Yup here's my last chappie. It's been a very long time and it's sad to see it end but thank you to all the people that stayed with me over the years and supported me. Wow I'm really sad right now and I'm usually a happy person lol. My first story is finally going to end that's why.


-Luvisgood (one of my longest reviewers) - Populette (a long reviewer)

-Lazy Girl (the person who inspired me to write this story)

-Rainbow Kissed -Eat.Me. –Reh -Crimson G

-PaochiCute (I luv this writer) -mimato25cutielicious

-Lorena - Carebear Hater - M M Forever -Caterina Sforza

-midmaetob25 -Little Lillymon -absolutgirl -MimiYamatoForever

-Sakura Ai -KoumiLoccness(Thanks for flaming me you just made me want to write more :P)

Disclaimer- for the LAST TIME I don't own it…geez




My Heart Belongs To You

Chapter XVIII: New Beginnings


Mimi's P.O.V

Tonight was a success (besides the alcohol people snuck in) too bad my feet hurt too much to continue dancing with Michael, so instead we took a seat. I rocked to the beat enjoying his company as we watched everyone else dance.

Finally, Sano came back with my water I begged him to get me earlier. It was so hot in here and my throat was becoming dry from yelling at all these drunken idiots. Why would people sneak in alcohol, I know almost everyone here is underage.

I quickly grabbed the water and gave him a smile of appreciation. He blushed and returned an even bigger smile.

"Wait! Mimi don't drink that!" Tai jogged up to me in fear.

I had the cup up to my lips until a harsh aroma went up my nose… alcohol. Everyone watched in horror as my hands trembled and I dropped the cup and its contents onto the floor. My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to be sick.

Matt held me worriedly "Mimi what's wrong? Are you sick?" (//XD Poor Matt, he doesn't know she's pregnant….ahem…back to the story )

Sora rushed over cautiously with fearful eyes, "Please tell me she didn't drink it?!"

"No she didn't, but I don't know what's wrong with her. Her face is so pale" Matt exclaimed in distress.

I looked up to see Michael holding Sano up in the air by his shirt collar. Tai ran over and punched him to the floor. Matt quickly darted over to help Michael hold Tai back.

"You idiot…grunt…why would you try to give a pregnant girl….huff…alcohol!" Tai spoke deadly struggling to be released. (//Geez, having a hard time breathing there buddy …okay I'll stop )

The people that stopped dancing to watch the scene gasped in shock. Matt let go of him and stood there staring at me in disbelief. Tai finally realized what he just said covered his mouth in shock and regret.

Everyone watched me as Sora held me tighter. I knew his eyes were still on me… I could feel it. I couldn't even look at him, I wanted to run away but my legs were like jelly and my head was still spinning from the reek of alcohol in the room.

"I'm …sorry… I didn't know…I--" Sano tried to crawl away when Michael literally picked him up and threw him out the club.

The music turned back on and everyone went back to dancing. Luckily they were too drunk to remember this the next morning. Tai mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to me. I just gave him a forgiving nod in return; the truth would have come out eventually.

"I think it's time for Mimi to go home. Tai can you drive her home, I'll close up the club" Sora let go of me.

At last, I summed up enough courage to look him in the eyes. I saw a look of hurt and betrayal piercing my soul, before any words could slip out my mouth I was being pulled out the club. As soon as I stepped outside I saw Michael sitting on the curb.

"I'll get my car and drive it around front" Tai spoke quietly taking out his keys. I walked over and sat next to Michael.

"It seems as if drama will never escape the two of you" He chuckled receiving a playful punch from me, "Mimi…thank you for throwing me this kick ass party. After all the things I did to hurt you in the past, you still forgive me. I'm happy I had the chance to meet a real angel"

I couldn't speak, if I did, the tears would escape my eyes. I just continued to give him my smile as he leaned over and gave me a hug, "I'm going to really miss you"

Tears slid down my cheek onto his shirt; "I'm going to miss you too" I choked. Tai pulled up in front of us with his car hurriedly opening the door for me. I gave Michael one last look before I got in the car and Tai drove off.


Sleep didn't come easy for me. Tai reached my house at 1 am and now its 2:30. I have been laying in my bed this entire time thinking about Matt. That look he gave me… I will never forget it… hurt, betrayal, and hate. The graduation ceremony was in seven hours. I don't even want to go if I will have to face him. What will he say? Will he abandon me…the baby? No I need to stop thinking this way! Only time will tell, hopefully today he will at least talk to me. Before I knew it I fell asleep…finally.





Matt's P.O.V

I really hate graduations. First of all they are too long and second everyone was split up in alphabetical order which meant none of my friends were near. Ishida, I had to sit near the middle with all the other I's. I was so bored, I looked a few rows behind me (four exactly) and saw Tai about to fall asleep but woke up when he nearly fell out his seat. I couldn't help but roll my eyes "What a loser" (//Sasuke moment… sorry too much Naruto for me:P)

I couldn't see Sora or Mimi, probably because they were in the back due to their last names (Takenouchi and Tachikawa). I really need to talk to her and sort some things out. She probably thinks I hate her. Then again, I don't think I could ever hate her…the love of my life…the mother of my child. I really messed things up last night and I could have lost my child due to that idiot womanizer, Sano. Instead I just stared at her like a dumb fool. Sora actually had to snap me back into my senses.

