she had tears streaming down her face

"why can't you stay with me" she cried he said nothing "say something to me!" once again he didn't reply "please stay...with me..." he couldn't stop the tears he turned around and with one movement he kissed her they broke and he looked at her

"I'm sorry I cant stay" he whispered "I love you too much I wouldn't want to loose you"

This time she had nothing to say he swiftly turned

"please dont leave I dont care I'll risk my life just to be with you for one more day" she wimpered he stopped his back facing her

"just remeber I'll always love you" he started to walk away she went weak in the knees and fel to the ground

"dont leave me" she whimpered as all he did was walk away from her

Tenten walked down the road eyes staring forward as she remebered when Neji left forever she ws now 23 he had left when she was 17

"tenten" came a voice but she didn't hear "tenten" it came again once again she was still remembering the cold lonliness of neji "tenten!" the young man shook her out of her daze

"huh what?" she said and her eyes focused on who was standing in front of her lee looked at her with his big eyes "sorry lee" she said they walked together

"are you thinking of him again?" she didn't answer "TENTEN!" he shouted

"yes" she whimpered

"why can't you get over him? he's gone tenten please how long are you gonna be like this?" he asked

"I dont know ok I just dont know!" she took off down the street lee sighed he made her cry again he walked back to the traning feild training would solve everything