Chapter 7.

Revenge, Reporters, And Rainstorms

It was 8:30 in the morning. A teenage girl was sitting at a kitchen island, surrounded by high tech kitchen gadgets and clutter that piles up over the years. Sipping on a cup of chai tea, she contemplated her current mystery. Aka:The-Incredibly-Unbelieveable-Change-That-Had-Overcome-Her-Boss-Turning-Him-From-Coldhearted-

She didn't understand it. He had never shown so much affection in front of her when she was the maid/cleaning lady. He certainly didn't show any emotion to Kagura. 'What changed? Why is he being so...un-Sesshoumaru like? I mean, he was TEASING me this morning. Him. Sesshoumaru Takahashi. One of the richest men in Tokyo. He was bantering with me, and actually sort of thanked me for brushing his hair.'

Rin suddenly blushed, thinking about how his eyes had gone so soft, an he had gently touched her face shocking her for a minute. He was sooo beautiful. WHOA GIRL, rewind and FREEZE! Must NOT go there. He is my boss, he is older than me, he is absolutely off limits. He's also absolutely gorg- AARRRRGGH!' Rin, deciding that if she continued on this train of thought, would probably spend the morning drooling like a useless air headed idiot, decided to use her time more wisely, and jumped off the stool to go find something to do.

10 minutes later.

'Why does this not surprise me?' Rin sighed, looking at the state of the laundry room. Having spent a grand total of 4 days as the full time nanny to Sesshoumaru's twins, she had not yet ventured into the laundry room. Having nothing better to do, she decided to take a look. Now she wished she hadn't. 'What exactly happened in here? Did the washing machine blow up or something? I pity whoever has to do the laundry.' Rin grinned, and then slowly, realization dawned on her face. 'Kagura...was in charge of that...which explains why none of it was done...but that means I...

If were listening 3 blocks away, you could faintly hear a strangled sort of scream coming from the Takahashi Mansion. Then, 3 blocks away, you would turn tail and run.

Rin resisted pulling at her hair, as she feared she might pull some OUT. Instead, she put her hair in a bun, taking the hair pieces that framed her face and twisting them on top of her head and bobby pinning them there, so no hair obstructed her view of got in the way. Then, with a determined look in her eye, she proceeded to do the laundry.

Eons Later

Rin groaned, bending back a bit, her hands on her lower back. She glanced at the clock. It had only been an hour? How the heck had she gotten all the laundry done that fast? She glanced at the laundry basket. Oh yeah, she hadn't. But the black and white laundry room was now clear of everything, the clothes strategically placed in the corners so as to be the least noticeable. Climbing up the stairs in the perfect imitation of an old lady, Rin finally made it to the twins room. "Taru, Shira, time to get up." Rin heard no sound. Rin sighed, got impatient, and took matters into her own hands. "Oy! You chipmunks better get up, before the tickle monster decides to get you!"

Muffled shrieks and giggles came from the room, and suddenly two bodies appeared where the door had been a second before. Smiling at Rin angelically, they gave each of her legs a hug good morning. "Yeah yeah, I know, you little suck ups," Rin teased, a smile gracing her face. "What do you two munchkins want for breakfast?"

35.3 minutes later

Rin took one look at the dishes and decided to do what was her right, being a full fledged teenager. She would procrastinate doing them. She then looked at Shira and Taru. They both had sticky hands, Taru also had managed to get jam in his white hair, making the front strawberry pink. He also had jam down the front of his teddy bear pajamas. Shira was cleaner, though not by much. Crumbs decorated her smiley face covered pajamas, and she had jam at the corner of her mouth. Rin smiled ruefully.

"Okay you two, up to the bathroom. Time to get ready for the day!" Taru hopped of his stool obediently, but Shira crossed her arms. "I don't wanna to get changed." Rin pretended to growl, and crooked her hands so they looked like claws. "Then the tickle monster wants to have a talk with you!" Rin grabbed Shira, held her by her legs so that she was upside down, and began to tickle her belly. Shira was soon shrieking at her to stop, promising to get dressed and wash her face if Rin would STOP.

