Starring: Neji, as Neji. Tenten, as Tenten.
Director: Complexity
Narrator: Our great hero- the one and only- Uzumaki Naruto!
Special guests: Mother Bird and Pilot Bird.
Original story by: My dear sister, anime-freak718!
Behind the scenes of "Just for You"
Chapter One- Neji
Neji sat silently on a fallen log in a forest. The birds were singing their sweet melodies, the trees were humming their silent lullabies, and all was calm.
Neji had a terrible accident that morning; he had walked outside, hoping to distract himself from the pain.
Earlier that day-
Neji woke up, and fell off his bed- landing on a picture of Tenten and a Tenten plushy (which still had the price tag on it- 109.00!). He had bumped his knee on the floor.
Anyways, back to the story. Neji sat on the log silently, when suddenly, a bird flew over him and took a crap on his face. He looked up and glared at the bird.
"I have confirmed a hit sir!" chirped the bird pilot.
"GOOD! BACK TO THE BASE!" yelled the mother bird in his old manly voice.
Neji began wiping the crap on the grass, when Tenten walked out of nowhere. Neji looked up at Tenten.
"You came out of nowhere!" he said, astounded.
"Yes. I have come to take you back to the real world you were born into….Earth. Come now, Nargoth." Tenten replied.
Neji stared in awe at the lady. She was wearing a long white dress and had fairly short hair. There was a flashing white light behind her then suddenly, the flashing white light stopped flashing.
"I think….um…dude…your light's broken," Neji said, pointing behind her.
Tenten turned around and muttered under her breath
"Oh shit, I told that stupid repairmen that it wasn't fixed yet," she banged on a machine that was hidden behind a tree, and then the light came back on. She turned back at Neji and said
"Come, we must go and….do I make you randy, baby?"
Neji just looked at her strangely. Tenten cleared her throat.
"Uh….sorry…I got that from a movie..."
"Oh right, idiot…" muttered Neji.
Then Tenten walked forward towards Neji and patted his head. Then suddenly, she kicked him in the side, or at least tried to. Her shoe flipped off and hit Neji in the face. He fell backward, and when he got back up again…oh…the horror!
Complexity: Stick to the script, Naruto!
Naruto: Sorry…hehehe…
His nose was all stuck up and his mouth was strange looking. Tenten looked at him and screamed. She started pounding her head with her hands, and started dancing. It looked like she was trying to hoola hoop…..without a hoola hoop…Anyways, so Neji was wondering why she was screaming, pounding on her head, and dancing, so he looked at his reflection in a nearby pond and oh the horror!
Complexity: Naruto!
Naruto: When he saw himself…he broke the pond. Neji stepped back and faced the camera and said
"Priceless wonder bread, only 4.99 at the dollar store,"
And then, Neji woke up. Cold sweat was dripping down his body as he looked around his room. It was still dark out.
'It was just a dream…' he thought. He smiled and started laughing at the thought of Tenten's face in his head. Then suddenly, a knock was heard at his door.
"Come in!" he yelled.
The door opened fast, and there was Tenten, wearing a long white dress, carrying a spatula and a pot.
And then Neji woke up. THAT was a dream. He slowly got up and opened the door.
Neji: …
Tenten: -falls onto ground, laughing-
Neji: …
Lee: -grins and starts laughing-
Complexity: -hides-
Neji: -growls-
Lee and Tenten: …uh oh –run away-
Neji: -stalks off to find complexity, anime-freak718, Naruto, Tenten and Lee-
Naruto: -laughing his ass off in Tsunade's office with complexity, anime-freak718, Tsunade and Jiraiya-
Naruto, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Complexity, Anime-freak718: Review please!