The raven-haired miko clad in green ran desperately through the forest, escaping a burning town and an unseen assailant. An empty quiver on her back and a broken bow in her hands, she turned to look over her shoulder to assure herself she was alone.

'No,' she thought, 'don't slow down! He can still smell me!' In her distraction, she failed to see the most obvious of traps and tumbled to the ground. Looking up to see what had escaped her wary eye, a trip wire gleamed two inches off the ground. "Damn teen aged pranksters!" the grumbled aloud. A muffled thump before her made her gasp as she slowly turned to see what she dreaded. At her eye level were feet below a suit of fire rat cloth, but this was enough to make her back away as fast as she could. She raised her eyes to the head, which was framed by silver locks, on top of which were the strangest ear that ensured humans that this was a yasha, or human shaped demon. In his enclosed palm was the faintest tint of pinkish light, which confirmed the miko's worst fear.

"You have the jewel," she said. "What else could you want from me?" The demon sneered as he stepped closer, and evil glint in his eye.

"Only you."

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I was typing the third chapter and my computer got a virus. So I made this up really quick so I wouldn't get in trouble. I'll try to get the third chapter up as soon as I can, but I don't have much time that I can't type on the computer.