Author's Note: Here I am again with another cheap fic. For you guys who read my other ones, you might find this different from my style. But please still read on! I can't promise the best, only you have the right to say that. Anyway, on with the show!

Disclaimer: I'm getting sick of this… I do not own the Teen Titans… yet.


There's not that much action in this chapter, but I can assure you, this has a

ROBRAE pairing!

He went out for awhile to be alone with himself, strolling down the corridors of the tower. It's not that he didn't enjoy being with his friends, a person would have to be crazy not to have fun with them, he just needed a little quiet time. Maybe he'll even work out for awhile. Who knows? There were a lot of things he can do for this afternoon.

Well, he was wrong, for little did he know that it would be the last he would ever see of his friends in five long, painful years.

A strong hand suddenly covered his mouth, startling him. Momentarily caught off-guard, he tried to make up for it by jerking his arm upwards, hoping to hit his attacker right in the face. A powerful grip on his wrist twisted his upper limb, preventing him from making his move. Wincing in pain, he then smelled a familiar, sickeningly sweet scent. As a small, damp cloth was pressed against his face, he recognized the smell. Chloroform! Apparently, the assailant was trying to knock him out.

"Not if I can help it!" He thought fiercely. He pulled to free his one hand, but the attacker's grasp was tight. Finally, as his glove was pulled off, he strained to hit the attacker as much as he could; he wasn't giving up without a fight. He only succeeded in punching holes and cracks in the wall, alongside the ones made by the assailant. As a last resort, seeing that there was no way he could win, he thought to call for help. He tried to shout, but his screams were muffled by the cloth against his face, and he was getting drowsy. He felt around his utility belt for his communicator, for the attacker made no move to stop him. He seemed to know that his victim was finally getting desperate. But the drug was slowly taking effect, and he only managed to flip the device open before everything went black.

But before he was knocked unconscious, Robin saw one thing reflected on the small, blank screen of his communicator. The face that he would see his as his master and commander, his strength and his torment, his tireless and unending prison guard, in the next five years. The masked features of his notorious arch nemesis, Slade.

"Raven! Wake up! Emergency!" Beast boy pounded on the dark bird's door. She just covered her face with a pillow and shut her eyes tight, trying to go back to sleep.

"BB! Leave me alone! You're not getting your precious monkey toy stuck in the drain again and call it an emergency!"

"No Rae, nothing like that!" The thumping on her door stopped for a couple of seconds, as if Beastboy was trying to collect himself in such a short time.

"Robin's missing!" Beast boy frantically called out from the other side of her door. Raven closed her eyes, and then her brain processed what Beast boy just said. She was at the door in less than a heartbeat.

"You better not be joking BB." She warned, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Of course not! Cy thinks a fight may have happened on this floor. Come on, he and Star's already there."

Raven followed Beast boy through the dim corridors of Titans Tower, questions racing in her mind. Robin? Missing? They were two words she never knew could be used in the same sentence, save for the time Slade forced him to become an unwilling apprentice, yet they were. Well, she would find out soon enough.

She saw Cyborg with a baffled look on his face, operating a device on his robotic arm.

"Cy, what happened?

Cyborg wordlessly pointed to the noticeable cracks and holes in a section of the corridor, her eyes following his finger to the floor where a green glove lay next to a piece of white cloth.

"I ran a molecular scan on the liquid on the cloth." The half-metal man began. Raven picked up Robin's glove and stared at Cyborg's questioning face.

"It was chloroform. A chemical used to render people unconscious, which are generally hospital patients before an operation. It obviously didn't serve that purpose here."

Starfire couldn't take it anymore. "What has happened? Where has Robin gone? Who has taken him?" She exclaimed, her voice shaking.

"Chill out, Star. This is Robin we're talking about. I'm sure he's okay." 'I think.' Beast boy thought to himself, trying to believe it. "Hey Cy, maybe you could play back the video clip from that security camera. Might help."

"Good idea, BB." Cyborg agreed, already wondering why he hadn't thought of it himself.

Raven was thinking of the same thing. For once, she was relieved at Beast boy's basic thinking. In situations like this, he was almost always the only one who thought clearly, simply because he rarely felt stress and pressure.

The whole team became quiet as they watched the horrible replay of the fight, which was obviously one-sided because Robin didn't even see it coming. Even Beast boy stopped smirking; there was nothing funny about seeing Robin struggling as he was strangled by an unknown assailant.

"Augh! Umpfh!" Robin's gagged mouth would emit such sounds every now and then for something like five minutes. It was evidently hard to knock him out, even the abductor realized that. Again, Raven couldn't help but marvel at Robin's immovable will. Even while being kidnapped, he wouldn't fail to show even just one of the traits that made him the Titan's leader, despite the fact that he was the only one without any powers.

Raven turned her head to look at Starfire, who was obviously the one who would suffer the most when Robin disappears. Out of all of them, he had been the alien girl's closest friend, her link to this planet and the one who can keep her together.

