Fan Letters

By: Yukura

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans. Or Draco Malfoy.

A/N: Ok, everybody. I decided. This is it. This is the LAST CHAPTER EVER! of this story. Why? Because I want to write something that's a real story. Plus, I'm running out of ideas. This chapter is actually just a bunch of random letters I had left over and then: the result the fan letters had on the Titans!

Now, if you guys are actually interested, I am writing another Teen Titans fanfiction. It's a high school one. I know, not the most original. It's mainly Kid Flash/Jinx with Beast Boy/Raven, Cyborg/Bumblebee, and Speedy/Aqualad. I'll have it up hopefully in a couple days and as you should know, that means it probably won't be up until at least September. But please read it!

So, without further ado, the last chapter…

Dear Robin,
I'd like to thank you for choosing my brand of hair gel. It's also nice having a new member join the Offical Hair Gel Fan Club, even if you are a muggle.
Draco Malfoy

Dear Draco,
Uh, yeah, your hair gel is awesome, but, um, shouldn't you be in the Harry Potter fanfic section? What's a muggle?

Dear Robin,
You can blame Miss Yukura for the incorrect fanfic section. (Everything that's happened to you is her fault, after all.) A muggle is somebody non-magical, like you.

Dear Draco,
I should have known. It's always Yukura's fault.

Dear Titan Guys,
Me and my two friends have always argued over who was hotter- Star or Rae. What do you guys think?

Dear Trevor,
BB: Well, duh, Raven! It's not like it's a hard question.
Robin: Starfire.
Cy: Um, wow…this isn't a fair question for me! I guess…Star. Rae isn't really all that good looking.
Robin: You do know that now both Beast Boy and Raven are going to kill you, right?
Cy: Yeah. OW!
Robin + BB + Cyborg

Dear Titans,
Not only has your show been cancelled, but Yukura just said she's canceling your fanfiction too. What do you think of that?

BB: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not the fanfiction tooo….
Robin: Well, at least we don't have to worry about everybody knowing all the private things that go on around here anymore…
Raven: That's only because all the embarrassing stuff is caused by you.
Star: I think I shall miss getting as many fan letters…
Cyborg: I won't. I mean, some of these people are crazy!
Raven: It is how you got Jinx to go out with you.
Robin: Which is another reason the end of this is good…
BB: DUDE! That is so STUPID!
Raven: Just like you?
BB: Hey!
The Titans


Letters from Reviewers:

Dear titans:
I'm a really big fan of you guys! I'd like to ask you a couple of questions
Robin: In your opinion, what does it take to be a leader of a group? ( I need to know because I want to start my own band!)
Starfire: What's it like on your home planet?
Raven: What's your favorite poem? ( Mines Annabell lee.)
Beast boy: How did you get to be green?
Cyborg: What feature about yourself do you like? ( As a robot?)
I really like you guys and I hope your show comes back with a new season!
S.S180 (Shooting star180)

Dear S.S.180,
Robin: Well, to be leader you need a lot of things. Like good hair. That's the most important thing. Also, you need to be able to command respect. I mean, if the rest of your team/band things your stupid they won't listen to you.
Raven: That's exactly why we don't listen to you, Robin.
Robin: Shut up. I'm not done! Also, you need a good brand of hair gel. As always, I suggest Malfoy Brand. Plus, you need to choice a team/band full of people that are stupider than you.
Starfire: My home planet is the very nice except there are a lot of wars. My planet is also not as much of the pretty as Earth is.
Raven: My favorite poem is Mad Girl's Love Song by Sylvia Plath. Annabel Lee is definitely a good one, though. Edgar Allen Poe is my favorite poet, though I honestly prefer his stories to his poems.
Beast Boy: When I got bit by a green monkey and got my super powers.
Raven: Seriously?
Beast Boy: Yep.
Cyborg: Um…I don't need a portable computer/MP3 player/DVD player or any of that. I AM one!
Beast Boy: Can you play video games on your arm?
Cyborg: Yeah.
Beast Boy: Sweet!
Raven: Well, there you go! Hopefully you got the answers you wanted, and please just disregard Robin's advice.
The Titans

Dear Raven,
Never watched Futurama? Well, all righties then. Thank you for replying to my previous letter.
Butterfly Moon
P.S. Please let star know that she's awesome. Sank you!

