Abby was sat on the end of Carters bed looking In the mirror, she touched the stitches on her head that now had a purple bruise around them, she had a green plaster on her arm, Carter thought green would be a different colour to have, Abby thought it looked like someone had sneezed on her. She was dressed in black trousers and a white shirt. Today was the day she was going to face Jake. It had being nearly three weeks since she had seen him, Sam and Carter were both coming to the court with her, yet still she had that slight edge of panic, she knew he couldn't hurt her but hat didn't seem to stop her fear.

"Are you ready" Carter gingerly pocked his head round the doorframe.

"I'm ready" Abby stood up and took his hand.

"You are the bravest person I know" said Carter kissing Abby as he went down the hall to meet Sam.

"Hey you scrub up well" Abby had never seen Sam smart before, she too had a sort of suit thing going on, brown trousers and a white top.

Sam took Abby's arm and linked it with hers.

"Lets show this scum bag what were made of," said Sam as Carter and Sam led Abby to the waiting taxi. The ride over to the courthouse consisted of conversation not linked to the trial or Jake. Not that Abby was listening she was in her own world. She had been out the house several times now mostly shopping; she had even been to meet Carter from work on the El by herself. Yet still this time was different Abby could feel the fear rising in her body, the Cab felt too hot and she could feel her hand tighten in attempt to stop them from trembling.

"Abby" it was then she realised the taxi had stopped. Carter had gotten out and was holding his hand out to help Abby.

The courthouse was large and had lots of people wondering the halls. Abby moved so that she was in between Carter and Sam.

"What court we in?" asked Sam looking at a plan of the building.

"Three" replied Carter pointing to it on the plan. The walk to the room seemed to take forever it was as if each footstep was taking it further away. When they got there Abby hesitated feeling as slight pull on her arm as Carter opened the door. She carefully scanned the room for any sign of Jake. There was none.

"When do we start"

"Not for another 15 minutes that's when I give my evidence, do you want to get a drink?" Abby nodded, she didn't want to be sat waiting. They headed back down the hall they had just being down towards a coffee shop at the entrance. Carter had been asked to give evidence about the damage Jake had inflicted on Abby and when he found them, Carter was the last person to give evidence.

Abby stood behind Carter in the queue. She suddenly felt uneasy where she was standing; she began searching the surrounding area not sure what she was looking for. Then her eyes fixed on one position. Jake he was stood talking to three men probably his lawyers, he had been bailed but had to stay at certain place, Carter wouldn't tell Abby where after he found out, Abby figured it was like a offenders institute, that was where Brian had been before he was charged. She could feel her body begin to shake the room seemed to be closing in on her. As much as she wanted to look away her eyes wouldn't shift then he turned and looked directly at her, she shifted subconsciously towards Carter.

"Abby you ok" asked Sam who had almost been knocked over when Abby backed into her. Abby's face had turned the same colour as her shirt and Sam saw her body shudder.

"Abby" Carter turned to her and looked around for what had scared her. Jake had moved out of sight and so Carter didn't know what had caused her to react. Abby felt physically sick at the sight of him, memories kept coming back into her head.

"I need to sit down," mumbled Abby. Carter and Sam lead her over to a quite table.

"John Carter your needed in court three" a lawyer called. That was where Jake had gone he had being called in. at first Abby had wanted to be there to hear Carter give his evidence but now she couldn't face it.

"You go we'll be ok" Sam reassured Carter and practically had to push him away.

"I saw him" Abby's voice shook as she told Sam.

"I can't do it" tears began to form in her eyes. Sam patted her back reassuringly.

"I don't feel so good" the nauseous feeling in Abby's stomach had returned.

"Ok come on" Sam helped Abby up and led her into the toilets luckily they were empty.

"You don't have to do this" Sam told Abby as she lent against a sink.

"I have too it's the only way to get him out". "I want to show him I'm strong that he didn't beat me" tears flowed down Abby's checks. Abby splashed her face with cold water. Abby gave herself a mental shrug.

"Ok I'm ready" Sam was not too sure about that but Abby had already left so she followed her to where she was stood out side the door. They slipped quietly into some free seats at the back. Carter had just finished giving his evidence and was being taken outside.

Jake was then called to the stand before the jury was sent away. He had tried is best to get out of it but with the amount of witnesses for the two other people he had attacked, and the fact he had been caught in the act he seemed to have no chance.

Jake was read what he was charged with, while Abby sat hands shaking she looked up at him and caught his eye, he winked at her. That was too much to take she leapt from the seat quickly followed by Sam. She barely made it to the bathroom before vomiting into the first stall she could reach. Sam ran in behind her.

"Abby" Sam couldn't think what to say next so instead she held Abby's hair back and rubbed her back as she heaved. When she finished she turned and lent against the back wall.

"Why can't I just look at him?" she sobbed, " I want him gone" Sam hugged Abby as she cried.

"He winked at me," she muttered.

"That's because he thinks he can control you, he wants power Abby that's what they all want." Abby looked up at Sam. "when I saw Steve again he talked to me then he tried to get me to come back, when I said no he threatened me, but I looked him directly in the eye and told him he couldn't hurt me anymore because I didn't need him" Sam whipped Abby's eyes "once they've lost control of you they've lost"

Sam looked Abby directly in the eye "Also we were in the middle of a shopping mall and I knew he wouldn't try anything" she added trying to relieve some of the tension.

"You want Jake to think he can still control you" Abby shock her head

"Come on then" Sam pulled of some tissues giving them to Abby to wipe her face. Sam wasn't sure if what she had said would work, she figured that it would either break her completely or give her the courage to go back in.

Abby splashed her face and went out the bathroom.

"Abby are you ok I've been looking for you" Carter sprinted down the hallway to hug her. "They said you ran out"

"Apparently your breakfast didn't agree with her," Sam answered for Abby.

"You ok now?. We can go…"

"No I'm fine" interrupted Abby. Smiling at Sam.

"Thanks" she whispered.

"Well he would only worry you know what he's like" smiled Sam.

"Court three will rejoin now" A voice came over aloud speaker.

"Let's go" this time it was Abby who led them into the courtroom. She sat directly at the front and watched as Jake was brought back in. this time although she was still scared she was determined to look at him. She did, she looked him directly in the eye and saw something she had never seen before: fear. He was no longer in control he looked afraid even when he looked at Abby and smiled she could still see fear in his eyes, which gave her the courage to smile back. This caught Jake of guard he looked at her confused for a minute and watched as she took Carters hand placing it in her lap.

"You have been found guilty on three Charges of GBH therefore you are been given a sentence of sixteen years". The judge called out.

Abby looked at Jake the fear was now evident to everyone in the room. In jail he would have no one to bully because that was what he was a bully, nothing more than a playground bully who could only use their fists. At that moment Abby felt safe and happy again.

"Let's go home" Abby smiled at Cater and led him out the courtroom as Jake was taken away. She couldn't wait to start her new life with Carter.


WELL DID YOU LIKE? I MAY WRITE A SEQUAL CARBY OF COURSE WHAT DO YOU THINK? I know I got a little carried away and overdramatic if a write a sequel it will have less drama as I don't think that is what I'm good at I don't know if I'm good at things that don't involve drama but never mind my account of a court session was probably way off I only know what I do about police things from watching TV so don't blame me if it's slightly inaccurate (such as the sentence I have no idea how long he would have got!)