A/N: hey everyone. This is my first fan fiction. It takes place during the movie. I hope you all like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean or anything from it. I only own Anna Wilson and maybe some other characters I might add that you don't recognize.

"…" – saying

'…' – thinking

Chapter One: Runaway

Anna Wilson lay quietly in her bed not wanting to get up. It wasn't that she was tired, but that she hated the idea of spending another boring day listening to her mother and her mother's friends talk about mindless gossip that was never true. She was never allowed outside by herself anymore. She was too old to be mingling with people of lower stature. Anna was willing to admit that she would rather spend her days with "commoners" and ruining her family's reputation that sitting in a corset and heavy gown, looking pretty.

A knock sounded at her bedroom door. Anna groaned and turned over on her stomach, burying her head in her pillow. The knock came again, this time with her mother's nagging voice accompanying it.

"Anna, it's time to get up! Come and unlock this door immediately or I will be force to take it right off its hinges!" Mrs. Wilson screeched.

Anna groaned again as she rolled out of bed and forced herself to the door. She reluctantly unlocked it to see her mother and three maids behind her, one holding a rather large box.

"Good morning, mother," Anna said as politely as she possibly could manage.

"It is not proper to sleep late," her mother stated curtly.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again," Anna said with her head down, not meaning anything she just said.

"You better hope it doesn't. It's time to get dressed. We have a ceremony to attend."

'What the bloody hell is this crazy woman talking about,' Anna said to herself in her head.

"Ceremony?" Anna asked innocently.

"I've been telling you about this ceremony everyday for the past week! Captain Norrington's promotional ceremony!" her mother screeched once again.

Anna rolled her eyes. She hated navy ceremonies. They were too long and the receptions afterward were so boring that she was surprised that she hadn't died of boredom yet. Her heart sank when her mother opened the large box a maid was holding. Her mother pulled out an elegant dress that would normally be called "exquisite" among other women of her stature. Anna groaned at the sight of the dress.

"Why do you groan? Your father has spent much money on this dress just for you to wear today! How could you turn down your father's love for you by groaning at this exquisite dress," her mother chastised.

"He only bought it because he's trying to find a husband for me," Anna said.

"Exactly! He loves you enough to spend all kinds of money on you just so you could find a husband. I'll be surprised if any man wants you after the behavior you have been showing me for the last couple of weeks!" Mrs. Wilson shot back at Anna, making her shut up.

Anna moved behind the dressing screen and the three maids followed her to help her get dressed. First came the undergarments, then the corset, and finally her dress. She could barely breathe when she was all dressed. She came out from behind the screen. Her mother was gone. Thank God. A maid sat her down and began doing her hair.

"If it's not to bold to ask, Miss Wilson, why did you cut your hair?" the maid asked.

"I was angry at my mother," Anna simply stated, running her fingers through her hair that came just above her shoulders.

"It was so pretty when it was long, and a lot easier to put up into a hat. There were no pesky stray hairs."

"I don't want it long ever again."

The conversation ended at that, when her hair was up in her hat. Anna stood up and left the room without saying a word. She walked downstairs to her father and mother waiting for her in the foyer. Her father was smiling but her mother was glaring at her.

"Anna, you look lovely," her father said warmly. Anna forced a smile and greeted her father kindly before they left for the ceremony.

The carriage ride to the fort was quiet. Anna's father could sense the tension between his daughter and his wife, but he did not say anything that could cause them both to explode and begin screaming at each other. He was caught in the middle of the love for his wife and the love for his daughter.

"I expect that you will be on your best behavior at the ceremony, Anna," Mrs. Wilson stated curtly.

"I'm not a child mother, you don't have to treat me like one," Anna said softly.

"By the behavior you have shown me lately, I am forced to treat you like a child."

"I've heard you talking, Mother, behind my back about how you can't wait for me to be married so that I will be out of your hair. You said that the first man you find that is interested in me is the one you will send me off to."

"Oh. So you're a liar, too. I see. Well, you can just…"

"Mary, please," Anna's father pleaded with his wife. "Don't be so harsh on Anna."

