"Come back here you wretched kids!" a very angry teenager chased two little kids up and down the inside of an enormous mansion. They just giggled and screamed as they ran from their not too nice nanny. "Give me that back!" Kagura ran and grabbed the cell-phone from the older of the two twins. "Now get to bed!"Kagura yelled and slammed their bedroom door. She stomped downstairs and helped herself to the fridges goods."Dumb,snot nosed kids.Heck the only reason I'm doin this is because of..."Kagura day dreamed about the twins father. Sesshoumaru Takahashi.Kagura planned on marrying him then shipping the kids off to a boarding school(AN: Which is really stupid, I mean they're like, 4 Oo).She went to the living room and turned on the T.V. 20 minutes later the boy started crying which she ignored.As he continued Kagura yelled up the stairs,"Shut up you brat!" and continued watching T.V.

Rins POV

I can't understand it. How could such an important business man hire such a horrible person to babysit his kids? Of course, when he comes home she acts like super nanny and coos sweetly that he has such sweet kids. I just shook my head. It's not my business, I mean, I'm just the maid/cleaning lady.I work from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm weekends not included. My name is Rin.I went up the stairs and opened Taru's door."Taru? Whats wrong?" He stopped crying to stare at me.Then he remembered he needed something and said quietly"I need a dwink of wadda" I held out my hand to the boy and as he took it, his sister, Sheira, quickly exclimed" I need one too!" She took my other hsnd and we descended down the stairs. After geting a drink I made sure they went to the washroom so they wouldn't have an 'accident' in their bed.Kagura didn't notice. I had done this yesterday too. It may not be my job, but I can't get my work done when the kids are going hungry, and the dad doesn't even know about it! If I had the guts, I'd tell him, but I don't, and who would believe me, the maid/cleaning lady?And they'res the fact he's super hot.(I'm a girl, can you blame me?) Anyways I hope he figures it out and fires her cause she is a witch.I'm not jealous or anything.Really.

Sesshoumaru slammed the car door and opened the front door. He had had a dull day. Oh well.Oh no. "Sesshoumaru! Did you have a good day? Can I get you a coffee? Do you need anything? The kids were little angels as usual" while Kagura ranted on and on, Rin rolled her eyes and frowned slightly. The only reason the kids hadn't tattled on their 'lovely' babysitter, was because she had threatened to hit them if they did. Rin looked at the clock. 5:30. She grabbed her stuff, mumbled a good bye to Sesshoumaru, and went outside. I really need a bath.

After Kagura left, Sesshoumaru quietly checked on the kids. Fast asleep. He smiled softly. He loved his kids. After he got the divorce and aquired total custody on the twins he had moved far away and now, a succesful business men, owning the top company in Japan, he had to hire a live in nanny. He owed a favor to a client so he had hired the clients daughter, Kagura. He also had to hire that Rin girl, to keep the place clean. He Had thought he would need more maids but to his surprise she kept the place clean herself. He was impressed. I mean, his house wasn't exactly tiny, more like the opposite. It was the largest house on the block, also the most expensive. She did a good job. He couldn't say the same for his nanny. She was just like all the rest of them. Gold diggers, bubble brained girls who had nothing better to do then drool over magazines and do their hair. Oh yes, he knew the type. His ex was just the same. He went to his room and got ready for bed. 'They're all the same. Every single one of them'(A/N Or so he thinks).

Briiiing briiing BRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG! Slam! Rin groaned. Why can't I be in school again? Or be a normal kid who hangs around all summer instead of cleaning a hot guys house?' Rin mentally slapped herself. 'He's not that hot' Yes he is (AN/ I totally agree on that one) 'Oh no, not you again! I don't need another small annoying voice in my head ok? I've got enough to do' I'm just stating that you were incorrect.He is extremely hot. 'Yeah yeah, now go away, I need to take a shower' Ok but I'll be back! 'I hope not' Rin yawned and hopped in the shower.'Imagine being crazy enough to get up at 6:30 am in the summer!' 20 min. Later: Rin pulled on some jeans, threw on a red t-shirt, and put her hair in an old black bandana to keep it out of her face. She ran downstairs, stole a peice of toast from her cousin Souta right before he was about to take a bite, and zoomed out the door oblivious to his cries of outrage. She grabbed her not-so-new-but-dearly-loved skate board and raced away(AN/ I know its kinda weird for Rin to be a maid and have a skateboard, but I thought a bike was too clunky and a car was too...too...I dunno, just...it didn't fit,ok?This is my fic, I'll write it how I want).

Lunch came around and Kagura decided to treat herself to lunch. She was tired of the twins and she needed a break. "Take care of the twins till I'm back, ok?Later!" Kagura yelled to that maid, Rin was her name,or Ron or something. What ever, she just needed to get away and the maid was more than capable of taking care of the monsters for an hour or two. Sesshoumaru wouldn't know.

Wrong. Sesshoumaru growled in frusteration. Things weren't going his way and he HATED that. And he was hungry. Suddenly he decided to let his annoying assistant, Jaken, take care of it and treat his kids to lunch. He told Jaken what to do, grabbed his leather jacket, and climbed into his porsche(AN/oh yeah!). He slid neatly into the garage and went inside. He heard voices in the kitchen so he walked over and around the kitchen wall to find his kids drinking apple juice and eating crackers which was fine.What wasn't fine was the fact they're was no sign of Kagura and his maid was openeng the fridge to give Taru a refill of his juice instead of cleaning. She didn't see him and prbably wouldn't have if his kids hadn't shouted,"DADDY!"in unisen. She jumped up and banged her head on the ceiling of the fridge. While she rubbed her injured head his kids ran towads him and hugged his legs seeing as they weren't quite tall enough to hug higher, Sesshoumaru growled,"Where's Kagura?" Rin was about to answer when Sheira piped up,"She went to lunch and told this nice lady to take care of us, I like this lady, Can she be our nanny instead?" as Rin helped them back to the table Sesshoumaru looked at her and asked," Is this true?" Rin nodded not looking at him." I see" was all he said as they heard a door slam and an all too familiar voice shouted," Ok you brats I'm back so you'd better be good or I'll hit you" Kagura was about to say more when she got to the kitchen doorway and saw her boss looking non too happy (AN/ Would you be?). Oops. Busted. Sesshoumaru gave her a glare so cold an iceberg would seem like the Sahara desert. "Kagura. You are fired".

So waddya think? I'm so happy I'm finished, I almost killed myself writing this chap. Seriously, if you have an iMac, you know what I'm going through. I have to go to my friends houses just to write and save the chap cause I don't have Microsoft word! Growl( Special thanx to Kaitlynn, jessica, and Becca who kept me sane and graciously lent me the use of their computers and brilliant ideas) and I have been busy. Mom gettin' married, spring break (YAY!) my b-day which happens to fall on the day AFTER spring break T.T I seriously think someone up there has it in for me. Any hoo, please review( AAHH! I am going insane! That rhymed and I don't CARE if I spelled that wrong.) And tell me what ya think. I'm open for ideas! Hugs and chocolate kisses-Foxy