Rin let her go gently, and then chased Taru up the stairs for being so slow. Finally both children were dressed, Taru in overalls and a shirt that matched his ice blue eyes, Shira in a dark pink top that had a sparkly smiley face on it (Shira was strangely obsessed with smiley faces. Perhaps it had to do with the fact smiling was something her father rarely did) and little jean shorts. Rin even managed to put Shira's hair in pigtails, a feat that previous nanny's would have declared impossible.

Of course, being Shira, and Sesshoumaru's daughter, she demanded something in return for wearing her hair up. Rin's hair was also in pigtails, her shiny brown hair hanging down just above her chest. Shira had shorter hair, so her pigtails curled in cutely just below her ears.

Rin was now trying to think of something they could do that wouldn't require a lot of running around. She was still exhausted from this morning. The laundry, that is. 'Although, bantering with your boss who could fire you out of irritation is probably a very good way of losing weight.' Rin mused wryly. Finally the lightbulb appeared.

"Okay you guys! How about drawing some pictures for your father? I'm sure he would love to add to his collection." (The kitchen fridge was covered in pictures. Rin had yet to find out what the color of the fridge actually was). Both children's eyes lit up, and they raced to the living room, and lifted the lid off the expensive coffee table, revealing two 64 packs of crayons, colored pencils, pastels, and markers, and enough paper that Rin was sure a forest was seriously lacking in trees somewhere.

Taru pulled out the crayons, and Shira got the paper, promptly handing one to Taru, giving herself one, and then passing one to Rin. Both children immediately started coloring, talking about what they were going to draw and such. Rin looked at her piece of paper. 'What am I going to draw?' Suddenly Rin grinned evilly. She took out some colored pencils, and lay on her belly next to Taru.

45 minutes, 15 seconds later

"Finished!" Announced Taru, and he handed Rin about ten papers. Shira finished shortly after, and also presented a handful of papers.

"Wow you guys! Look at the colors! I'm impressed!...Hey Taru, what is this one of? I see you in it, Shira, and me, but who's this?" Rin pointed to a taller stick figure that had a huge grin on it's face. Taru looked up from his 11th paper, and looked back at his paper, answering absently,

"That's daddy." Rin blinked. Of course that was probably to be expected, Taru drawing everyone he loved in a picture, but the idea of her boss smiling was so bizarre she had trouble imagining it. (She hadn't seen his smile that morning).

"Oh." Was all she said. She oohed and awwed over the rest of the pictures, both children beaming with pride. Then Shira asked to see her picture.

"What did you draw for daddy?" Shira demanded. Rin had a strange smile on her face. She showed Shira. Shira looked at it at one angle, then at another. Then she looked at Rin.

"I don't get it." Shira said bluntly. Rin laughed.

"That's okay Shira. But I know for a fact Sesshoumaru will get it." 'And that will be payback for this morning.' Rin added silently in her head. 'Watch out Sesshoumaru! You may be a an arrogant hottie, but you have met your match!' Laughing like a little maniac inside her head, Rin busied herself by putting the finishing touches on her piece of art.

Lunchtime came and before Rin could make something, much to her surprise, the phone rang. 'Who has the number to this house?' Rin wondered, walking over to the sleek phone.

"Takahashi residence," Rin said in a bland, polite voice.

"Very professional. I've decided to take the children out for lunch, seeing as the last time I planned it, I ended up firing my nanny instead. Don't make this a tradition," An equally bland voice came out the other end.

Rin blinked. Was he...doing it again? TEASING her? Well, he would soon see what he'd gotten himself into!"

"Wouldn't dream of it sir. I actually like the children. They are like little angels, which is practically a miracle itself considering their lineage. They'll be ready when you get here sir, goodbye." Rin hung up the phone with a grin. Point one for Rin.

Sesshoumaru hung up the phone, amused. She had slipped that line in perfectly, insulting and yet polite. Impressive. Shaking his head over nannies who didn't know their place, he grabbed his jacket and briefcase and left the office without a word to Jaken, leaving him startled and flustered.

"Daddy coming daddy coming!!" Taru sang out with glee. Rin smiled at him. Shira also looked immensely pleased, and put the finishing touches on her drawing for her father, printing out her name and then her father's (daddy) with the utmost care. She then placed it on her pile of drawings, and then sat down on the couch, turning around so she could see the door, staring at it expectantly. Taru soon joined her, doing the same.

