Chapter 29 – The Epilogue

"Great Wedding! Simply Wonderful!" Fred told Harry as he hugged him tightly and pinched his ass.

Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys laughed. At last it was 21st December and Harry and Ginny had got married. They held the reception at Grimmauld Place. Food was glorious and the atmosphere indesribable. The eyes sparkled with happiness like stars in a dark night.

Everything was perfect. Ginny was calmer than ever. She was married to the one she loved.

Harry couldn't be happier. Ginny was his wife now, not only because of a prophesy but because they both had wanted it. They had not only saved the Wizarding World with their daughter, but managed to live happily after all these years.

Lily too could be seen grinning all around. There were no secrets now, she had a proper family, everything was great with Kevin. Both she and Ale had agreed that there could never be anything between them and both had accepted this as the best.

All the family had been invited along with Lily's friends and their parents who all were childhood friends of Harry and Ginny. The Wedding had started at 11, where Harry and Ginny were wed. Harry was wearing a tuxedo just as Ron, and the rest of the Weasley brothers and Arthur had wore.

On the other hand Ginny wore a beautiful white gown with lacey arms and a massive skirt made of satin. She looked wonderful. Lily, who was maid of honour was wearing a long dirty pink dress which was strapless but she had a transparent, but elegant shawl all around.

Soon everyone was celebrating, eating, drinking and dancing again and Lily walked all by herself in their massive garden.

"Hey Lily!"

Lily turned around and saw Ale moving forward. He had wore an elegant trousers, white shirt and a black coat on top.

"Hey, having fun?"

"Yes! A lot! Thanks so much for inviting me!"

"Well, you're part of the family now!" Lily told him with a smile. Fred and George who after had met him had realised what a practical joker he was had asked him to move in their other apartament next to their shop, for christmas, easter and summer holidays instead of staying at the Orphange.

"Thanks a lot, I appreciate. I've never had a family before!"

"Anyway, did you like some chick from my family?" Lily joked.

"Well.." Ale started with a laugh, "There sure is a hottie."

"Really?" Lily asked as she grinned, "Who is she?"

The two moved more towards the people and Ale pointed to a red-haired one. "Oh! That one ! She's my cousin, Dandy. She's Uncle Charlie's and Aunt Katie's only daughter. She's lived at Romania up to know. Thye've just moved in back to England. But she's really nice. She'll be coming to Hogwarts from next term!"

"Awesome! Do you think you could..-" Ale started asking.

"Sure let me call her over!" Lily grinned and then she moved forwards and called Dandy, who shyly walked over. She sure was pretty, with long hair just like Lily's, with yellowish lights and big blue eyes. Her teeth were white and she had a friendly smile. "Hey Dandy, this is my mate, Alejandro. He'll be with us at school."

"Pleased to meet you Alejandro," she told him as she held out her hand.

He gave her his and muttered, "Me too," as they shook hands.

Lily then saw Adriana call her over and she told them, "Be back soon!" And with that she left the two chat by themselves. Soon they were busy talking and laughing.

"Hmmm, seems like you found some one for Ale at last," Adriana told her with a smile.

"Yes I did!" Lily grinned. Daniel then joined them along with Kevin, Delicata and David.

"Nice Wedding. I love it!" Dan said as Kev and David nodded.

Delicata added, "The food is glorious too. This Wedding really is up to standard."

Lily smiled proudly and David grinned at Delicata. At last his girl was no longer the snobbish-french girl she used to be. He then grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Kevin walked next to Lily and pecked her. He then told her, "Shouldn't you go next to your parents for a bit?"

She nodded, hugged him and then walked over to her parents who were talking by a table and smiling happily.

"Great wedding! Everyone likes it!" Lily told them.

"I'm glad," Ginny said happily as she got her daughter in between her and Harry. "But I'm even more glad that you're part of it my love, I'm so glad you're in our lives and I just hope that you don't really think that you're our daughter only because of a prophesy. We love you so much!"

"Yes, your mother is right," Harry told her.

"No, I know that you love me. And I want you to know that I love you both so much!"

"Awwww, come here," Ginny said happily as she pulled her daughter in for a hug and then Harry joined and as everyone looked at the three everyone couldn't help let a tear roll on their cheek.

"They're so cute!" Adriana muttered.

"Oh, they've passed through so many bad times," sobbed Molly, "But still, things should be great for them now!"

"Yes and that's how it's gonna be," said Arthur. "Molly my dear," he told her as he grabbed her hand and took her for a walk, "I'm so glad we let our daughter help Harry with the Prophesy, fourteen years ago. It's the best thing we ever did."

"Yes it's true Arthur. At last everyone is happy, not only our World, but also Lily herself, our daughter and last but not least, Harry, the-boy-who-lived."


Well, I didn't get much reviews last chapter.. still I'm gonna update this fer my faithful readers out there and so I get over this story. Hope you enjoyed it! I enjoyed writing it. It was nice and serious. I'm also finishing A Little Magic. Hope you Enjoyed that one too!

Thanks for the reviews go to:


Clyde Skipper



thanks to all others who reviewed throughout all the fic! Lov ya tc xXx


p.s. Any1 who wants 2 add me on myspace is free to do so. )

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