ALRIGHT! I have had so much trouble with this stupid chapter it's not even funny! I have had to re-upload it a billion times! Okay, now that that is off my chestI can say what i wanted to say! I want to see if anyone can figure out where my pen name is from! If you guess correctly I will say your name in here and you will be famous! hehehe! Also this is my first fic so please be nice and remember, "If you haven't got anything nice to say, Don't say nothin' at all!" heh heh Bambi refrence! (dont own it!)
I also don't own any Inuyasha charactersso don't sue me!

Chapter 1

Three days before, Kagome left her friends in the feudal era, with tears in her eyes. Inuyasha uttered something so cruel she had no choice but to leave. Thinking about the argument now, she regretted going back. It had taken place in Kaede's village after a battle with a demon using a sacred jewel shard. The demon had injured Kagome, landing on her arm after dodging the Tetsusaiga's swing. Her arm shattered under the demon's weight. The demon's name was Demonio and when he landed on her arm she screeched in pain. Normally Inuyasha would rush to her side, for it was partially his fault, but on this day he only yelled at her to stop screaming.

"How am I supposed to concentrate when you keep screaming!" He yelled to her angrily. Kagome's mouth dropped open, as well as Sango, Shippo and Miroku's mouths. Kagome stood up with the help of the others while Inuyasha performed the windscar and caught the shard in the air as it flew out. Kagome stormed off before Inuyasha had a chance to say a word to her.

Later he caught up with her.

"What's your problem?" He boomed in her face.

"WHATS MY PROBLEM! Don't dare ask me that or you will find yourself picking dirt out of your teeth Inuyasha! Don't even say one word."

"But why are you so-"

"SIT!" she screamed burying his face into the ground, body following.

Kagome found Kaede and asked her to put a splint on her arm that would last her until she could go home. Kaede agreed gladly and also made a remedy to make the pain less. Inuyasha walked in looking like he was ready to yell when he saw Kagome's arm.

"Is that what you're mad about. Because I didn't fix your arm?"

"How the hell are you supposed to fix my arm?" she yelled with a small hint of a smile.

"I can't! But I also can't protect you all the time! I have other people to protect!"

"LIKE WHO! Shippo?" She said sarcastically.

"NO! KIKYO! She is more important than you'll ever be!" Inuyasha yelled very loudly putting great emphasis on 'ever'.

Kagome stood up tears with in her eyes and grabbed her yellow book bag with her good arm.

"You will be lucky if I come back." She said quietly sniffing.

That had been the argument. Kagome stood in front of the well with her arm wrapped up in a new cast with signatures from all her friends and Hojo. She felt that she was holding back tears yet again. She shifted the weight of her bag and looked down to the dark bottom of the well.

"Maybe he will come for me…he might come." She said aloud, "I wish he would come." She mumbled finally staring at the ground. She turned around and walked all the way back to her bedroom. She dropped the bag as soon as she got in the room and fell face first onto her pillow.

I should be studying for my entrance exams, but I can't concentrate right now. She thought.

Her face was still in the pillow so she never saw the red blur jumping from rooftop to rooftop finally to land in her open window frame. Inuyasha stepped off the window and squatted next to Kagome. He looked at her admiringly.

Is she sleeping? he wondered pushing his face closer. He reached his hand forward and touched her on the shoulder attempting to stir her awake. She became stiff and she slowly pushed herself up. She flipped herself on her back and looked to where the hand had come from. Seeing InuYasha squatting there with his grimy silver hair, dirty clawed hands and feet and sorrowful expression made Kagome's heart sink.

Maybe I never wanted him to come after all. She thought, her chest raising slightly with her breaths as she found comfort in his golden eyes even if they looked sad.

"Inuyasha what troubles your mind?" she asked and adding to herself she thought, Well that sounded fancy.

"I - I'm sorry about what I said and I want you to come home."

"Home?" she said loudly, "This IS my home!"

Inuyasha opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again knowing she was right.

"I will probably come back in 3 days, like always" She confirmed but couldn't help wondering why he looked so shy and timid. Inuyasha nodded and leapt out of the window once again, without saying good-bye, to leave Kagome alone in her quiet room.

Three days later she stood in front of the enchanted well with her backpack full of everyone's favorite goodies. There were Inuyasha's potato chips and Shippo's cookies, plus everyone else's favorites. She regretted going back but thought better of it. Everyone blurts bad things out sometimes! And I can't avoid him forever. she thought as she happily lied to herself. At that time Inuyasha was looking down the well, thinking about Kagome, wondering when she would come back. Kagome climbed down the ladder and passed through the two dimensions.