Rin decided to finally do those dishes while they waited. She had just finished when there was the sound of the door opening and two thuds and excited shrieks. Rin walked into the hallway drying her hands on a dishtowel to find her boss with two colorful burrs stuck to each leg. She smiled softly, watching him drop his icy mask and relax, turning into a loving father. She was beginning to understand the mystery that was him. She chuckled as they demanded him to walk with them on each foot. He growled at them. "I'm a hungry father! I need my strength to life you two! You grow heavier each day!" They giggled again, but stayed on.

RIn decided to be nice and rescue Sesshoumaru. She cleared her throat. All three looked at her, noticing her for the first time. "Don't you two have something you want to show your father?" Taru and Shira let go immediately and ran to the coffee table, and then returned to Sesshoumaru, holding a pile of paper each, beaming up at him.

He took them, going over to the couch and sitting down to look at them, his children on each side. Rin quietly took his jacket and briefcase, putting them in the closet. Taru and Shira were talking animately to their dad, going a million miles a minute.

"-And that's you and me and Shira and Win, and Win made you a picture too and it's very nice but I don't know what it is and Shiwa doesn't eifer, but she said you would and so you should look at it!" Taru finished his rant, and slumped down against the couch to catch his breath.

Seeshoumaru looked up at his employee, standing a few feet away from them all, wearing worn jeans, and a simple white blouse with the sleeves rolled up, her hair in pigtails. Much more appropriate than what Kagura had worn. He silently approved. Outwardly he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh really? Ms. Rin drew a picture for me? How...nice." Sesshoumaru was unsure how to react to this. Rin just smiled suddenly, momentarily numbing his senses. Then he noticed a strange gleam in her eye and was suddenly a little bit apprehensive. He took the paper she offered him, and looked at it.

Taru and Shira watched their father's face twitch strangely. Then suddenly he had a tiny smile only they could see. It was gone though, once he looked up at Rin.

"I suppose you find this amusing." He stated, looking at her coolly.

"Pretty amusing, yes." RIn smiled at him innocently. "Hilarious, actually." Rin raised an eyebrow at him, still smiling. She had gotten braver when she realized three things: that her boss had a sense of humor behind his mask, she had a score to settle with him, and he had worked so hard to get her to be the nanny, he probably wouldn't fire her. Then her face changed from smug to mock nervousness.

"Well, Mr. Takahashi, don't you like it? I worked ever so hard to make it for you!" Rin pretended to be nervous and hurt, causing the kids to glare up at their father, silently demanding he say something to make Ms. Rin feel better.

"It is..." Sesshoumaru could not think of what to say about it without either making his children mad, or basically showing that Rin won this round. "...-Is...quite...something," was all he would say, satisfying his children.

When the children went to put away their coloring things at Rin's direction, Sesshoumaru turned to her. Rin put on a sweet smile.

"I do hope you like it Mr. Takahashi. I'd better go get the children ready for going out to lunch." Rin walked past him, and before getting out of earshot said quietly, "I win." She then got the kids their jackets, as it had been cloudy all day, and got them to put their shoes on. Right before Sesshoumaru left with the kids, he murmured into her ear, "This time." Rin grinned. Two so different, and yet so similar. At least his sense of humor made sense, if his other emotions did not.

Rin finished tidying up the place, and admired her masterpiece. On the paper was a picture of Sesshoumaru, sitting at a huge desk, talking to another business man. The business man was a very interesting shade of red, with a very strange look on his face. Sesshoumaru was looking at him sternly, shuffling papers. Through the office door you could see employees peeking in, similarly strange looks on their faces. Sesshoumaru was in a fancy suit, expensive watch, and had a rats nest for hair. The title of the picture was: 'What would have happened today.'


Rin had finally decided to once again tackle the laundry room. The state-of-the-art laundry machine helped, but there was still enough dirty clothes to dress half the homeless people in Tokyo. When it came to do the folding, she decided to bring the baskets upstairs, and watch TV while she was folding. (A/N To clarify, the laundry room door looks like a closet door on the main floor, but when you open it there is a flight of stairs, which lead to the laundry room.) She turned off the TV after 45 minutes. There was never anything good on. News, sports, gossip channels, and little children shows. She decided to just put a CD in, turning the volume up to tune out her off key voice.

