Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters or the fabulous game of Bogies. They belong to the genius of J.K. Rowling, and Dick and Dom respectively.

01 - Harry Has A Bright Idea…For Once.

Fred and George were incredibly bored. They couldn't remember a single time that they'd ever been this bored, and what was worse, they were only two weeks into the new school term. With not being allowed to join the Order and no new tricks as yet to play on Filch, they were at a loss with what to do with themselves. On this particular day, more and more people had been noticing that something wasn't right with the Weasley twins – not that there ever was anything right with them. Harry specifically had noticed the Weasley twins' unusual lack of enthusiasm.

"Hey Ron. What's up with Fred and George?"

"I dunno, they've been like this for ages. No one can get a straight answer out of them."

On hearing this, Harry had decided that he would make it his mission to cheer the Weasley's up; after all, they'd helped him out on so many occasions, so why shouldn't he repay the favour?

That night, he found the twins lounging round the common room. Fred was spread out on one sofa, a hand over his eyes. George was lying on the floor, absent-mindedly tracing circles on the floor with his finger. Harry wandered over and sat on the arm of Fred's chair.

"Hey guys. What's up?" he said, trying to make it sound like he was just making conversation. He waited for an answer, but silence reigned. George continued with his circle-tracing, whilst Fred didn't make any movement whatsoever. Harry sighed; this was worse than he thought. He continued watching them for a moment before speaking again.

"Come on, guys. It can't be that bad."

This time, he provoked a reaction. Fred removed his hand from his eyes and looked at Harry.

"We're bored. Nothing exciting has happened. We're not allowed to be in the Order 'cause we're too young…"

"Story of our lives…" interrupted George.

"Right, and you haven't got up to anything exciting we can join in with, so we are wallowing in our depression," finished Fred, before once again covering his eyes with his hand. Harry was surprised. Fred and George, the mischievous masterminds, were actually bored! What could he do to cheer them up? After a minute's contemplation, inspiration struck. He wasn't sure what the twins would say, but anything was worth a try.

"I might have an idea for you," began Harry slowly.

"And what would that be?" George asked without turning round. Harry looked around conspiratorially and leaned in to whisper.

"Bogies," he whispered, then sat back and admired the effect of his words. Fred's hand moved slowly off his face, whilst George turned over and stared at Harry, not sure if he'd heard correctly.

"What?" he said, confused. Harry grinned.

"Bogies," he said again. Fred and George looked at each other; Harry had surely gone insane. But they were intrigued nonetheless. Fred sat up and George scooted closer to Harry.

"What's Bogies?" asked Fred in a low voice. Harry smiled. Now he had their attention.

"It's a Muggle game. Just your sort of thing. But I don't know…" Harry paused.

"C'mon Harry stop teasing!" said George.

"Ok ok. It's a competition, right, and one person has to say the word 'Bogies' quietly. Then the other person has to say 'Bogies' but a bit louder, and then it goes back to the first person. You keep doing it, getting louder and louder until one person chickens out, or can't say 'Bogies' louder than the other person." Harry sat back and grinned at his companions. Fred and George exchanged glances.

"Ok, but what's the point in that?" asked George, though he didn't really care; competitions were fun, especially when there was the opportunity to make lots of unnecessary noise.

"There isn't a point; it's pointless," said Harry, then added, "But you do have to do it in public places." He giggled at the looks of pure joy on Fred and George's faces. Pointless fun was their specialty. If one word could describe their grins, 'evil' would be it. They got up.

"Well, thanks Harry. We're off to plot. See you at dinner," said Fred, as George winked at Harry. Harry watched them go to their dorm room. 'Dinner is going to be interesting,' he thought to himself.