A/N: I know it has been forever since I last updated but here is, enjoy…oh by the way I am strongly against spoiler so nothing from the sixth book will appear in this story. Enjoy

Chapter Fourteen

Rowena stood still. This was to strange, everything she knew, everything she was prepared for had slipped from under her feet. Voldemort was acting pathetically, not calculated and smooth as usually, no this was much more erratic, it unsettled her.

"Where is Sirius?" She had to know. Bellatrix laughed and Rowena spun around again.

"Sirius has been keeping Bellatrix amused for the past couple of months, the mans will to live is quite extraordinary, I must say, though it grudges me. Mind you what harm will come of telling you, you will soon meet you death."

Voldemort tapped the fireplace with his wand and it started to move. It swung around to reveal and graveyard, when Rowena concentrated on it more it was just a courtyard. It was misty with a few dead trees scattering through the stone ground, over the yard there was the back on the chimney. Hanging off the ground by about five feet, was Sirius Black.

Rowena froze, there he was. He was unconscious, and bleeding, he was wearing tattered black pants and no shirt revealing many scars and gashes that looked like he had been whipped. There was a huge gash down his cheek. He was surrounded by a strange green orb that must have been a huge orb. His feet were shackled together, and his arms were above his head chained to either side on the chimney making his head loll on his chest.

Rowena slowly moved through the room, past Voldemort into the courtyard. She stood looking up at the body of Sirius. All of a sudden an immense pain hit her in the back. She screamed, although she had experienced the pain many a time when battling Deatheaters, it never got less horrific.

When the pain subsided she looked up at the body of Sirius whose eyes had snapped open and were having trouble focusing but then he saw Rowena. They stared at each other for a while, then he said something but Rowena didn't here because the barrier was blocking out sound.

"What Sirius you want to be with your bride? So be it." With a swish of Voldemorts wand the barrier disappear and so did the shackles. Sirius fell into a heap on the ground, Rowena scrambled over to him and slowly lifted his head onto her lap.

"Rowena you have to get out." His voice was a horse whisper, as he slowly raised his hand to her cheek before it fell away weakly.

"No, no not without you, I can't leave you." Rowena said quietly her voice strangled with a mix of pain and emotion as her eyes quickly filled with tears.

"Harry…" Sirius's voice trailed away,

"He is safe." Rowena said quickly.

"How touching." The callous voice reached Rowena's ears and she looked over at the Dark Lord and Bellatrix standing side by side. "Shame it has to come to end so soon though." He flicked his wand again and the searing pain returned to Rowena she screamed and she could hear Sirius scream as well. Rowena collapsed beside Sirius. This wasn't happening, it can't end like this, not like this.

"Voldemort, no you want me, not Rowena." Sirius yelled, He straggled to his knees.

"Oh on the contraire, I want you both. Now right here to die, forever bonded in love." His smile was sickening. "I was always fascinated with love, it is pointless and walks hand in hand with weakness."

Sirius flattered and flew lying beside Rowena. Voldemort moved his wand and made Sirius turn over so he faced Rowena. The two stared at each other. This was it. Rowena mouthed 'I love you.' And Sirius did the same, they grasped each other hand and then, a green flash, their lives feel into darkness.

"We should go to bed, we have our O.W.L.'s tomorrow." Said Lily glancing at the grand clock in the Gryffindor common room.

"Oh stop worrying would you love?" James said rolling on to his stomach mocking all his friends. They all lay out in the common room, it was late and no one else was in the room, Peter had gone home for Christmas and Lupin had gone to bed. Rowena, James, Lily, and Sirius were laying on there stomachs eating Berty Botts Every Flavoured Beans on Dares.

"Yeah Lily, live a little." Sirius had said.

"Yeah, Lil."

"I told you not to call me that Rowena!" Rowena knew that already.

They were all laughing happily speculating on what they wanted to be when they graduated. James and Sirius wanted to be Aurors, and there was little doubt that they would accomplish their goals. Lily wanted to be a pediatric Healer, and that fate was almost sealed for her. Rowena wanted to open a robes shop in Diagon alley, her passion had always been in designing clothes.

They were in front of the fire and Rowena knew this is it. This is what her life was going to be, Lily and James, Sirius and Rowena, together forever. Friends till the end.