Which would explain why it took her awhile to notice the doorbell was ringing. Muting the music, Rin walked to the front door, bewildered. Sesshoumaru certainly wouldn't ring, and who else would come calling to this house? Opening the door she found a handsome man with a suit and a big smile at the door.

"I'm not buying anything," Rin said bluntly. She hated salesmen.

"And I'm not selling anything," The cheery not-salesman said. "The names Reynard P. Whiles. I'm just doing a survey in the neighborhood, asking employees, such as yourself, how your employer treats you. We'd like to see if there is a pattern to which employer is the nicest. So tell me, what do you think of your employer? Is he generous? Do you have a dental plan? What is his usual treatment of you? Don't be shy now, the most honest answers will help the most. And of course, we will compensate for your time." The man handed her some money. It roughly added up to 500 dollars. Rin knew a rat when she saw one.

"Well that's very nice and all Mr. Wiley,"

"Whiles," He corrected automatically, smiling the whole time.

"Right," Rin said smiling as well. "Well Mr. Whiles, what makes you think I am an employee?"

"Oh, are you in a relationship with Mr. Takahashi?" Whiles practically jumped on her drooling.

"I thought this was a random survey? Or have you been looking up information on the employers? Or perhaps just this particular employer?" Rin asked sweetly.

"Oh no, everyone knows this is the famous Takahashi's house. I was simply assuming that you were his employee, as he hasn't had a relationship since his ex wife. Is this the case? Is there a softy behind the ice?" Raymond asked quickly.

"You're a reporter." Rin accused flatly.

"Well yes! You're a very sharp young lady!"

"It doesn't take brains to smell a rat."

And lovely too! Could this be why he employed you? What type of services do you offer?" While asking these rapid fire questions, he forgot himself and waved a small recorder under her nose. "I'm willing to pay very well for insights on the cold hearted business man! In fact, Gossip! weekly is prepared to pay you very well for your time!"

Rin couldn't believe this little man. He was insulting her as well as Sesshoumaru, and was offering to pay her to betray her boss, as if she would do anything for money. "For your information, I have absolutely NO interest in going behind his back and telling you nosey gossips every little detail of his life. He pays me quite well, I have no interest in money offers from the likes of you, and I wouldn't even if I was being paid dirt. Now get out of here before I call the police, or better yet, Mr. Takahashi himself!"

"That won't be necessary." Rin and Whiles both turned to look at Sesshoumaru Takahashi himself, who, in Rin's opinion, had never looked angrier. They had failed to notice him drive up, Rin had been to agitated, her voice even going shrilly, and the reporter had been too excited. The reporter now resembled a mouse who had been caught by a cat. As in, terrified beyond words.

"Get. Off. My. Property. Filth." Sesshoumaru said slowly, in a dangerously low voice. He was scary to Rin, and she wasn't the one he was mad at.

The reporter made a gurgling noise and went to hightail it out of there.

"Wait." Sesshoumaru said quietly. The reporter turned, almost hopeful. Perhaps he would agree to an interview? Sesshoumaru moved so fast it took Raymond a second to realize something was wrong. He looked down at his mini recorder, now split cleanly into four pieces. He looked up at Sesshoumaru. He then ran for it, not stopping until he made it to the Starbucks 4 blocks away.

Sesshoumaru turned to Rin. "I am pleased you are able to deal with the local filth efficiently. I am displeased they have regained their courage to even come here, or stupidity rather."

"I've had my share of reporters and stalkarazzi," Rin said bitterly, while gently taking the sleeping Taru from Sesshoumaru, so her boss could set down his suitcase and open the door. (A/N Rin had quickly shut the door to dissuade the reporter from coming in).


People everywhere, all in black. A table, Rin sitting under it. Two black eyes and white smiling teeth. A smooth voice asking too many questions really fast. Rin crying louder, her aunt yelling at the smiling man.


Sesshoumaru looked at her, internally smiling at her pet name for the paparazzi, (Which was quite catchy, it had a nice ring to it) but didn't say anything. He followed her inside, watching as she placed Taru on the couch tenderly. Shira was half asleep as well, having talked the whole time she was with her father, and terrorizing the waitress during lunch. Sesshoumaru was perfectly aware that in about an hour they would be up and at it again, and Rin would have her hands full. He then noticed the huge pile of laundry by the couch.

