up quickly after Naruto.
Sasuke looked at Sakura, determined, and then ripped off his shirt fiercely.
Orochimaru stood to the side of the stage and turned on Nelly Furtado's "Maneater."
Sasuke smirked at the crowd and fell to his knees as he attempted a break dance move. He banged his knees on the floor and thought. 'Who the Hell polished this floor?!'
Everyone continued cheering him on, even though they didn't know what he was doing.
Sakura looked at Sasuke, then at the crowd and back at Sasuke. She then looked down at her shirt and tried to rip it off, but the fabric was so strong it couldn't rip apart. Overcome with anger, she ran forward and head-butted Sasuke, or at least, she tried to.
Sasuke stepped back a couple feet and stood there.
Sasuke picked her up and yelled in her face.
The audience gasped with astonishment.
"OH SNAP!" Shikamaru yelled, from the audience as Shino fainted.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. Little kids watch this show!"
Konohamaru sat at the front of the audience, horrified.
Sakura gasped.
The audience's eyes shifted to below Sakura's waist.
Sakura took out a bag of peanuts.
"Burn." And she walked away.
After a moment of silence, the audience realized that there was still ten minutes left in the show. Naruto then got up and walked to the stage, and he began singing.
"So happy togetheeerrr… HIT IT!"
Orochimaru nodded and turned on a different beat. Naruto began singing again.
"She's a maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of-" Naruto was cut short as someone tackled him to the ground.
Shikamaru stood at the front with a whip in his hands.
"It's mah turn now, bitch!"
Lee cleared his
throat and looked around before running off.
Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoyed this chapter- Review please!