"Ishida, Yamato Ishida" my name was announced

'It looks like my time has finally come' I stood up and straightened out my black gown. Almost everyone cheered as I made my way down the aisle to receive my diploma. When I finally made it on stage I took this as my opportunity to scan the room for Mimi. There she was the fifth row to the last row smiling next to a cheering Sora. I took my picture with the headmaster and made my way off stage. I looked into the audience and saw my mom and dad smiling at me very proud. I'm actually starting to like graduations now.


At The End of the Ceremony

After two long hours the ceremony was finally over. We all met up along with our parents near some cherry blossoms. We got stuck taking five billion pictures for our parents.

"Okay I want to take another one with you all throwing your caps into the air" Mrs. Takenouchi exclaimed. 'Snap'

"Yea and I want a picture with just Yamato and Mimi under this cherry tree" Mrs. Tachikawa smiled. We looked at each other slightly uncomfortable but smiled reluctantly. 'Snap'

"Tai hold Sora in bridal style and Sora hold out your diploma" Mrs. Kamiya took out her camera too. 'Snap'

Mr. Tachikawa and my dad just stood to the side watching the women antics. At last all their film ran out so they set us free to give us alone time.

"I'm FREEEEEEE!!" Tai ran around shouting.

"We finally made it you guys." Sora cheered ecstatically. Mimi gave her a half smile and looked back at her hands shifting uncomfortable next to me.

"Sora can you guys give us some alone time" I looked at her sternly "…and take Tai with you please" I pointed at the idiot running around yelling.

"Sure no problem" she eyed me knowingly before walking away.

"So now that were--" I looked around and saw Mimi quickly pacing off towards the lake.

"Mimi…wait!" I ran after her. In seconds I was behind her. I reached my arms out and grabbed her, "Please don't run away again. At least listen to what I have to say!"

"I already know what you're going to say, you hate me and you don't want this child" she cried.

"Don't you ever say that again" I spun her around and gripped her arms, "I love you and our child". I hushed her with a kiss.

"No…stop…" she pushed me away, "You're not obligated to stay with me. If you don't want this child just say so!" She wept.

"What are you talking about?! I never said that and I don't feel obligated…well I do but I'm staying with you because I love you and I want this child"

She stared at me with regret and collapsed into my arms. I picked her up and sat on the bench laying her head on my lap. We stayed in that position for minutes, me stroking her hair and her staring off at the fluffy cumulus clouds in the sky.

"I'm sorry" she finally broke the silence.

"For what?"

"For everything! For not telling you first, for not trusting you, for thinking the worst of you, for…" I cut her off pulling her into another kiss.

"It's okay. I was never mad at you… just really shocked. Do you remember when this happened?" I blushed and kept my focus on the ground after my last question.

"Well…" her cheeks were tinted pink too as she nervously twirled her hair, "it's kind of hard to tell…because there were so many times"

I just sweat dropped.

"But since I'm about a month and a half through, I have a feeling it was the night of prom".

"But I was still in the hospital at that time, how could we… oh never mind!" My face flushed when imaged flashed back.

"I can't believe you don't remember!" Mimi got off the bench standing in front of me, "I thought that night was special to you" a tear slid down her cheek.



Prom Night

Today was the worst day ever. No one came and visited me today and I couldn't even go to prom. Even worst I'm mad at Mimi. I knew I gave her permission to go to the prom with Michael but it still hurt that she took my offer so quickly.

I just took a long one hour screening test. The doctors said I was healing great, I just needed some rest. Those results itself filled me with energy. Nevertheless, my doctor insisted he took me back to my room in a wheelchair. I sat slumped in my chair realizing I was passing by Amanda's room. I took a quick glance to see Michael in a suit holding Amanda's still hand.

"What the hell is he doing here when he's supposed to be with Mimi at prom" before I could finish my train of thoughts I was already at my room.

He opened the dark room and out jumped Mimi, Sora, and Tai turning on the lights yelling 'Surprise!' I immediately jumped up and gave them a hug. My room was decorated with silver, black, and white balloons with streamers and confetti all over. Near the window was a table set up with little snack sandwiches, a cake, and some punch.

I examined them one by one: Tai was in a black suit and shirt with a deep red tie. Sora was next to him with a beautiful red silk dress that hugged her body with a long slit on the side that went two inches pass her knees. Her hair was in a messy bun with pieces let loose to frame her face. Mimi was in a silky powder blue sleeve-less gown that showed off all her curves and had glitter on the top half. Her caramel hair was filled with curls and wore a tiara. I looked down and saw my blue pajamas…I felt completely underdressed.

