Crisis Four

(A/N: I've been currently been listening to the Wolf's Rain Soundtrack and it's been inspiring me to do a Wolf's Rain fic; but…how to start it? I know what happens at the end of the series but I need to see the last episode to actually get how it ended. School screws up my timing of seeing the last episode! I guess I'm going to have to spend about twenty bucks on the last DVD…not that I mind; the anime series is completely worth the money! Anyways, I got questions on Holly and her natural language abilities. She had said the Japanese right! It's Artemis who can't pronounce Japanese word right! LOL! I made Artemis suck at a foreign language!))

Holly snuck away again after gym to change.

"Why does he always hide to change?" asked Erin.

"Some boys are like that," replied Artemis trying to defend Holly.

"Ah, it's just a bit odd," said Ray.

Artemis shrugged.

Holly appeared again at lunch time eating a small roll.

"That's all you're eating?" asked Artemis glancing at the small roll.

"It's okay, I don't exactly like eating anyway," replied Holly taking a small bite of the bread.

"A-are you anorexic?" asked Artemis stunned.

"I never had time to eat during my work. Not even before I joined the LEPrecon. Don't worry about it…it's just a habit," said Holly smiling.

Artemis sighed, no wonder Holly wasn't curved…she was so skinny, only because she never ate.

"We have classics next," said Artemis.

"Fine with me and you have to learn some ridiculous stuff," said Holly.

"Yes, but it's required to get us into college," said Artemis sighing.

Holly snorted.

"You Artemis could already be in college and be out in a couple months," she said.

"That's what I said to my mother and father, but they don't like to listen," said Artemis.

"That's what's wrong with adults, they only want what they want Artemis, I should know because I am one," said Holly.

"Holly….," whispered Artemis.

"Hm?" asked Holly.

"I…I don't think you're like that," said Artemis.

Holly smiled, starring up at the cherry tree blossoms that floated down to the ground that were from the tree they were sitting under to eat lunch.

"Thank you," she said as the bell rang.

Holly started feeling queasy, everything was spinning, and she hadn't been able to pay attention to the teacher. What….what was going on?

Thank god the bell had finally rang; Holly tried to get up out of her seat but she couldn't, her knees trembled as she finally was able to stand. She shook as she walked and Artemis noticed.

"Ho-Alex?" asked Artemis.

Everyone glanced at the pair.

"Whoa, Alex doesn't look to good," said Ryosuke.

Holly smiled.

"I'm fine Ryo, don't worry," she said.

"A-are you sure?" asked Artemis his eyes looking dead serious.

"Yes, I'll….be fine," said Holly as she walked down the hall.

Everything was still spinning and was all out of focus. Holly stumbled a couple steps and fell to the floor.

"HOLLY!" screamed Artemis.

"Wha-?" asked Ryosuke looking stunned.

"Why'd you call Alex, Holly?" asked Ray.

Artemis sighed.

"Never mind that, I need to take care of Alex, see you all later," he said.

Ryosuke and Ray looked at eachother.

"Holly?" they both asked together.

"You think they're-"began Erin who came up behind them.

"Those two you mean? No way! Artemis doesn't seem like Alex's type!" exclaimed Ray.

"Plus I don't think Alex is homosexual," said Erin.

"There's nothing wrong with it, in my honest opinion they make a hot couple. I mean here's Artemis, brilliant, smart, rich, not an ideal lover but someone worth Alex's time. And they there's Alex whose sporty, fun loving, clever, and not to mention cute as hell. Those two would be perfect for eachother!" exclaimed Ryosuke.

Erin and Ray looked at Ryosuke stunned.

"What if….we get those two together? It'd be fun!" said Ryosuke.

"Ryosuke!" exclaimed Erin.

"Whaaaat? I can't have fun, if you guys don't wanna help it's fine by me, I can play matchmaker alone," said Ryosuke walking off.

"Where are you going?" asked Erin.

"Math class," replied Ryosuke.

Artemis sighed laying Holly on her bed.

"I told you; you should've ate more," he muttered, walking off for find a cold rag.

Holly tossed in her sleep until she finally woke up.

"Nice to see that you're awake," said Artemis who was getting out some apple cider.

"Did I….faint?" asked Holly.

"Yes, you caused quite a scene, I brought you back here so you could rest," said Artemis sitting on the edge of the bed, handing the cider to Holly who drank deeply.

"I guess I have to eat with this human body," commented Holly.

"You need to start eating more, human or not human Holly. You're going to hurt yourself and I don't want to see you hurt. You need to start thinking about your health more than school and the mission that bastard Root sent you on," said Artemis.

"I-I'm sorry," whispered Holly.

"Don't be, just don't scare me like that next time," said Artemis glancing over ay Holly. She was still pale, and her eyes looked dull.

"Just….go back to sleep, I'll cover for your classes," said Artemis.

Holly smiled.

"Thank you," she mouthed out before drifting off to sleep.

((A/N: EEEEEEEEK! I personally thought this was a cute chapter! Hehehehe, I have an urge to call Ryosuke by Keisuke. The name originally came from the anime Initial D and I just decided that I need at least one Japanese name in this fanfiction. To me Japanese names are very creative and different, I love Yoko…'s a multisex name, it can be a boy or girl….my name being Darla doesn't seem too…..interesting, if I become a famous writer I'll change it to Yoko Mizu. . See you next chapter!))