A/N: Last chapter, everyone! Everything's wrapped up all in a neat little package! Also... reviewers and readers... YOU GUYS ARE SO-O-O-O-O-O GREAT! This is the most reviews I've gotten for one story (over 140... wow...)! Thanks everyone! You touched me deeply! (Really) Hope you enjoy! There's last minute fluff, by the way.

Chapter 12: The Smile

"So... Patrick was an impostor?" The king said, sitting on his throne rubbing both his eyes with his forefinger and thumb, "He was Roy, the Assassin Lord of Hyrule?"

"Yes, milord." Zelda's servant said bowing her head, "He had taken Zelda away, I knew not of his intentions, but milady informed me that Sir Link saved her, and Patrick had slain himself."

The king remained silenced in the throne room, the remains of the servant's voice echoing throughout the large hall. It was early morning outside, however, it had been raining a dreadfully long time since the sun began to rise. The sky was a dull grey from the heavy clouds covering the sun's rays. Droplets pounded on the windows, as if wanting to enter into the throne room. The silence was broken with a heavy sigh coming from the king.

"Perhaps I have been foolish." He started, "It seems Link does care for my daughter... so much that he would risk everything for her and even die for her and he has done so over these past six years... how blind I was." He looked to his side to see the rain still pouring down in great abundance, as if repaying for all the tears that were spilt these past six years, "Please inform the princess that she will wed Sir Link, and give her my most sincere apologies."

"Yes... your Majesty."

Zelda had just reached the door to Link's room when the servant tending to him had come out carrying all her supplies. She glanced at the princess and stopped to find a concerned look on the princess' face.

"How is he?" She said eagerly.

"He has a strong will to live, milady. He's broken his fever, so he'll be just fine."

Zelda hastily opened the door and stepped in, but stopped herself when she found a figure lying in the soft bed before her. Now slowly she closed the door behind her, closing off the distant murmuring outside the room and entering into a silenced room where the only noise was the rain knocking against the window. Zelda did not keep her eyes off Link, who lay in the bed, eyes gently closed and golden locks falling to the sides of his face. Bandages were on almost every part of his body, and what covered most of them were his white garments placed on him after he was freed from his previous bloody attire and a white sheet that was revealed when the red comforter was drawn back.

The princess gently took Link's hand and placed the other on top of it, having his in between her hands. She rubbed each of his fingers while looking at his angelic face and observed his dull yet perfectly carved lips. She laid his hand back down so it draped over his stomach and she stood up to leave. Before she began to head out she stroked his bandaged cheek with the back of her hand.

"Rest, Link..."

When she turned to leave, her hand was grasped and Zelda turned around letting out a light gasp to find Link holding onto her. His piercing and gentle blue eyes gave butterflies in her stomach and she continued to stare at him.

"Please... don't go, Zelda."

His fingers intertwined with hers and pulled her gently toward him. She willfully came closer to him and she sat on the foot of the bed. Link let go of her hand and tried to sit himself up, but grimmaced from the pain in his stomach. Zelda quickly leaned forward and held his back so he wouldn't fall over.

"Link, you must'nt sit up! You'll open your wounds..." Zelda said worridley finding Link once again grasping onto her free hand.

"I'll be fine, no need to worry about me."

Link took deep breaths to regain his energy that he had lost from trying to sit up so suddenly, and for a moment there was silence. Zelda still found him grasping her hand tightly as if he were a child carrying a precious toy. Link suddenly turned his head away from her, and looked out the window where the dreadful overcast remained.

"Zelda... when you embraced me..." He said as flashbacks of the fearsome battle raced through his mind, "...why were you crying?"

Zelda remembered as well, the warmth she had given to Link to protect him from Roy's blood-stained sword. The coldness that was still in him... the tear that rolled down her cheek... it all once again came back to her.

"I was worried..." She said, "I thought I was going to loose you, and that thought gave me a little taste of the living hell I could have been remaining in this hour..."

"You... shed tears for me..." Link gently said as he lifted her hand to his chest, "Dear Zelda... please do not worry... my heart still beats, and it beats for you."

A smile crossed Zelda's lips as she looked into his adoring eyes. She felt the heart that she had tended to with her own hands, and she could see that in Link's eyes he was truly grateful to her. The rain outside began to lessen as Link drew himself closer to her and gave her many kisses on the lips, and after three kisses they parted for a second and exchanged smiles. Zelda curled her fingers around the back of his neck and pulled him in, this time for a deep and slow kiss. Link's lips covered hers with a leathery smoothness and he could smell her rose scent as he brushed her lips. When they parted, Link lowered his head so he was now resting on her lap. Zelda lifted her hand and ran her finger along his long and narrow ear. She gave another smile.

"Patrick... I mean Roy was right about one thing, Link..." Zelda started, "Our lives aren't perfect fairy tales... we recieve trials and sufferings... but that is what brought us together, Link. The fairy tale I always read... it is the story of how my mother met my father... I always read the end, because that's the best part, but the beginning is miserable... I suppose I didn't want my life to be like that..."

Zelda ran her fingers through his golden hair and then stroked his cheek. Oh, how Link enjoyed the carress of this angel. Her touch was as if it was a dream, and at times he thought if he was dead, because it seemed he was in heaven, safe in Zelda's embrace... and her voice... it was so soothing and gentle to his ears.

"In the past... both you and I have suffered on our paths... but those paths led to a crossroad, and now we share the same path... and have grown to love each other."