Anna's mother shut her mouth and stayed quiet. She tried to stay calm but the anger boiling up inside her was almost ready to explode. She couldn't hide it.

The carriage arrived at the fort just as everyone else was arriving. Anna's father spotted the governor doing nothing and he took the opportunity to raise his honor in society by talking to him with his family.

"Governor Swann, how good to see you," he said warmly.

"Oh! Lieutenant Wilson, fancy seeing you here," the governor said smiling.

"This is my wife, Mary, and my daughter, Anna. You've met them, correct?"

"No, I'm afraid I have not. How wonderful to meet you," the governor said kindly. "Miss Wilson, I have a daughter about your age. Her name is Elizabeth, and she's right over there if you'd like to talk to her."

"Thank you, Governor," Anna said sweetly.

She walked away and towards a young woman with long, curly brown hair. The young woman turned her head and smiled toward Anna.

"Miss Swann?" Anna said.

"Yes, has my father sent you to me?" the woman asked.

"Yes, he has," Anna said smiling innocently. "I'm Anna Wilson. My father is Lieutenant Wilson. Maybe you've met him?"

"Yes I have. So you're the daughter he's talked about so much," Miss Swann said sweetly.

Anna put on a fake smile. She hated how this conversation was going. It was way too sweet. Her side of the conversation was fake, but she could sense that Miss Swann was putting up an act.

"I'm sorry, Miss Wilson. I do not like these sorts of ceremonies and parties. It just means that I have to smile too much and wear a corset under my heavy dress," Miss Swann said, much to Anna's surprise.

"Thank you so much. I hate these parties. I just feel like running away sometimes. I could, actually. My mother wouldn't care at all," Anna said casually.

"Unfortunately, I cannot run away. My father would go crazy and have the entire royal navy out after me," Miss Swann said sounding a bit annoyed.

Anna laughed out loud, maybe a little too loud.

"I think the ceremony's about to start. It was great to meet you, Miss Swann," Anna said.

"Please, call me Elizabeth, and it was great to meet you too!" Elizabeth said smiling, walking away.

Anna walked towards where everyone who wasn't in the navy was congregating. She stayed away from her mother. Her father was standing with the other navy officers. She would be alone. Anna felt a little freedom enter herself and she smiled. She looked behind her and saw an exit very close by.

"Just in case," Anna said under her breath.

Music began playing and several navy officials drew their swords and formed and arch for Captain Norrington to walk through to the Governor.

Anna felt her breathing become restricted. 'I have to get out of this corset.' She looked behind herself and started moving slowly towards the exit. Nobody seemed to notice. She kept moving and was soon too far for anyone to notice she was still there. She turned and started to run from the fort. Freedom at last!

Anna was soon in the part of town where the lower class people gathered for daily shopping or just spending time with friends. She loved it there. Everyone was so down to earth and talked about real subjects. The gossip was much more interesting and everyone was so different. It was okay to be different among them. Anna took off her hat to reveal her short hair. Nobody said anything. She walked to a clothes vendor and bought an outfit that was fit for a commoner. She would at least be comfortable in these clothes.

Anna moved farther down the street to an inn, where it would be safe for her to change. She went inside to an almost deserted first floor. A woman sat behind a counter, stitching what looked like a dress together.

"Excuse me," Anna said.

The woman looked up and smiled.

"What could I do for a fine woman like yourself?" she asked.

"I would like a place to change please. I hate these dreadful clothes. They are so uncomfortable," Anna said.

"Of course, just go upstairs to an empty room. If you need any help, just ask me. I'm more than happy to help you."

Anna went upstairs to one of the empty rooms. She closed the door and began getting out of her dress and corset. The new clothes she had bought were much easier to move around in and she felt a whole lot freer in them. She went back downstairs to pay the woman.

"Thank you so much. You are very kind," Anna said paying the woman.

"I don't need that, miss," the woman said.

"Take it. I don't need it either."

Anna went back outside and could feel and breathe the fresh Caribbean air. She knew that this freedom wouldn't last very long. Her parents would find her eventually and put her under more restrictions than ever before.

A/N: Hope you all liked it. Please review!