Judas: Act III

A/N: Expanded author's notes follow the fic. The theme: the road home.

His ship was gassed and waiting, with only one flimsy chain that the gun made short work of. So, of course, they took one of Vicious's; he would have expected no less.

The cockpit was tiny compared to what she was used to. Her body was pressed up against Spike's, his hands moving against her as he worked the controls, her back cold against the glass of the cockpit.

"Y'know, I could fly a lot better without your breasts in my face," he deadpanned.

"Oh, excuse me, I'll go sit on the wing."

Once they reached the Gate, there was no further attempt to follow them; Faye put it down to Vicious's twisted idea of fair play. They passed the ride without speaking, Spike leaning back from the controls and whistling, Faye just staring out at the stars.

Spike sat the craft down on a dusty piece of nothing, turning on the distress signal.

"So what happens now?" Faye asked him, sitting on the ship's wing, her feet dangling.

Spike, scanning the sky, didn't look at her. "I guess we just go home." His voice was level, but the implications obvious.

She slid down off the wing, walking softly up behind him and putting her arms around his waist. He turned, catching her lips with his.

There was a long, slow moment between them before Faye finally pulled away. "Of course, we'll have to talk about my cut."

A/N: Phew! This is the last kiss! I have officially discharged my duties.

Though, it strikes me that I've got almost 200 reviews, and only 28 chapters. So, for you, cause I'm awesome, I'm taking requests for two pieces of omake to fill out the collection. Prompts can be no longer than 3 words, and I'll write whichever suggestions I like the most.

Thank you all for being sweet and reading and reviewing and all that. It's been a long, weird ride, but it's been great. Much love.