She then observed Beast boy and Cyborg, the team's untamed hyenas. Raven knew Robin was also Cyborg's best friend, and the two had the most things in common with each other. If ever Robin is gone, Cyborg would not only take his place as leader, but shut himself up like Robin often does as well. Who else can understand and fully appreciate his genius inventions and experiments anyway? And Beast boy. Even though it was the green changeling who seemed to really oppose Robin's rampages and obsessions, she knew he can't stand it without their leader, for no one else had the right amount of determination that can put up with training and motivating Beast boy for everyday crime fighting.

And what about her? Didn't Robin also have such a lasting effect on her like everyone else on the team? Well, he sure did. Even though she wouldn't fully admit it, not even to herself, because she didn't really know what to feel about him if she let herself feel anything at all, she was secretly in awe of him. It wasn't a superficial attraction; it was too profound for that. Robin was admittedly striking, and anyone would have to be insane not to be smitten, but she also admired his puzzling personality. His deep-rooted and single-minded fixations and rage hardly interfere with him being a reliable and excellent leader, and it was unbelievable that someone with such a serious willpower and rigid focus could be so charming and accommodating. Before she can ponder this further, the soft, familiar sobbing of a certain Tamaranian interrupted her thoughts.

"Cy, I think you should stop the video first." Beast boy suggested, putting a hand on Starfire's shoulder. "It's kinda making Star upset."

"Okay." He paused the security tape, also secretly grateful that he didn't have to bear watching Robin struggling for his life for too long, as he felt useless and stupid in not being able to be there in his friend's time of need. In truth, they all felt the same way. But if they just went on for awhile, they might have seen such a crucial detail etched on the videotape's reel that they missed and have no chance of seeing again.

"It's okay Star, really." Beast boy said reassuringly, though he did not do a very good job. Starfire's eyes burned green with fury at Beast boy's seemingly passive remark.

"Okay? That is an exceptionally insufficient adjective for such an intolerable situation! Our friend has been captured, and you underestimate the urgency of the circumstances by calling it okay?" She cried out, hot streams flowing out of her eyes. Beast boy was so taken aback by the sudden outburst that he grew silent. They all did, wondering at how come their leader was gone less than 24 hours and they were already at each other's throats. As they watched the video, they put it as ordinary to see Robin fighting and getting hurt by other villains, but not when he had been so unaware and helpless. The assailant not only succeeded in taking an associate, but also in stealing a friend. And for that, hitting them where it hurts the most.

"I am… sorry… Beast boy. It appears that I do not have as much control over my emotions like friend Raven." Starfire glanced at her. A half-hearted smile and amethyst eyes were all to be seen of Raven, who raised her hood over her face to hide the reality that her eyes were also brimming with tears.

"I don't mean to butt it, y'all, but can we go on with this? I just wanna get this over with as much as you guys do." Cyborg, who became invisible the last three minutes, spoke up. Beast boy looked at Starfire hopefully. Star grinned and wiped her face with her hand. "Please, proceed."

Cyborg pushed a few buttons on the digital projector while the others waited anxiously. Cyborg's brow furrowed, and Raven detected that something was amiss.

"Something wrong, Cyborg?" She asked.

"Yeah… it seems the video's been hacked…"

"When? You mean right now?"

Cyborg fumbled around for words. "Uh, yeah… dunno how someone could jack my security in like, 30 seconds… I mean, it's almost impenetrable…"

"It appears like 'almost' was all the assailant needed. We hardly saw a glimpse of him 'cause he was mainly in the dark." Raven concluded nervously.

Starfire hovered above them, because she wasn't sure what else to do. "Friends, what shall we do now?"

Cyborg answered her, not with the reply she was looking for, but with a guilty statement. "This is my entire fault. If only the security system I made was as well-built as it should have been. If only I took Rob up on the offer to work out so he wouldn't have been alone. If only I saved the video on my hard drive…" And as if to emphasize his guilt, Cyborg punched the wall and produced a hole alongside the ones made by the fight. "Aaarrrggghhh! Why can't I do anything right?"

Beast boy seemed to have regained his unruffled composure as he said, "Cy, I know we're upset and all, but that doesn't mean we have to make stuff worse by going on guilt trips and tearing the Tower apart into smithereens, right?"

Raven took over the conversation. "Well, one thing's for sure," she said as she clenched her fists, "This guy, whoever the hell he thinks he is, made the mistake of taking one of us…"

"… and we're going to do whatever it takes to get him back." Her teammates said simultaneously, nodding their heads in agreement.

Author's Note: Nothing much to note about, as only a few things are revealed so far. Hope you enjoyed it! Please review (I really want to know how many people are actually reading this) and tell me if I should post chapter 2! If you hate it, you can just tell me so I'll stop! I really wanna know how well I'm doing. The other chapters are already made and ready to be posted unless you want it to be.