Now that he thought about it, Rin would have been cleaning the house as well as looking after the children as he had not hired another maid. He knew most people would just let the house rot in favor of taking care of the kids, but somehow he knew Rin was not one to do that sort of thing. She looked pretty tired too, now that he looked. The thought of hiring soemone else he would have to deal with made him shudder inside. So he decided to use another tactic.

"I'm giving you a raise. I wasn't paying you enough anyways. You may want to inform your aunt, as she seems to be concerned about such matters, that you now get $5500 a month. I expect you to keep up the good work. I will see you at 11 tonight." With that little speech, Sesshoumaru turned and went out the door, leaving a stunned teenager behind him.

Rin sat down. Her mind was spinning. First revenge, then the stupid reporter, and now a RAISE? As well as a COMPLIMENT?! What had happened to a nice, normal day? Things had entered into the equivalent of the twilight zone! Of course, why should she complain? Her salary had almost tripled in only 4.5 days!!! This was utterly crazy! Absolute madness! And yet... she had been working hard, and her was very rich. He had even said he wasn't paying her enough. (Which was mind boggling for nice, normal, everyday people A/N Like me) Deciding not to think about it too much, Rin called home. After 5 minutes of brief explaining, Rin told her giddy aunt that she still had laundry to do, and had to go.

She sat down on the couch and looked at the laundry, her mind still going a million miles a minute. Shaking all the nagging thoughts off, she again tackled the laundry.

59 minutes later

"Finished!" Rin said happily, stretching her arms out, and then popping her neck.

"Win?" Taru had woken up, and was looking at her blearily. Shira woke a moment later, and they were both soon wide awake, and ready to play.

"Hey munchkins! I just have to bring this up to your rooms, and then we can play a game! What to do want, tag or hide and seek?" The kids started bickering over which game they wanted to play as Rin slowly heaved the huge basket up the stairs. Raising her eyes heavenward with a small smile, she called back to them. "Oi! You aren't going to play either game if I can't get this up the stairs! A little help please!"

Taru immediately started up the stairs, Shira a close second. They didn't help that much, but kept at it with such determination and vigilance (and much huffing and puffing), that Rin had to admire their spunk. Finally getting the basket up the stairs Rin, Taru and Shira all collapsed on a heap on one of the beds (they were in the kids room).

"Phew! Okay, let's take a break, okay? Okay." Rin closed her eyes, and was immediately assaulted by the sensation of being on an especially affronted bucking donkey. Shira and Taru had in fact decided to jump on the bed to get her attention.

"No! play now, play now! Hide and Seek hide and seek!" Shira and her little brother shrieked. Rin sighed.

2 hours later

After roughly 45 rounds of hide and seek, Rin doing most of the seeking, she was ready to call it quits. Whether or not her charges were was an entirely different matter. So she bribed. Sort of.

"Wow, look at the time! We better have dinner." Rin called out suddenly in the direction of the hiding children. When they didn't respond, Rin shrugged. "I guess I'll eat the spaghetti myself."

"Spagee?" Taru asked, his head popping out of the closet.

"That's right. And helpers get extra cheese on theirs." It worked. Within 10 minutes they were all working away, and to keep the spirit of things, Rin turned the radio onto an italian channel, and started doing bad opera at the top of her lungs with stirring the sauce. Soon they were all yelling in made up Italian, until they were gasping for breath with smiles wide enough to split their faces in half.

"Is it weady yet Win?" Taru asked, his stomach growling it's complaint.

"Sure is!" Rin dumped appropriate amounts onto each of their plates, and with a Bonne Appetite (vaguely thinking she might've gotten the wrong language) dug in.

After dinner and cleanup, Rin decided they could watch a movie. 'I need something normal. Mediocre. Calm. Besides, rainy days are meant for movie watching!' It had indeed started to rain, though it wasn't much of a surprise, as it had been cloudy all day.

"Okay, here's the deal." She had both kids attention. She was getting a reputation for making good deals. "You both get changed and ready for bed as fast as you can, and then we'll watch a movie you BOTH agree on, okay?" The words were hardly out of her mouth when both of them were upstairs and half out of their clothes.

