Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated for a while. I don't know if people cared anyway, but yeah. Thanks for reading!

"James, please talk to me!" said Lily in exasperation as he walked out of the Great Hall. Lily noticed that her friends were wrong. James hadn't seemed to realize that she was being sarcastic after all. James paused in the Entrance Hall and stood there for a moment, which gave Lily time to catch up to him.

By not Lily was getting pissed. "James. I don't get you! If you didn't want to hear something like that, then why were you in my room spying on us? You had no right at all!" when she said the last bit, she was yelling quite loud, and people were starting to stare.

"So you admit that what you said was true?" asked James his eyes flashing. "That means that you are a slut to go out with me, and like another boy at the same time.

Lily gasped. Her eyes flashed and there was a shiny glint to them, but she refused to let herself cry in front of James. "I hate you James Potter," she said, her voice dangerously quiet, yet somehow most of the people standing around them heard it.

With that Lily spun around and ran down the hallway. Mae and Haylie followed her shooting nasty looks at him.

Remus and Sirius came over to stand beside James. "Mate, I still stand with what I said yesterday," said Remus. "I think she was joking."

"I don't need your advise Sirius," said James nastily.

"Fine then," said Remus coolly. "If you are too good for our help, then we will just go and chat with Mae and Haylie," he said, turning around and walking down the same hallway that all the girls had made their dramatic exit by.

Sirius shot James a look that seemed to say he was sorry, but he also turned and followed Remus down the hall.

James stood there for a minute, then decided that he just needed to get out of here. He walked over to the doors, and let himself out into the freezing cold air. He took out his wand and summoned his broomstick.

Three minutes later, James had finally gotten his broomstick and was flying around on the grounds. He was so confused. He wasn't sure if Lily had been joking or not, but everyone else seemed sure that she was. Maybe he was just being paranoid. Maybe Lily was right, when she said that they shouldn't have been spying on them in the first place. But Lily still shouldn't have said that, even if she was joking.

Finally thirty minutes later he landed on the ground exhausted, but happy. He had decided that when Lily apologized to him, he would forgive her, and apologize to her too.

The days until the ball passed by pretty quickly, and to James's surprise Lily still hadn't apologized to him. James thought about asking another girl to go to the dance with him, but he decided that that might make Lily even madder, and he didn't want to admit it, but going to the ball with anyone besides Lily seemed pretty pointless.

That was why on the night of the ball, he still didn't have a date. He decided that it could be good for him to go single. James was all ready. He was wearing a tux, and he had tried his best to flatten his hair down, and when that hadn't worked he just spiked it up instead.

James waited for his friends, then walked down the stairs to the Common Room. Remus and Sirius had to stay and wait for their dates, but James decided that he should just go without them, because he didn't want to be too close to Lily incase he did something wrong.

James sat down and watched everyone dance for a while. His eyes wandered looking for someone. Finally he saw her. He caught his breath. She looked beautiful! She was wearing a light pink dress, and her hair was in curls. Hey eyes shone as she danced with Mae and Haylie.

James put his head down on the table that was right next to him. He knew what he had to do. He got up and strode over to where Lily was dancing. He walked up and tapped her on the shoulder.

"May I dance with the beautiful lady?" he asked her, a little nervously.

Lily spun around, and smiled. "Yes you may," she said looking up at him. James led her a bit farther away from the rest of the people and they began to dance to the slow song that was now playing.

"Lily I am so sorry," he said in her ear. "It was a mistake. I know you would never do something like that to me. I don't know what was wrong with me. I am just afraid that I will loose you, and he scares me to death," he said in a quiet voice to her.

Lily looked up, and James saw the tears in her eyes. He stopped dancing and brushed her tears away. "I am so sorry Lily. Will you ever forgive me?" he asked her.

Lily looked up into his eyes and brought her lips up to his. James put his hand behind her neck. They stayed like this for about fifteen minutes, when Lily finally broke it up.

"Come here," she said, taking James's hand and leading him out of the Great Hall. Lily lead him up to the Common Room, and they sat down on one of the couches.

They lay there making out for a while. After time, they were passionately kissing, and James's hand was all the way up Lily's shirt. After a while Lily was wearing only her underwear, as James's had already taken off her bra.

James was wearing his boxers.

"Is this too soon?" James stopped for a minute.

Lily moaned. "James don't stop."

By the time that everyone was coming in the Common Room from the dance, Lily and James had relocated to James's room.

"I am guessing they made up," said Mae giggling, as she saw Lily's bra laying out on the couch.

"I had fun tonight," said Remus smiling at Mae.

"Me too," she said smiling back. Remus leaned in and gave her a quick kiss before going up the stairs to his dorm. Mae smiled.

No one seemed to know where Haylie and Sirius were, but many guessed that it had something to do with a broomstick closet.