
Bail could not believe his eyes. There was Anakin Skywalker kissing the queen in the middle of the room. How was he alive? How could he really have beaten a sith! 'At least they don't know that I was involved' he thought to himself. It was the only comforting though at that moment. All thoughts years of careful waiting could have been made worthless in the time it took Skywalker to run his blade through the blasted sith. He would not let 12 years of waiting go to waste. There had to be something else that he could do. It had been bad enough when Anakin was out of the picture and he was trying to win Padme over, but with him here was impossible.

'There were always ways to get Skywalker out of the picture' Bail though to him self as he left the room were the pilot and the Skywalker were still celebrating. Walking slowly down the hall way one of his droids came up to him.

"Sir do you wish to imfor The Chancallor of the events here. I believe that it would be apropriate to infor the Jedi council about the sith." That was it! The Jedi Council, they had ordered that Anakin and Padme be seperated! They would do something aout Skywalker heing here.

(Jedi Temple-Council Room)

"We have received word that there was an attacks on Naboo but the threat has been diminished" Mace Windu stated to the rest of the council chamber.

"That was rather quick," Obi-Wan began. "The last time Naboo was attack it took the help of Jedi to end the battle, in that case though the Sith were involved." Thinking of that battle brought back old memories of his old apprentice. He would not admit it but he missed Anakin very much. It had been almost twelve years since he had last seen him…or his son.

"We have reason to believe" Mace began carefully, "That a Sith was once again involved." The atmosphere had instantly changed, the mention of the Sith would happen in almost any room in the galaxy.

"To dissolve the problem so quickly, impossible, if involved the sith were." Yoda said. As many of the other council member nodded in agreement.

"A Jedi send we should, discover the truth he will of the attacks on Naboo. Master Kenobi I nominate, go should he." The other council members quickly agreed with master Yoda - though they wouldn't admit it non of them wanted to be sent on the mission they had had enough of war and battles from the clone wars- and Obi-Wan nodded in acceptance.


While Obi-Wan was in his room packing for his trip to Naboo he was thinking about Anakin. He missed the kid so much. Now he wasn't even able to call him a kid anymore he was 35 years old ….and a father. He had often though about why Anakin had broken the code. It didn't surprise him, not that he didn't trust Anakin had a big heart that got to personal sometimesHe knew that it was procedure that he was being sent to Naboo, but he felt, and he was sure some of the others in the council felt too, that there was something else going on. He hoped it had nothing to do with Anakin, he could get in a lot of trouble. He didn't want to see Luke taken away from Anakin.

Obi-Wan looked around his room to see if there was anything else he needed. Satified that he had everything that he needed he gave his things to his droid to bring to his ship as he slowly made his way to the docking bay. He had not left the temple in a long time and was glad to get a break from the same scenery. The temple was beautiful, no one could denie that, but too much of anything can get old. He liked Naboo. It was one of his favorite planets despite the painful memories of losing Qui-Gon and in a way Anakin on that planet. He would be glad to seen Padme again, and check up on Leia. He had only seen her once since she was a baby. It had been a rather plesent vist even though he knew that it hurt Padme alot to see him, since he had been such a close friend with Anakin, they had been like brithers. But it had also hurt him to be reminded of Anakin and to see what pain thier seperation was causing.

Sighing Obi-Wan entered the docking bay and went to his already loaded ship. It was the ship that he and Anakin had often used while going on missions. He had always enjoyed thoughs missions. As much as he always scolded Anakin on his pioleting methods there wasn't anyone else in the univers he would rather have pioltting a ship with him inside. Sighing he sat down in the piolt set, the one Anakin always occupied and brought the ship out of the hangar and in to the atmoshpere. And he set his course for Naboo.