"I knew you really wanted to go to prom so we decided to bring the prom to you" Mimi beamed.

"Yea the doctor gave us permission to do this, so while you were being examined we decorated your room. I hope you like it" Sora smiled.

"He has no choice but to like it, we worked so hard" Tai playfully punched me.

"You guys really don't know how much this means to me. Thank you." I wiped away a tear.

"Dude you don't have to get all sedimentary on us"

"Idiot" Mimi hit him on his head, "…it's sentimental"

"Sora she hit me" Tai whined.

"Well that's what happens when you try to use big words" Sora giggled. We all burst out laughing.

-End Flashback-


"Mimi of course I remember, you all worked so hard that night how could I forget. 'Plus we had so much fun alone too' a smirk appeared on my face.



After three hours of partying we had to clean up. I lay on my bed still hyped up from the party even though it was over. Everyone was cleaning up the room throwing away the streamers and sweeping up the confetti. Mimi left to find a trash bag as Sora and Tai continued sweeping.

"It's so unfair that he doesn't have to help us clean" Tai pouted pointing at me.

"Hey I did offer to help, Mimi just won't allow it!" I cried in defense.

"Matt is probably exhausted he needs his rest Tai" Sora interjected.

"In that case I'm exhausted too, I need some rest. I'm going on break." Tai jumped into bed next to me. I gave him a death glare shoving him out of bed, "Only Mimi can come in my bed".

"Ooooch! Sora call the ambulance I think I broke my tailbone!"

"Tai…" Sora sweat dropped, "We're in a hospital".

"Oh…well… OoOoch my ass still hurts!" he whined.

"You might as well take him home. He will probably try just about anything to get out of here" I reasoned with her.

"Yea your right" She sighed, "Come on Tai lets go home".

"I'm FREEEEE!" he yelped. He jumped to his feet, picked up Sora and dashed out the room. Ten seconds later Tai ran back into the room picked up his keys, Sora's shoes and purse then ran out again with a sheepish grin on his face.


"I found one!" Mimi exclaimed cheerfully holding up the trash bag. Soon her mouth dropped "Where did everyone go and why are you sweeping!" she glared at me with fire in her eyes. I continued sweeping not paying her any attention, "…And give me that broom!" she pounced on me. We both fell on the ground her straddling my waist and the broom next to us.

I leaned up to kiss her but she looked away, got off me, and picked up the broom, "You need your rest" she led me to my bed.

Before she could walk away I pulled her into another kiss. This time she kissed me back dropping the broom. She lay on top of me staring with burning desire. I plunged my lips onto hers gradually sliding my hands down her back unzipping her dress. She quickly pulled away again and hoisted herself up, "I'm sorry Matt but we can't. You're still recovering and…we're in a hospital what if someone hears" she blushed.

"Well I guess we're going to have to be extra quiet then. Believe me I am more recovered then anyone thinks" I pulled her back down placing hot kisses down her neck.

"Oh really? Well let me find out just how recovered you are." she ran her soft hands up my shirt as I flipped her under me.

-End of Flashback-






Mimi's P.O.V

"I'm scared..." I laid my head on him.

"Don't worry I'll be here with you every step of the way" he stroked my hair.

"No I'm scared because I don't know how to tell my parents about this"

Matt froze at the end of my sentence and began to tremble, "I'm scared too!" he held me tight, "I remember when I told Amanda's parents. Her father threw a knife at me".

"Are you serious?!" my eyes widened.

"Nope" he chuckled, "But he was really…let's just say infuriated" I playfully slapped him for lying.

"Don't worry telling your parents won't be that bad. Just like your dad said earlier 'today is a day of new beginnings".

"Yea and speaking of new beginnings" Tai appeared out of nowhere licking a mint ice cream, "Look" he pointed up at an air plane passing over us.

Sora finally came over with three ice cream cones in her hand, "I don't get it, what are we looking at" she handed us one strawberry and vanilla ice cream; eating a chocolate one.

"Michael…" I smiled.

"You think so?" Matt questioned.

"I know it's him"

"There's only one way to tell" Tai stood up on the bench yelling and waving, up at the sky," MICHAEL! IS THAT YOU!?!?"

Everyone sweat dropped then smacked him on the head, saying in unison, "He can't hear you, BAKA!"

"Wow, abuse from all directions!" Tai gaped dumbfounded still holding his head. Everyone laughed except him.

"New beginnings and new opportunities" I rubbed my stomach smiling up at Matt.





So… it's finally over what do you think? I didn't even expect this story to be this long I actually wrote it out on a whim of boredom but then fell in love with it. I really hate endings so my ending probably sucked. I don't believe things should just end and they live happily ever after; there's more to their life. Yea now I feel kind of stupid to be obsessing over fictional characters lol but whatever. If I could, I would go over their whole life story lol but don't worry I won't. So I'm going to stop ranting now but as I say in every chapter please R&R oh and read my sequel later on.