This is my (not so) little collection of drabbles and ficlets about my favorite pairing- Bankotsu x Jakotsu. I've been writing these for over a year, and I'm finally getting around to posting them up. I shall add new ones as I write them :)

Title: The Meaning of Death

Genre: Drama/Angst/Tragedy

Pairings: Implied Bankotsu/Jakotsu

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Bankotsu thinks on what "death" truly is and the pain that goes with it.

Bankotsu had always wondered what it felt like.

That fleeting moment as his blade stole someone's life away.

What was it like to be the one dying? The one breathing your last breath?

Then, he found out.

But, wasn't death supposed to be painful?

Wasn't it supposed to be the worst thing you'd ever felt in your life?

Thinking back on when the daimyou's had trapped the Shichinin-tai and he'd been killed for the first time, true it was one of the worst times in his lifeā€¦but- that was it? That brief moment of pain and anger as the blade took off his head was all that death amounted to?

He'd been given another chance. A chance to move freely and breathe again. And that's when the truth of death was revealed to him.

He felt that pain. The worst pain he'd ever felt. The moment he laid eyes on the Saimyoushou with the lone hairpin and the message that Jakotsu had been killed had in turn, killed Bankotsu.

He knew then what death was.

It was when your heart shattered.