Hi, this is Twilight here and I just wanted to let everybody know I will be placing this story on hold for a while. I really don't want to but unfortunately there are some things happening around here and it is making it extremely difficult to update this story. I'm really going to miss it and all the kind reviews you were giving me for it and doing this I understand that there might be flames, there might be burns, but again, I REALLY don't wanna place this story on hold. I do not know when this story will start up again, that information is unknown and maybe when I return with this story the chapters might be better, and the beginning might be fixed up quite a bit.

While I'm gone from this story though, my Longing to be Found story shall continue. However, that story is a Harry Potter, Harry/Draco story an M rating, extremely dark later on in the story, but maybe that story can hold you over as you wait for my return to Lost Light. Oh also, I haven't decided but I may start posting my Kingdom hearts chapter story ((High School fic, Lost Innocence)) it will also be a yaoi, very dark and the rating will be M.

Again, I apologize for the story going on hold for all my avid readers, I am not going to make excuses for the lack of chapters and the new state I am placing this story in. I WILL continue it later on, but for right now I am going to have to put it on the back burner for a while. I hope that when I start the story back up I won't have lost too many readers due to my absence. Also if you would like me to email you when I start the story back up if you don't have it on alert status you can just email me your email to my Twilightkitsune1 address found in my bio and when it starts back up I will email you informing you that it's started back up.

Twilight: (-sigh-) well that's all she wrote for now… (-teary eyed-) I really don't wanna do this!!!

Inuyasha: (-tsk-) wench, you've already done it, no point in being sad about it now… (-begins to eat comfort food-)

Kagome: (-comforting Twilight-) There, there Twilight, it's not like you completely stopping… though now you won't be getting reviews… and your popularity might go down… and you might be forgotten—

Sesshomaru: Love, your making her go hysterical.

Kagome: (-looks down from thinking and sees Twilight creating a river and blubbering-) (-sweat drop-) gomen Twilight (-nervous smile-)

Twilight: (-gurgling/whimpering noises-)

Inuyasha: did you understand a word of that??? (-head tilt; worried face-)

Kagome: not a single word… think she lost her mind?

Sesshomaru: This Sesshomaru didn't know she had any of that left.

Twilight: (-war cry-) Sesshomaru!!! I'll kill you! (-runs at Sesshomaru, sword above head-)


Inuyasha: SHE REALLY HAS GONE MAD! (-chases after Twilight, grabbing her in time to miss the poison claws-)

Sesshomaru: This Sesshomaru will let you pass with that this time but if it happens again wench (-eyes glow red-)

Twilight: meanie (-pout, pout-) (-looks at readers-) ALRIGHT EVERYBODY, LIKE WE PRACTICED!

Inuyasha: (-puts Twilight down and scratches his head frustrated-) this is stupid.

Kagome: Oh, it'll be fun! (-drags Sesshomaru over and stands beside twilight and looks at readers-)

Sesshomaru: This Sesshomaru must agree with his dimwitted brother…

Twilight: Oh Sesshie-kun (-holds up a comb and scissors-) Do you really want me to???

Sesshomaru: (-face unreadable, faces reader's-) Though this Sesshomaru does not go back on his word. (-nervous cough as Kagome smiles up at him-)

Twilight, Kagome, Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha: (-faces readers and bows-) WELL IT'S BEEN FUN!

Twilight: (-waves like crazy-) I'll be back and when I do the Lost Light gets dark and the rating will rise to M!!! SEE YOU THEN!

Lost Light
Status:incomplete (On Hold; indefinite)
Genre: General/Drama
Rating: T (When it returns it will be higher)
Pairing(s): Kagome/Sesshomaru, Miroku/Sango, Natiku/Akiko, Inutiasho/2mates,, ((future pairings when I return will not be told)),,
Summary: Kagome's a youkai, heiress to the Eastern Kingdom. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha both live in the Western realm and they are the heirs for the Kingdom. The three meet and the story unfolds. R&R
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, I DO however own this fanfiction story idea and the OC's in the story.

Goodbye for now, may we meet again!