"I do love you, Zelda." Link finally said, his heart beginning to pound, "Thank you so much for everything you've done for me..."

Zelda's hand froze at his statement and she fluttered her eyes. Did he just say that? Her heart pounded underneath her chest... he had never said that directly toward her before. Yet, here he was, confessing all his feelings in just four words, "I do love you". Her muscles eased and she looked out the window to find the rain had at last stopped, and she whispered.

"I will always love you as well, Link..." She looked at him, "Don't ever forget that."

Link looked up at her and smiled, as the sun at last broke through the grey clouds and began to shine through the window. His grin widened as he continued to look at her and he closed his eyes and fell asleep on her lap. Zelda looked down and smiled at him. She knew this would happen. Link had just given her a smile from the bottom of his heart.

The End


To Love Another

"I know he has chosen that path... for his sister... I know that... I knew that, but..."

"Someday, Link, a thing that you will give me... something that will pass your lips... a smile... a smile from the bottom of your heart... I believe so."

"I won't take my eyes off of you and your battle... ever... I will welcome you with open arms... and you'll be home again..."

"In the past... both you and I have suffered on our paths... but those paths led to a crossroad, and now we share the same path... and have grown to love each other."

"I do love you, Zelda. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me..."

A/N: Thus, one of my definitions of "love" (yes, I believe there's more than one... such as friendship, and obsession over one thing etc.) Basically I'm saying it doesn't always include the, "Oh, I love you! Let's make out!" Sometimes it's just caring and service:D You know what I mean? Well, it's finished! Now "Patrick"/Roy can get what he wants.

Hyrule Master: (Hands "Patrick" a bowl of Lucky Charms)

"Patrick"/Roy: (GASP) LUCKY CHARMS! They're magically delicious!

Hope you enjoyed!

Special thanks:

Berlin's Brown Eyes: Kenshin has some of the best fighting scenes:D Oh, gosh... the fight with Shishio, I was saying, "WHY DON'T YA DIE!" Hey, suspense is good! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the reviews and support!

Sapphira603: Like I said before, I'm just an upcoming sophomore, you can't expect much of me. By the way, I meant "lungs" when I said "veins". I often think too fast and I'm typing one scentence when I'm thinking of the next. (It's a sickly habit... -.-;) It sounded like you REALLY didn't like the rest of this. (Print it out, burn it, and bury it.) Thanks for the reviews!

Yuleen75: ZeLink FOREVER! Roy can rest in peace with his Lucky Charms now. Glad you like it! Thanks for the review and support!

KEFWorldChamp: Zelda and Link end up happy! Yay! Glad you like it! Thanks for the reviews and support!

E1pnvn: My cookies shall be action packed... (is that possible?) and filled with chocolate chip goodness! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the reviews and support!

Forlorn Rain: Heck, Rurouni Kenshin ROCKS! (I love Kenshin's hair! 0.o must... touch... it...) Glad you liked the story! I'm sad it's the last chapter, too... but if I come up with another good fan fiction idea you'll see yet another story from me! Thanks for the reviews and support!

Greki: Hyrule Master laughs and says you're welcome! Glad you thought the last chapter was touching, that was what I was aiming for. Thanks for the reviews and support!

The Master of Skittles: The chapter with the big sword fight is always the best:D (Fight scenes are cool... 0.o) I didn't have the Roy from Fire Emblem the bad guy because he's TOO COOL! (drools) Along with Marth he's one of my best characters! (coughlinkismybestcough) Glad you liked it! Thanks for the reviews and support! You truly are the "Master of Skittles!"

Sakurelle: Was this chapter fluffy enough? Tee hee! Well, the reason why I didn't have Link kill him is because it would make him look kind of "a bad person" in a way. You know what I mean? Oh! I suggest playing "The Prelude of Light" because you're closest to Hyrule Castle, and then you could retrace Link's tracks and then eventually find the Lord Edward's Castle! (It's what to play on is the hard part... do you have an ocarina... or flute... or harp?) Thanks for the reviews and support!

BluSakura: (Roy is crushed by house, and wearing red slippers... eventually his feet roll under the house.) Heh, heh. Glad you loved the fight scene! Thanks for the reviews and support! (Gives you Hyrule Master's salty cookie from "Hero that Holds my Hope"!)

The hero of time 2005: Action packed is good! Except you've got to have the dialogue parts in there, they're important... plus it's good to have those emotional scenes with a lot of words. Glad you liked it! Thanks for the reviews and support!

Mystery: I love the Legend of Zelda too! In fact... I think it's SOOO DARN COOL:D Glad you liked this! Thanks for the review and support!

GundamWingFanatic90: FIGHT SCENES...0.o I'm in a daze whenever I watch them, I'm so amazed... (Watches LotR fight scenes...) Oooooooooooooo... Thanks for the reviews and support!

DraugDae: I never let Link and Zelda die! (I... just...can't... do... it...) Unless I have them dead before the story begins... but usually the farthest I go is kill them and bring them back (that's rarely though). Heck yes! Suspense ROCKS! Thanks for the review and support!

Janus Kamaren: (Gives you certificate) Congragulations! You mentioned "schooling" in every review! I'm going to be away from home for a while too, that's why I updated! XD Sure, I'll read your story! It seems interesting. I was actually planning on reading it a while ago. It might take me a while to get to it though. (Tee hee... "Sheepish" is a funny word... MAAAAAAAAAHHH... (sheep noise) Thanks for the review and support!