It Wasn't Enough

By: Your Lady of Discord

Chapter Twenty-Five:

Captive Once More

Malfoy Mansion

8: 23 AM

Hermione awoke the next morning, in a foul mood and with a feeling that the day wasn't going to be a good one. She groaned and rolled over, checking the clock by her bed before sitting up and, after stretching, jumping down onto the floor and heading for her wardrobe. She withdrew her clothes for the day, a pair of gray jeans, a red t-shirt, and black robes, before entering into the lavatory to bathe and brush her teeth. The acts seemed almost too routine as she dwelled back on the past few months and her life within Malfoy Manor.

With a sigh, Hermione dropped her toothbrush into the sink, spitting out the contents of her mouth and then rinsing thoroughly. Having been the daughter of dentists, she had learned good dental hygiene and brushing her teeth in the morning had become like a second nature, as well as numerous other things that she had come to expect in her newest home. Upon dressing, Hermione exited the bathroom and made her bed, tidying up anything else that seemed to be out of place. The day seemed to be getting on fairly well enough, without incident, but then again, she hadn't ventured outside of her room yet.

Hermione sat on her bed, pulling her socks on her feet before sliding her feet into a pair of somewhat worn out sneakers. With another stretch and a yawn, Hermione jumped down off of her bed and headed toward her bedroom door. She pulled it open and stuck her head out, looking around for a sign of platinum hair. With a sigh of relief at no sight of Malfoy, she exited her room, closing her door behind her. Feeling her stomach growl rather loudly, Hermione headed down the long staircase in the direction of the kitchen, her feet padding on the stairs as she made her descent.

When she reached the lobby, she let out an audible sigh of relief having not encountered Draco and started in the direction of the kitchens to get something quick to eat before retreating back into her room and reading the day away. She was amazed she hadn't gained a lot of weight since she had come to Malfoy Manor with eating and then going into her room to read, with very little exercise.

Hermione's hand was on the door when she heard something thump against the front door. She was heading toward the door to inspect when she heard footsteps on the staircase. She paused at the front door and glanced back to see Draco heading down the stairs in his pajama pants, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He stopped when his eyes fell on Hermione, standing at the door and preparing to open it.

"Where are you going?" he questioned, giving her a serious look.

"Something's at the door," she replied. "I'm just taking a look."

"Maybe I should—" he began but Hermione waved him off.

"Nonsense," Hermione cut him off. "I honestly don't think it's anything to worry about. You are right there if I need help, anyway."

"Hermione," warned Draco, coming down the stairs as she opened the front door.

She looked around and stepped out the front door. "Hello?" she ventured, checking around her feet. That was when she spotted it. The Daily Prophet was sitting at her feet. She let a relieved sigh and looked back at Draco.

"See, it wasn't anything but a newspaper," she said with a laugh, reaching down with to pick it up.

Realization dawned on Draco's face and he ran toward Hermione. "Wait! No, Hermione! Don't—"

His words were lost on her as he hand grasped the paper and, with a pulling sensation behind her navel, the newspaper revealed its true intention as it became a portkey. Hermione stared, aghast, as she came to be in a darkly lit room. Before she could even scream, someone bashed her on the back of the head and she blacked out.

Ministry of Magic

9:17 AM

"How could you just—let her pick it up, Malfoy!!" screamed Harry as they sat in the office at the Ministry.

Draco was sitting at a desk, peering through records of portkeys and holding his head in distress. Harry had been giving grief since he had arrived with his announcement. He hadn't waited long to get to the Ministry, throwing on a shirt over his pajama pants and apparating to the entrance. When he had arrived he had informed everyone of the startling turn of events of the morning, and none too calmly either. Harry had proceeded in berating him, while Tonks went to retrieve the records of portkey licensing.

Draco was growing ever more irritated with Harry's scolding as he flipped through the pages, checking the licensing of the portkey that Hermione had use. After a few more moments of being told off, Draco slammed down the book of licensing records and turned to Harry.

"Yes, Potter, I am very aware that I fucked up!" he shouted, his face turning red in anger. "You think that I didn't try to stop her! She completely overlooked my orders and picked it up anyway! So if you wouldn't mind kindly getting off my ass and maybe helping us locate Hermione Granger, if you are so worried!"

Harry, who had been mid-rant when Draco had finally lost his patience, snapped his mouth shut, looking down after a minute and then clearing his throat.

"I'm going to see if there isn't some way to check and see what portkeys have been use in the last few hours," muttered Harry, retreating from the room and leaving Draco in peace.

Draco skimmed through the pages, his foot tapping against the floor anxiously. He ran a hand through his already mussed platinum locks as he turned a page roughly, nearly tearing the page as his eyes frantically read through the records. He had been beating himself up the whole time he had been in the lift on his way to his department. He didn't need Harry bloody Potter giving him any more grief for something that he was already giving himself hell about.

He should have told Hermione to leave it, to listen to him. He doubted she would have listened, considering their current standing with each other was less than amicable. He sighed, running his hand through his hair again, and then rubbing his eyes. Guilt was beginning to well up inside of him as he contemplated their last real conversation. If something happened to her…No. Nothing would happen to Hermione. He had to think positive.

The door to the office creaked open and Draco sighed, expecting to hear Harry about to open with another tirade. Instead, he saw a distinctly feminine hand setting a paper cup full of coffee in front of him. He picked it up, took a long draw from it and then looked up to see Tonks sitting down across from him. She gave him what he assumed to be a reassuring smile and then taking a drink from her own coffee before finally speaking.

"Haren is on his way here now," she stated matter-of-factly. "When we explained the situation, he prepared to apparate from Dublin immediately." Draco nodded in acknowledgement, his face paling from the reddened state of rage that it had been in. "Malfoy, don't stress too much. We will find Hermione and everything will be alright. Haren will understand that it wasn't your fault."

Draco sighed, bowing his head as he continued to scan the pages.



Hermione's eyes cracked open. She winced as a painful headache pulsed inside her skull. She sat up, rubbing her temples and taking in her surroundings. Recent events flowed back to her slowly and she sat up abruptly, though she regretted it nearly immediately. She groaned as he head throbbed painfully and squinted through the darkness for some sign of who she knew had been the creator and deliverer of the portkey that had transported her to her destination.

As far as she could tell, the room was empty. No one was there to greet her or threaten her and, for the moment, she was grateful for that. Hermione crawled her way across the floor, reaching out to feel for a wall. When, finally, she put her hands against the wall, she crawled along it until she found herself a corner. Frightened, she balled up and pressed her back against the corner. Everything seemed helpless. Last time, Harry and Draco had found her with relative ease, she thought, but she wasn't so sure this time. She didn't know where she was, didn't know what was going to become of her. All she wanted was to be back in her bed at Malfoy Manner, asleep and safe. When did everything turn around in her life?

When did everything go so bad?

A/N: Oh yea. The end of chapter twenty-five. It took me a good long time to come up with this, so I hope everyone enjoys it. Now I just need to sit down and come up with how they are going to get out of this one. Sorry it's so short. Forgive me!