Chapter Nineteen: The ship and fighting the demon

Authors note: Sorry about the mix up with the chapters, but this the real chapter nineteen, and once again, also sorry that I have been making it so short, I fear that word makes it look longer than it really is. Gomen, thanks for reviewing anyways, on with the show, This is the last chapter, so get ready for a hell of a ending, please review and tell me what you think!

Kagome is in the room, that she shared with her mate who was now a crazed killing demon, who was lusting after her blood, she was alone in the room wearing absolutely nothing, but she tied the red bed sheets around her body to cover her, gathering all the strength that she possessed she grabbed a wooden armoire and a burgundy couch and proceeded to haul them in front of the doors, anything to keep that damn monster out. Struggling with the armoire she realized that she wasn't strong enough and it wouldn't budge, she checked the lock and saw that it wasn't locked, so know what was she to do jump overboard, she would rather drown or be eaten alive by a shark than to be raped by him, he wasn't even acting like himself anymore, she didn't know him anymore.

The demon paced the deck back and forth as he stood at the wheel of the ship, he was fighting with his hanyou side, the real inuyasha was trying to take over again. "Damn you leave me the hell alone, I don't want to be weak, I like being all powerful, get the hell out of my head" "But what about what you are doing to Kagome, you know deep down that you love her and don't want to hurt her. It went like this for hours, the demon battling his inner self, the old inuyasha for control. The water was a dark blue, and the waves were tossing the poor ship from side to side, Kagome suddenly felt the urge to throw up so she ran over to the pot and threw up her dinner into it, all the while cursing men. After about a good thirty minutes of tossing her cookies, the door opened and inuyasha emerged but he had his hanyou ears although his eyes still remained red. "Kagome, I am sorry, I never wanted to hurt you, god please forgive me, I… "Damnit stay the hell away from me, I don't want anything to do with you get outta my head, she is mine!" Inu---yasha, umm whats wrong?"

Keh, stupid bitch, your pathetic hanyou can't help you know, I shall kill you than I will get rid of him for good, without you alive than he will have no reason to want to be a hanyou again.!" So once again Kagome was running for her life around the ship, but she would stop every so often to throw up overboard. "Where are you Kagome, I won't hurt you much!" Inuyasha was upon her his deadly claws glistening in the midnight skies, he pounces on Kagome, and grabbing her by her neck, he makes to thrust his claws into her heart, but suddenly as she is hanging in mid-air over the side of the ship, Kouga comes over, he is healed, being a full yoikai, he got the poison out of his system. "Damn mutt get your hands off of her, you are going to kill her!" Kagome run, I will take care of him, and what ever you do don't look back. GO below and lock the doors and stay down there until I come back.

Kagome is downstairs below deck, Kouga grabs for Inuyasha, but he is to quick for him and he rams into his stomach at full force, knocking the wind out of him, Kouga goes down for the count, Inuyasha is standing over Kouga ready to tear him to pieces, "Now wimpy wolf, you will die!" Bracing himself for the last blow, he looks up and it never comes, there stands Kagome, she runs up to the demon Inuyasha and embraces him. "Please Inuyasha come back to me I love you, I am carrying our child, come back to me if you kill Kouga, than the demon will win, and she starts crying. The inner war starts, Inuyasha's hanyou side is fighting to come back he really wants to be with Kagome and raise his pup. The demon side of Inuyasha was just standing there in shock, Kagome still hugging him went to kiss him on the lips, but he grabbed her arms and raked his claws down them drawing a massive amount of blood, and now to finish you off bitch!"

Suddenly there is a great explosion and out pops the jewel which shatters into a million pieces, and the demon drops Kagome and falls to the floor. "Inuyasha, Inuyasha!

Kagome, I love you I don't want to leave you, please help me!" Inuyasha passes out leaving a frantic Kagome screaming for help, she goes to the wheel and turns the boat around. Once they arrive at Kouga's place Kagome phones Miroku and after filling him in on what happened he and Sango both rush over.

"Kagome Sama, where are you Sango runs up to Kagome and embraces her in a fierce hug. Myoga is also with him, "It seems that master Inuyasha broke through his own heart to destroy the jewel and he is dying." NO, this can't be he can't die, I can't believe it I love him, Inuyasha please don't leave me please, I love you I don't care what happened that wasn't you I know it wasn't I don't want you to die, think about our pup. God damn, you can't leave me and a sobbing Kagome runs over to him, "Ka—gome, I love you always remember that and than he dies in her arms. "

"NO……………….. Inuyasha no please come back, please God I love you, sobbing hysterically now over his body, she feels like a part of her died as well.

One year later, Kagome will never forget her first love and how he sacrificed his own life to save hers, she fell in love with Kouga and married him. (Flashback) Miroku helped Kouga carry Inuyasha's body out of the villa, there was a small funeral for him attended by Miroku Kagome, Sango and his old crew where they laid to rest his body near the sea. Kagome was wearing all black, and she still refused to let him go she even tried to climb into his coffin with him. "No,Kagome let him rest in peace, his soul will be reborn, he did one good deed and for that he is granted eternal rest…

Kagome mourned Inuyasha for a great deal of time, until one night he came to her in a dream. "Kagome, love please don't cry, I am happy where I am and know that I will always be with you in your heart, you must stay strong for our pup, you must fall in love again, cherish what we had, I will always love you, Goodbye my one and only love".

Wait, Inuyasha wait, Kagome bolted upright in her bed, it was only a dream, Several months later, Kagome was moving on but never would she forget about Inuyasha, Kouga and her began dating, he told her he would let her take it slow, he wasn't a completely cruel and heartless guy after all and he did have some compassion. Soon she found herself falling in love with him, he proposed to her and right than her water burst, it was time for her to have her baby, Sango had already had hers, there was some complications and the baby was being held for observation. Kagome was scared to death, that she would lose the only link that she had with Inuyasha.

"Push Kagome, push, it's almost out!" Godamnit it hurts I feel like I am being ripped apart, get this thing outta me know! Oh my god!"

Wah, Wah… It's a boy, he was so adorable he had a little set of triangular ears on top of his head and a little bit of silverish white hair, he looked like a miniature of Inuyasha. "I should name the baby after his father, welcome little Inuyasha, I am your mommy and I will always love you, and just like Inuyasha would the baby started crying demanding to be fed.

Five months later Kagome and Kouga were married, and expecting another baby, Sango and Miroku lost their first child but are trying to make another one as we speak. No one ever forgot Inuyasha especially not Kagome, and how he had touched her heart.

Thank you to all that have read, I enjoy getting feedback, I will be writing another story soon, but for now I have to concentrate on other things, look forward to my new story by August hopefully. Thanks again