My first fan fic!I love Gravitation so much! And I thought I just had to write my own little story about how I would like Shuichi and Yuki getting together. I think after this one I would like to write a Krillin and 18 one, because I've found some good fan fic's out there but I think there should be more. Right? I just think they make the cutest couple. Shuichi and Yuki look even better together! I love the both of them. This fic is AU, I loved the thought of the Gravitation gang as high schoolers.

Disclaimer- I don't own Gravitation but if I did I'd do evil things with Yuki evil laughter

Now, on with the story

Chapter one- Shuichi and Dad

Shuichi Shindou frowned as he felt the becoming black eye. He leaned over his bathroom sink to get closer to the mirror. How was he going to hide this bruise? His mother would see it and she would go to her room and cry. Shuichi knew he couldn't take anymore of her crying. Maybe he could use some of his sister's make up.

"Shuichi! Mom is going to be so mad at you!" Speak of the devil Shuichi thought grimly to himself.

"Mind your business." Shuichi said glaring at his sister through the mirror.

"Whatever, I was trying to help you. Mom said that a 'special' guest is coming over tonight and she said to look decent."

"Whose coming over?" Shuichi said turning to face his bratty little sister.

"I don't know." Maiko said shrugging her shoulders. She turned and left leaving Shuichi to frown even harder.

Things had been harder for Shuichi's mother ever since she got a divorce. Shuichi's father had wanted at least one of his kids, but his ex-wife got a good lawyer so that Shuichi's father was barely even allowed to see his children. Shuichi was now 15 years old, a sophomore in high school and he didn't know his father. Well he knew the basic's; like his birthday and what he looked like but Shuichi had no clue of his father's personality. He wasn't even sure he wanted to know him.

He sighed out loud and went down stairs to talk to his mother before the 'special' guest came over. Shuichi's mother was leaning over cooking something and she had a small smile dancing on her face.


"Shuichi, dear! What happened to your face? Did you get into another fight?" His mother said. This wasn't the reaction he was expecting, more of crying and shaking heads. His mother was obviously preoccupied with something else.

"Yes, but it wasn't my fault! These kids were picking on some little girl and I was just trying to protect the little girl!"

"I believe you honey, don't worry about it." Shuichi's mother went back to cooking and humming. Shuichi's mouth dropped open, did his mother just tell him 'not to worry about it'?

"Is something happening?"

"Didn't Maiko tell you? Oh, never mind I didn't tell her. You father is coming by! Aren't you happy?"

"No." Shuichi said going off into his room and shutting the door before his mother could say another word. Shuichi blasted his music and started to write lyrics, which was his favorite past time.

Shuichi Shindou loved to fight, but what he loved even more was to sing. And he was pretty good at both. Since Shuichi is a small boy people use to pick on him but they quickly learned other wise. When Shuichi was about five some bully tried to beat Shuichi up for his cookie, Shuichi kicked the bully right in the shin and ran away. Later on in the day as he thought about that fight he realized he liked making the boy hop around in pain. He loved the rush of beating the crap out of someone. Soon everyday he was in a fight. His mother knew that he son was a small boy but she couldn't help that it was her fault he got into fights because he didn't have a father. When she saw her eldest child with bruises she slowly cried as she cleaned his wounds. It would break Shuichi's heart to see his mother cry and he would vow each time never to fight again but the next day when someone came into his face he found it hard to control his actions.

"Hey Shu-chan, did mom tell you who was coming?" Maiko popped her head in his room. Shuichi put up his notebook and turned down his stereo.

"Yes, Father." Shuichi said bitterly.

"I wonder what he's like." Maiko didn't have the grace of being old enough to remember the bitter divorce between her two parents. Unfortunately Shuichi was old enough and he didn't like it at all.

"Whatever." Shuichi turned back up his stereo and turning back to his lyrics. Maiko rolled her eyes at her brother, she knew that meant that the conversation was over. Maiko went to her room and grabbed a new novel that she had brought yesterday. She suddenly felt herself get giddy but she forced herself to calm down.

"Eiri Yuki, you are magical!" She hugged the book to her chest and turned around happily. Eiri Yuki was every girls dream. He wrote the best romance novels, and even if some of them didn't have a happy ending, Maiko didn't mind at all. Eiri Yuki might of been every girl's fantasy but he had to show his real self to his fans. The book said nothing about him and girls were left only to imagine what he really was like. He had to be romantic if he wrote stories like this, Maiko thought to herself as she laid down on her bed and opened the book.

Hours later Shuichi and Maiko were forced to get dressed in dressy clothing. Maiko had on a dress and Shiuchi was forced to put his shoulder length pink hair in a pony tail.

"Mother! We are just going to dinner! And it's not like we are going anywhere. We are just staying at home! Why do we have to get dressed for a man we barely know!" Maiko protested, she quickly regretted her words when she saw her mother's pained expression.

