-sigh- More bad news I'm afraid. Okay, here's the deal, Clueless is really bugging me. I know it could be so much better, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with BB and NW killing. So I'm tearing it apart and reworking it. When I'm satisfied with it, I'll come back to this one. I AM NOT GIVING UP THIS FIC! I'm actually very proud of its progress. I really love the story line I've come up with too. So this is not goodbye, this is an 'Until later.' I have no intention of stopping this fic. I just want to fix its prequel. If there are any Inuyasha fans out there, please read Through Her Eyes, which I'm working on when I'm not working on Clueless. I also have some other oneshots in the works. Mostly Inuyasha. I have a Rurouni Kenshin fic done, but I need to proof read it and finalize it. So, Keep a look out on my profile (Which I have updated and changed completely) for upcoming fics and updates. If you want to email me with questions or suggestions, please do! My email is on my Profile! Thank you!
