A/N: Like I said, this is just a somewhat silly idea that came to me while I was lying awake one night. But I'm really looking forward to hearing what you think! Oh, and if some of the lines sound inaccurate, it's not because I don't know them, it's because I altered them to suit my version of the ending.

"Danny that was awesome!" Sam cried, flinging her arms around her best friend as he came backstage and zapped back to his human form.

Danny hugged her back.

Then Sam's eyes widened and they both realized what they were doing. They quickly pulled apart, each flushing crimson.

Sam laughed nervously. "I guess Ember's spell hasn't exactly worn off yet,"

Danny grinned. "Don't worry, it has." Then his shoulders slumped. "But somehow it still hurts when I think about what you did."

"Hey wait a second," Tucker cut in. He smiled knowingly at Sam. "You were never under Ember's spell,"

She elbowed him sharply before turning back to Danny. "Look, Danny… I told you, I'm sorry. I really didn't want to, but… I had to do it… if not…"

"I know, I know," Danny answered, but he still looked at the floor, downcast.

Sam hated to see him like that. "Danny, if there's some way I can make this up to you I - " She stopped as the very answer to her question came to her.

Quick as a flash she grabbed him, and before Danny knew it, she was planting a tender, loving kiss on his lips.

"Happy now?" Sam asked as she let go of him a few seconds later, smiling.

Danny was clearly swooning. "Mmm… I don't know what to say," He had on the same dopey, dazed look that had been on his face right after the fake-out-make-out.

"Whoa!" Even Tucker hadn't been expecting her sudden action. "Did you mean that? Or was it just another fake-out-make-out to make him forgive you?" He scrutinized Sam, one eyebrow raised.

San folded her arms and grinned. "I don't know…" But her tone clearly stated the real answer.

"Nah… she meant it this time." Danny had finally snapped out of his daze, but gave her another dopey grin. "She tastes of pure sincerity,"

"Danny!" Sam elbowed him as well, blushing in embarrassment. But she was obviously flattered by his comment.

And Danny and Tucker laughed.

Danny and Sam watched as Tucker went off with his new admirers. He'd just been announced as the only one in school to pass the test – and with full marks to top it all off. (A/N: excuse my summary of what happened the next day – I can't remember the exact lines for that scene!)

"I…don't suppose you could release Ember again to get us out of this, could you?" Sam asked him.

Danny nearly fell off his seat. "What! No way! I do NOT want to get hit by some stupid love spell again."

Sam chuckled. "As if that would make any difference now," She teased.

Danny went red, and they both smiled shyly at each other from across their seats.

"But nope," Danny said, eventually snapping back to the point. "I can't release her." He crossed his arms and smirked. "Besides, Ember's a little busy right now…"

Over in the ghost zone, Klemper trailed the teenage girl ghost through the snow.

"Ember! Ember!" He chanted gleefully.

Ember stopped in her tracks and covered her ears, growling in exasperation. "ARRRRRGH! STOP SAYING MY NAME!"

But her cry wasn't heeded.

"Ember! Ember! Ember! Ember!……"


A/N: If only something like that could've happened in the real episode :D But then again, the original's always the best. :p And I doubt Danny and Sam are going to get together till the last eppy.

Anyway, that was it, and I'd appreciate it if you take the time to review - Thanks:)