"I guess it's my fault that you don't know your father. I'm such a bad mother."

"Mom! I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." Maiko said trying to comfort her mother.Maiko looked at her brotherfor help.Shuichi rolled his eyes at his mother and sister.

"Mom, don't worry about Maiko. She was just joking. You got dressed up for this occasion so I guess the least we can do is do the same thing." Shuichi said.

"Thank you for understanding. Why can't you be more mature like your brother Maiko?"

"Mom! I wasn't serious!"

"You are never serious, all you want to do is read those Eiri Yuki novels, which by the way you have no reason to be reading any way! Those novels are nothing but porn!" Maiko gasped like her mother had slapped her.

"How can you say such a thing about Eiri Yuki! He's the greatest author out there!" Maiko started to clutch where her heart was. Shuichi smiled at his mother and sister. They all froze when someone ranged the doorbell. Shuichi's mother quickly fixed her clothing and went to answer the door.

"Welcome!" She said happily. She stepped by and let Shindou-san in. He beamed at his children who just stared at him in aawkward way.

"Children, is that how you treat your father after such a long time? Don'tI get a hug?" Shuichi and Maiko looked wearily at each other.

"Father!" Maiko said finally when she noticed Shuichi wasn't going to make the first move. Maiko ran to her father and hugged him.

"That's my girl, what about my son?"

"Father, I am a little old to give hugs." Shuichi said bowing down to his father.

"Right, I forgot, you're the man in the house." His father laughed.

"Come sit! Dinner is served!" Shindou-san let go of his daughter and went to follow his ex-wife to get some dinner.

"Well, there's our father." Maiko said.

"Lucky us." Shuichi said. He followed his parents and Maiko followed him.

Dinner was filled with nothing but his father talking about himself. No wonder his mother started to hate him after a while, Shuichi felt like he would kill the guy if he talked more about how he invested in stocks and got rich. Shuichi looked at Maiko and noticed she felt the same way. They both caught each other glances and frowned. Their mother though, waslicking this information up. She laughed at his jokes and they weren't even funny. She was acting like a little school girl.

"I've brought presents for my children." Shindou-san said smiling at his offspring who offered a weak smile back.

"Dad, you shouldn't have." Maiko said already perking to attention with the thought of presents.

"Your mother told me of your love of Eiri Yuki, Maiko." Shindou-san pulled out a novel of Eiri Yuki's.

"Oh my gosh! This is his new novel that's been sold out for months! I've been trying everything to get this book and I had to settle on getting one of his older books! Oh Daddy thank you!" Maiko hugged her father and started to read her new book. Shindou-san laughed heartily.

"And this is for you son." Shindou-san handed Shuichi a small gift wrapped box. Shuichi opened it and pulled out a set of keys, his eyes sparkling.

"You got me a car!" Shuichi said happily.

"Your mother didn't tell you?" Shindou-san shot a look at his ex-wife, who suddenly found her bracelet very interesting.

"Tell me what?" Shuichi said. Maiko looked up from her book feeling the tension in the air.

"That you are moving in with me next week."

"What?" Maiko and Shuichi said together.

"Yes, I think it's the best thing, Shuichi, you are getting older and becoming a man and I'm just a woman. Your father and I decided this was best for you. Maiko will stay here and be with me and you can come back anytime you want. Tokyo isn't to far away, you can write and call every day."

"You are giving me away?" Shuichi said standing up and banging his fist on the table.

"Never! I just think it is time for a man to raise you. I can't cope with all of the fighting anymore. You are a good kid Shuichi and I love you with all of my heart but I think it is time for a new start, some where far away where no one knows your name. You can start over without all of the fighting! Shuichi I think this is the best thing for you. Maiko you agree don't you?" Maiko noticed her mother looked desprate.

"Yes, I agree, but you shouldn't have sprung this on us like this and so soon! Shu-chan is leaving next week!"

"Excuse me." Shuichi said. His mother called after him but he didn't stop. He went to his room and turned on his stereo and played it as loud as his ears could stand, which was pretty loud. When he was distressed he would play Nittle Grasper because it helped him think. He laid on his bed facing the ceiling with his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes and let himself be taken overby the music.

He loved Nittle Grasper, he wanted to be just like them when he got older. He even cut his hair like the lead singer Ryuichi Sakuma.

Shuichi closed his eyes tighter and thought about what his mother just told him. She was right, if he went to a different city he would have a chance to redeem himself and stop being such a troublemaker. He enjoyed the job but he decided it was best for his family. Shuichi decided that he wouldn't fight ever again, well at least not when he was in his father's care. Yes, going to Tokyo might be just the thing he needed to make his mother happier.

Okay, that's my first chapter! Please review and tell me what you think. Especially flames, I need, want and adore flames. They help me to make my writing better. I plan on being a writer when I get older and I need people to review my work with their hearts! I'll get the next chapter done really soon! But review! Plzzzzzzzzz!