The Little Red Book: Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you don't recognize…everything else is J.K's wonderful work.

Here goes! Enjoy and don't forget to review! D

"Ladies and Gentlemen…calmly now; make your way carefully. Mr. Black you put him down this instant! No, Mr. Snape you do not need to go to the hospital wing for that. Wonderful work Ms. Evans and Mr. Lupin, 20 points to Gryffindor. Now class, make sure you don't forget about…"

Professor Vague was expectedly cut off as the final bell rang to announce the end of the day. Plus, she had assigned a major project and was not very popular with the uncreative half of the class right now. She hurriedly shouted last-minute things to the class over the noise when the bell rang, but it didn't seem to work. She fell into her chair and started rubbing her temples forcefully.

James sighed and stood up. Vague had assigned a diary-keeping project to help them get in 'touch' with their feelings. He rolled his eyes. How much more bizarre could things get? Professor Vague had given them all identical diaries, with the same black cover. However, Lily Evans was the only person in the class to get a red one. Strange, he thought, as he tried to remember if the red one had been there before.

As if he didn't have such a huge load on him already. But, if he wanted to keep up his reputation, he would have to do all his homework. James glanced at Lily quickly and casually, and saw that she was happily drawing her name on the inside cover. As he looked at her and her new red diary Professor Vague had given , James decided right then and there that he wanted to see that diary. To read it, to learn all its secrets. But, as James stifled a yawn, he decided that that could wait.

He grabbed his stuff and headed for the door. He didn't want to stay in this classroom any more than he actually had to. Shuddering slightly as he walked out of the tower, James and the Marauders went to the Gryffindor Common Room to hang around till it was time for bed.

Lily scooped up all her materials and headed for the Common Room, as Divination had been her last class for the day. She joined her friends Avril and Regina, and together they walked to their Common Room.

Lily stopped before getting into bed. She wanted to have at least one entry in her diary for now, one to summarize how she felt the day she got it. Lily Evans dipped her quill into her ink, and the words started forming on the page as her hand elegantly made the strokes.

Dear Diary,

That's how I'm going to start every entry. It sounds like a fairy tale. Yes, I'll admit it, I'm a fan of fantasies and princesses and such, but I don't think that's too bad, cause I'm a girl.

Hey. I'm Lilianna Marie Evans, and I'm 17 years old and in my 7th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry. I decided that my first entry is going to be all introductions. I think that we should get to know each other. I have to go to bed, but I can put it off cause tomorrow is Saturday. I want to spend all night making friends with you. I'm a firm believer that the writer and diary should be strongly acquainted. I'm a Gryffindor Girl all the way, and my two best friends are Avril Stevens and Regina Crawford. Let me start by describing them. Sorry if this entry is to long, but I think I should tell you everything. From the beginning.

Avril Stevens. She is one of the best friends I've ever had. If you need a shoulder to cry on, Avril's the person you need to see. She has dark blonde hair and blue eyes, but she isn't an airhead. Regina Crawford is my other best friend in the whole world. She is a brunette with green eyes, and she reminds me of a forest. Whenever I tell her that, she laughs and tells me I remind her of Christmas. When you want a good laugh, or you're just looking for a great time, Regina's the girl.

Now, enough about my friends. I've told you about my school. Onto my family life. I have a wonderful mom, a terrific father, and a bitch of a sister. Petunia Evans, (soon to be "Mrs. Vernon Dursley…yuck!) is my sister. A terrible one, in fact. Actually, I'd rather have an ape for a sibling…it would do a much better job than Petunia at being an older sister. Petunia, is blonde, blue eyed, and thin as a pin. Ugh. She skips weeks of eating. One day I'm scared she's going to go anorexic and land herself in the hospital. Now, that wouldn't be such a bad thing after all…

Lets see…friends, school, family. Pretty much everything is covered. Only one thing left. James. I HATE him. Nothing else to say about him…just thought I would add that, cause I know he's just dying to get his slimy paws on you, Diary. But, to be on the safe side, I added that sentence. I've summarized everything into short paragraphs. Since I write stories, its not too incredibly hard. Okay, my eyes are starting to close…its well after midnight. I should get some sleep. It's a Hogsmeade weekend, and I need the energy to reject Potter. Now, I think I have everything covered. You know basically everything about my life. Not that you'd wanna know anything about me anyway. I'm the school's boring-est person. Nothing about me you'd need to know. Nevertheless, I've told you about my life. Lets hear about yours.


Lilianna Marie Evans

P.S. Hoping to hear from you soon, Diary!

The last sentence Lily added only as a joke, as she had many fantasies. Little did she know what was going to happen next. As she sleepily dipped her ink into the inkpot for the last time, to write the P.S, her already half closed eyes jerked open. (A/N: She had used up two pages so Lily was looking at one written page and one blank.) On the page she hadn't used, a fancy scrawl-ish reply started forming in deep red ink. Her breath caught in her throat as she started reading the forming words.