Chapter One:

She couldn't stand it any more, she had to leave. She couldn't bear to see Sirius in such a state. She loved him to much. It was ludicrous! Absolutely ludicrous! How could they even think that Sirius could sell out James and Lily?

As she got out the courtroom the screams of Sirius left her ears. Tears filled her eyes, it had all happened so fast, everything had changed, so quickly and yet so……so……slowly. That was the only way she could describe it.

"You have had enough to drink."

"And I disagree."

"Disagree all you want, I am right."

"Oh she has got you there, Sirius." James smiled on warmly.

James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Rowena Hopkirk all sat in the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmede laughing.

"Now look, I know my limits and I reached them haven't!" He stopped talking and looked confused as he thought over what he had just said.

The others all laughed warmly. James and Sirius both succeeded wonderfully at getting plastered. Lily supported James up the road and a few feet back Sirius was leaning heavily on Rowena's shoulder.

James was signing a heart warming rendition of Speed Bonny Boat.

"You know I think James could be a singer." Sirius said walking as if each foot weighted a ton.

"Maybe." Rowena said chuckling.

Sirius stopped walking abruptly.

"Now Sirius, this may be a bit tricky for your incapacitated mind to understand but if you don't walk we will never reach the dormitory." She looked into his face but her smile faded as she looked at his face. It was the most serious she had ever seen it.

"You know, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

"Now I know for a fact that you are drunk! Come on." She pulled his arm but he didn't move.

"I mean it."

"Sirius, lets go." She looked him in the eye.

"You really don't know how gorgeous you are do you?" He furrowed his brow.

"Unlike some of us, not everyone have huge heads. Come on!"

"No wait…." Sirius had never sounded so serious.

Rowena looked back at him; he leaned towards her as if to kiss her…but…

"You two coming?" James screamed down the road. The two shot away from each other.

"James, you idiot." They could hear Lily shriek at him.

The two smiled and started up the road again.

"NO! IT'S NOT TRUE! IT'S NOT TRUE!" Sirius's screams echoed in the cold stone hallway. Her hands flew over her ears. The tears fell from her eyes to the ground.

'Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine.' It was the only thing that she could think as the blood pounded in her ears.

The group lay beside the lake. It was the last day of school. Tomorrow they would be adults. Thrust into responsibilities and grown up things.

They were all lying on their backs staring at the blue sky, not a cloud to be seen.

Lily came striding down the lawns towards them. James Jumped up and ran over to meet her.

Rowena sat up and nudged Sirius in the ribs. He sat up beside her, so did Remus.

They were to far away to hear what James and Lily were saying, but when James went down on one knee they didn't need subtitles.

"Oh my god!" Rowena's hands flew to her mouth.

"No way!" Sirius was smiling from ear to ear.

"Well." Remus was smiling as well.

All of a sudden James stood up and Lily grabbed him around the neck and he twirled her around.

"Come on!" Rowena struggled to her feet and ran over to them, with Sirius and Remus in fast pursuit.

When they met with their other two best friends the girls embraced, ultimately ending up in tears of joy, the boy shook hands and embraced in a manly way. They walked back to were they were sitting and talked about the wedding and the ring.

Rowena smiling looked over at Sirius. He was smiling too. But instead of looking at his friend he was looking directly at her.