T-T this is the last chapter I will be writing of Juat Walk Away T-T I want to thank everyone who reivewed even if it was a flamer. Thank you all and goodbye!

Neji didn't hit the ground, instead he fell into a river. A rock peirced through his leg. He wincced as the water carried him to shore. H pulled himself out of the water and looked at his leg. He had sussesfully broken the bone and peirced a hole right through. He fell back, tired from lack of blood. He kept his eyes open he knew if he fell asleep he would die.

"I guess it was only a dream after all..." He said, barley able to speak. Finally he closed his eyes knowing he would never open them again. There was a bright light in his eyes when Neji came to. He heard someone crying but he was in too much of a daze to know who it was.

"Am I ...dead?" He asked. The crying stopped. Tenten jumped up into his veiw.

"Oh Neji! I was so worried. I thought you had died." She sobbed.

"Well, I did fall from a cliff." He said sitting up.

"Can I go now?" A voice from behind Tenten said. Neji looked to see the little boy who had attacked him tied up in a corner.

"Yes." Tenten walked over and untied the boy, but grabbed him by the collar before he got away. "If you come any where even close to Kohana I will take care of you myself." Tenten growled at the boy. He nodded fearfully and ran out of the hosptal. Screaming. Tenten turne back to Neji, and grabbed him by the collar. "DIDN'T I SAY NOT TO DIE!"

"Tenten I'm not dead." He said trying to breath.

"WELL YOU PRETTY MUCH DID! I MEAN LOOK AT YOU, YOUR LEG IS PRACTICLY IN TWO!" AShe sighed and let him go, then hugged him. "But I'm glad your back."He held her.

"I am too." They stayed that way fior a hile until Tenten tore herself from him. "So what was going on?" Tenten sighed.

"Well, when ever you got hurt in that dimension, you got hurt here too. You weren't dreaaming either, that really was real, it's just another dimeansion. The same people but developed in diffrent ways." She said.

"I see." He attempted to stand but fell back.

"Don't wait until you heal." She said right there.

"Tenten I have to do something and I have to stand to do it."

"Too bad wait until later." She said forcing him back down. "If you stand right now you'r leg will come off."

"Fine!" He layed back down and pulled the ring from his pocket. "Tenten, willy uo marry me?" Tenten looked at the ring, it was small but beautiful. She took the ring.

"Of course I will!" She gave him a gaint hug.

"Owowowowow, Tenten, ow off , Tenten!"


Neji and Tenten were married in the fall. After Neji had officially been relised from the hospital. Neji had fully recoverd, but after that always walked with a slight limp. After 2 years they dicided to have children. Their first was a girl and their second a boy. The girl they named Yuko she ended up being much like her mother she had black hair and whight tips. The boy they named Ren, He had black hair and white eyes, his behavior matched his father's. Yuko inheareted the bykugan, but Ren didn't. After passing the last graduation test, Ren got Lee as his Jonin mentor. Yuko got Kiba as her montor. Ren would always complain about how retarded his mentor acted, and Tenten would always tease him about it. Anyway I can't think up and ending so thewy all lived happily ever after... and I don't blame you if you flame me for this ending