She looked up from the bottom of the well and saw Inuyasha's face looking down. His face changed from a droopy pathetic face to a slight smile. Kagome started to climb up and Inuyasha grabbed her hand just as she lost her footing and slipped. Inuyasha had a hold on her good arm while her broken arm lay dormant at her side. He pulled her up with no struggle and gently placed her on the ground.

"Thank you." Kagome gushed to him with a smile.

I love your smile so much! hethought to himself, out loud he simply muttered, "You're welcome."

Kagome heaved the backpack up higher on her back and led the way back to Kaede's village. Inuyasha pulled it off and placed in on his own back.


"So did you have fun at hooome?" Inuyasha mocked.

"No, not really! I studied for exams the whole time!" she teased looking at him with a grin.

"Look, I never meant what I said and I don't want you to be mad."

Kagome stopped dead and looked at him. He turned around, sensing she stopped and looked her in the eye. Then out of nowhere she loudly said in a bubbly voice, "Oh that! Oh I forgot about that a while ago" scratching her back as she lied to both Inuyasha and herself.

"I brought your favorite!" she said pointing to the bag on his back.

"My Dried potatoes?" the hanyou shouted.


Inuyasha and Kagome walked together to a small building, which held Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara and Kaede.

As everyone nibbled on the food Kagome brought back Sango asked Kagome about the scribbles on her cast.

"Signatures you say. What are those?"

"Well, it's like a way of writing your name… but it's fancy…and…only you know how to write it in that special way!" Kagome explained, satisfied with her answer.

"Oh" Sango said sadly, "I never learned to write very well."

"Me neither" Mumbled Inuyasha.

Kagome looked to Shippo


"I have learned to write a small amount in my early years as a monk." Miroku said proudly.

"Aye, I too have learned a small amount" Kaede spoke in a quiet voice, "Do ye learn writing in ye home world."

"Yeah, I do. In my time you need to know how to read, write, spell and do mathematics." Kagome said counting it off on her fingers.

Inuyasha gave her a quizzical look.

"What is mathermartricks?" He said with difficulty, trying to pronounce the word.

"Mathematics," Corrected Kagome, "It's like…uh…well it's like adding and subtracting things, except much more complex."

"Can you show us!" squealed Shippo with excitement.

"Um…alright." Kagome picked up two chopsticks and lied them on the floor. She held up one. "How many chopsticks do I have?" She asked looking around their circle.

"Feh! One, duh!" Inuyasha grumbled.

"Right. Now?" Kagome said picking up the other one.

"Two!" Shippo shouted.

"Good Shippo! You just added 1 and 1!"

"Oh…that's all mathtricks is?" Inuyasha said.

"Mathematics, yes that's it! But as you grow older it becomes harder…so it's not always that easy!"

Kagome sighed. All this thinking about schoolwork reminded her about her entrance exams. That's when she remembered, her big entrance exam was in three days.

"Oh no." She said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What?" Sango asked worriedly.

"My big entrance exam! It's in 3 days! OH I'LL NEVER BE ABLE GET INTO THE GOOD SCHOOL!"

"What's an entrance exam again?" Shippo asked with a twisted look on his face as he tried to remember.

Kagome explained that it was a huge test that grade 10's take that decides what school they go to after junior high, depending on their skill level. The worse you did on the test the worse the school you go to.

"Why is school so freaking important to you Kagome!" Inuyasha blurted extremely loudly.

"It's important because if you do badly in school you will never get a job and it affects your adult life! People see you differently!"

"WELL THEN STAY HERE! We aren't shallow like the people in your time." He said putting emphasis on shallow and becoming quiet at the end.

"You are talking to me about SHALLOW!" She screamed standing up and putting her head very close to his face.

"Oh boy." Miroku said in Sango and Shippo's direction placing his hand on his forehead.

"YEAH, SO WHAT!" Inuyasha yelled standing up in front of her, forcing Kagome to take a step back. Kagome started to yell back but stopped herself. She looked into his eyes for comfort but this time found none. She gasped loudly for she had never seen him with such a cold expression. His eyes were lifeless when usually they showed love towards her, even in an argument. She stepped back in utter confusion. His eyes came back to normal and looked at her confused.

"What are you doing? Are you all right, I smell the fear in you. What's wrong?" Inuyasha asked, slowly stepping forward.