Dear Butterfly Moon,
My actual TV watching experiences are only from what the guy watch. And I usually ignore that- one too many episodes of CORNY JOKES OH-HA (or at least that's what is seems like…) can do that to a person.
Compared to the usual crowd of letter senders you are actually kind of cool. I don't mind answering your letters.
And Star says thanks.
Well, got to go,

Dear Robin,
I've been wondering for quite a while how, when a bad guy lets out his line and usually awful pun, the T-Car or T-Ship arrives seconds later, from yards away, and you say your line relating to what they said. I've beginning to suspect that you have super-hearing.

No, actually. It's just this corny pun sense I've got. I won't hear anything from more than like a foot away unless it's a corny pun.

It was a bright, sunny morning. Unfortunately, it's very hard to sleep in when the sun is shining through the window so Beast Boy was forced to get up. Actually, it was more like roll over so much that he fell out of his bed and hit his head, but close enough.

After getting dressed into his uniform, Beast Boy went out to get some breakfast. He actually didn't have to fight with Cyborg over it because Cyborg had gotten up early and already had breakfast. (He'd been doing that everyday and then spending the day with Jinx- how stupid mushy is that?) After Beast Boy had some tofu he decided to get some tea for Raven. Raven was his girlfriend now! She was still mean and hit him for doing stuff, but hey, she was nice when she wanted to be.

As Beast Boy walked down the hall he saw Robin coming out of his room with a bottle of hair gel. "Oh, Hair Gel! How I love thee!" Robin exclaimed.

"Um, dude. That's just creepy," he commented.

Robin frowned. "Really?"

Beast Boy just rolled his eyes and kept walking. Robin had kind of gone insane with hair gel. Starfire had been getting really jealous.

Beast Boy finally got to Raven's room and knocked on the door. Raven quickly yelled, "NO, Robin, I will NOT play Barbies with you!"

"I'm not Robin!" Beast Boy said.

"Oh! Sorry, come in," she said. Beast Boy opened the door and came in. Raven was sitting on her bed with Starfire.

Beast Boy walked over to Raven and handed her the cup of tea. "Here," he said, grinning proudly at his sweet deed.

Raven smiled at him. "Thanks."

Beast Boy sat down next to Raven. "So, what'cha two talking about?" he asked.

Starfire frowned and said, "Robin."

Raven rolled her eyes and continued, "Apparently Robin has been completely ignoring Starfire for hair gel. We need to come up with a way to get Robin to pay attention to Starfire and not hair gel."

Beast Boy thought very hard. Then, he exclaimed, "I know! Starfire, tell Robin that if he doesn't give up hair gel you're leaving him for Slade!"

Raven grinned evilly. "Perfect! Now I know why I like you so much, Beast Boy!" she said.

Starfire hurried off to make her announcement to Robin. (She had to leave quickly because it was time for Raven-and-Beast-Boy-make-out.)

When Cyborg and Jinx came back from their little date they were surprised to see Robin throwing all of his hair gel out the window. "What's up, man?" Cyborg asked.

Robin looked very upset. "Starfire said that I had to get rid of Hair Gel or she'd leave me for Slade. Obviously, I picked Starfire."

Jinx tried to keep a straight face and said, "Well, hopefully. You're a teenage boy. Starfire has boobs. That shouldn't have been that hard."

Suddenly, Robin brightened up. "Hey, you're right!" he exclaimed and went to find Starfire.

Jinx made a face. "Oh, God. What did I do?"

Cyborg just shook his head. It was just another day at Titans Tower…

A/N: Wow. That's the end. I got a bit carried away in the non-fanletter part. Hopefully that's a good end for this…

By the way you guys, thanks so much for sticking around and reviewing my story. I just loved getting everybody's reviews. If there's anybody who'd like to make their won version of Fan Letters, I would love to read it.

I hope you guys all enjoyed this story! Please go read my new one when it comes out. Oh, and review!