"3 minutes and 17 seconds. A new record, you guys are getting fast!" Rin said, looking at her watch. Both of them beamed at Rin, and finally deciding on a movie, sat on either side of her on the dark leather couch.

Cue soppy music, roll in the end credits, and it was time for bed. Rin tucked them in and went downstairs to clean up. Eleven o'clock came around, then 11:30, and still no sign of her boss, so RIn finally dragged herself to bed. Putting on aloose white tank top and some baggy pj shorts, she snuggled into the silk sheets and down comforter. She definitely had perks in this job.




If the thunder and rain didn't wake her up, the sudden light that came from her doorway would've. BOOM Flash shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

RIn sat up and looked at the two small figures standing in the doorway of her room. (The hallway light was always on for emergency bathroom visits). She held out her arms, and they jumped into the bed on either side of her, snuggling as close as they could get. BOOM Flash.

"I don't like thunderstorms either," She whispered to them.

"I'm scared Win!" Taru whimpered. Shira didn't say anything, but held very tightly to Rin, her wide eyes shining in the flashes of lightning.

"Shh, it's okay Taru. I'm here. And in the morning we can make animal pancakes for breakfast ok?" Taru's face lit up for a moment, and then he squeezed his eyes shut at the boom of thunder once again. She rubbed his back until he fell alseep, Shira soon after. Feeling drowsy as well, she had one drifting worry for her boss; it was getting late. And then she was asleep.


Sesshoumaru was in a temper. Once he had returned to his office he had his personal secretary call all the people that were needed and told them he would not have people sneaking onto his property and sticking their nose into his business. Once that was settled he found a stack of paperwork a foot high waiting for him, as well as 10 missed messages, Now it was 11:50 and he was still working on paperwork. He finished at ten past midnight, and drove home very very grumpy.

Entering the house, he found a note saying there was spaghetti in the fridge. Finishing the leftovers, which were actually very tasty, especially as he had not eaten since lunch, Sesshoumaru went upstairs. He opened the door to hus childrens room. And found- the beds empty. Feeling a jolt of panic, he went to his room, thinking they may have run there in the storm. Not finding them there he practically ran to Rin's room, thinking to wake her and- opening the door he found a scene that made his breath catch in his throat. Rin laying on her back, hair fanned out on the pillow, her arms around each child protectively, said children with their bodies turned towards her, blankets everywhere. Suddenly Rin woke, and their eyes locked. Rin made to get up, but Sesshoumaru shook his head and walked towards the bed.

So tenderly, had Rin been fully awake she would have been surprised (as it was, she was half asleep.), Sesshoumaru bent over and kissed Taru on the forehead, Taru hardly stirred. Then Sesshoumaru bent and did the same with Shira, who then sleepily said, "G'night kiss for Rin too." Again the eyes locked. Intense gold ones and deep brown ones. Sesshoumaru didn't say or do anything for a moment, seemingly frozen in indecision. Then suddenly he bent slowly down, eyes never leaving Rin's, until his lips lightly brushed her forehead, and then he was gone, with a quiet , "Goodnight, Rin" left behind A very very confused nanny stayed awake 20 minutes afterward, her fingers brushing her forehead. 3 rooms away, a business man was doing likewise with his lips.

A/N: And there you have it! Finally, after MUCH deliberation, and not to mention time, Hidden Beauty's chapter 7 is complete! A million apologies to my faithful reviewers, who have waited actual YEARS for an update, I hope this was worth the wait. I made it extra extra long!! I even put in some fluff! I hope it was enough. And if it wasn't, please review and tell me how it could be better. Do you want more fluff less fluff, too fast, too slow, not enough detail, too much detail, TELL ME!! That's what this site is for! Instant feedback! And please please realize that I was doing this as fast as I could, so my reviewers could get their next chapter, and so grammar and spelling probably aren't perfect. I am aware of that, thank you very much.

Now, I know I am in no position to bargain or ask favors, but could my reviewers also take a look at my newest story? I don't care if you hate it, review and tell me why, I just need some feedback. Thank you very very much. I shant update until I get at least 15 reviews on my new story (Perfections Companion, just look on my profile), and more than 20 reviews on this chap. It takes a lot of motivation to get me to update. So the more reviews (good ones, not just one word things like, good! Nice! not bad.) the faster the updates!! I think that's fair.

I love you all!

Foxy ;)