"You…your…I don't know." Inuyasha's ears twitched. Kagome looked at her feet. She brought her head up and saw everyone else's eyes looking at her as well.

"Please excuse me a moment." Kagome mumbled and darted out the door.

She walked with her head down. The cold autumn wind whipped at her hair. Her arms were frozen and the wind sent shivers up her spine so she found a sunny spot and sat down. Kagome held her knees to her chest with her healthy arm and rested her broken one on her knees. She sighed deeply.

I have only been here for a couple of hours and we are already arguing! We are growing further and further apart. I'm going to be nicer, no more yelling. Okay, I'm gonna walk in there smiling and be happy! Knowing she sounded like her mother she laughed to herself and shook the idea away into the wind.

"Kagome?" Came a voice, as if floating through the wind. She flipped her head back to see Inuyasha walking up cautiously in fear of being sat.

"Inuyasha." She said in her voice that she always used before she sat him. He clamped his eyes closed and braced himself. She giggled and his eyes snapped open.

"KAOGME! Don't scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." She laughed. Inuyasha grumbled something to himself about annoying humans.

Kagome sat in her desk alone in the classroom with the teacher doing catch up work.

"Higurashi Kagome! What is the square root of 389?"

Kagome jumped at the teacher's sudden yell.


"Who was the 31st ruler of Japan?"


"What reaction do you get when you mix mercury salt and chlorine?"

"The reaction…you…uh."


"NOOOOOOO!" Kagome screamed shooting upward and breathing heavily covered with sweat.

"WOAH!" Kitsune yelled as he flew across the room from Kagome's sudden jolt.

"Oh! Sorry Shippo!" Kagome said stifling her giggles. Kagome looked around and saw that her ands Shippo were the last two in the hut.

"Shippo, where is everyone?"

"Oh, they left a while ago. I felt like sleeping in."

"Where did they go?"

"Just outside."

"Well then let's catch up with them!" Shouted Kagome standing up quickly to leave and stopping herself when she looked down and saw pajamas.

"Actually Shippo, I'll catch up, you go ahead." She said tugging at her pajama shirt. Shippo nodded and bounded out the door. Kagome advanced on her yellow book bag. She found it very difficult to open her bag with only one good arm. After some struggling she finally got the zipper open all the way and she pulled out her school uniform. She peeled off her pants and slipped on her skirt. Kagome looked out the window to check for a certain pervert's eyes but did not notice any. She then switched from her pajama shirt to her school shirt. After stuffing her arms in her shirt Kagome started digging in her bag for one more thing, a sling. After finally finding it under her first aid kit she hung her broken arm in it and sighed with relief. The cast was getting heavy and it was straining her shoulder.

Kagome found her friends in Inuyasha's forest talking by the god tree.

"Hey guy's!" Kagome yelled out to them.

Look at her arm. She is really hurt. It's all my fault. I never saved her. Inuyasha looked down, he felt awful about what happened.

Suddenly Kagome shot her head up looked to the right and pointed.

"I sense a Shikon-no-tama shard coming, and quickly! Wait, not one but…two!"

"Well lets go get them then!" yelled Inuyasha who after finishing his sentence began to run in the direction Kagome was pointing.

Noticing him run away Kagome yelled, "WAIT FOR US!"

"Kirara!" Sango yelled jumping on her back as she grew with flame surrounding her. Miroku, Kagome and Shippo followed.


"YOU LECHER! CAN'T YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF ME FOR ONE MINUTE!" Sango screamed as a red handprint showed up on Miroku's head. Miroku had a stunned, stupid smile on his face.

"Idiot." Shippo mumbled under his breath.

When Kirara and the gang caught up with Inuyasha the found him on all fours sniffing the ground.

"Let me down Sango!" Kagome yelled and Kirara swooped down so she could jump off.

"Oh I'll kill 'em this time for sure!" Inuyasha growled to himself.

"Kill who?"

"Only your mate to be!" He laughed at his stupid remark.

Kagome looked towards where she sensed the jewel shards and saw a whirlwind coming their way. Suddenly Kouga ran right next to Kagome and breathed into her ear.

"Hey." Kouga said in his low voice; Kagome grabbed at her ear.

"Oh, um, hello." She said nervously.

"This time, Kouga, you're mine!" Inuyasha growled, pulling out the Tetsusaiga fiercely.

That's the chapter! Remember to review and in your review if you know, say where my pen name is from!