"I can never give in to that witch! I won't let her beat me! My sworn enemy… My twin sister, Riku! Hmph. Just because she's five minutes older, I have to call he big sis… At least I'm the cute one! So what if we're twins. But now she's got an edge…five extra millimeters in the chest… I have to get ahead, and the only thing that'll put me there is…

A perfect man!"

-Risa Harada, Vol. 1 Ch. 1, pg. 14

Main Pairings- Starts off (and these are all one sided with the one in front being in love) Shui/Kik, Kik/Youko, Youko/Kag, and Kag/Shui. End pairings will either be Shui/Kag/Youko, Kag/Youko or Shui/Kag. Other minor pairings as well.

This is yet another crossover, only with the (general) DNAngel storyline. Characters will be as follows; Niwa, Daisuke- Shuichi; Mousy, Dark-Youko; Harada, Risa- Kikyou; Harada, Riku- Kagome; Hiwatari/Hikari, Satoshi- Hiei; Saehara Takeshi and Sekimo Masahiro- Sango and Yusuke, (Sorta…) Wiz(u)/With- Shippo, Hiwatari-san- Naraku, Krad- Karasu. My friend DD will play Mio Hio. (Again, sorta) and FoxylilRaven will be an OC.

I've taken some liberties with DNAngel's plot, to fit them being an older age, slightly different personality types and the fact that DD would maul me within an inch of my life if I even thought of putting all the Daisuke/Sato yaoi hint scenes for Hiei and Shuichi.

I sincerely apologize for making Shuichi fall in love with Kikyou, but in this story she won't be QUITE as evil as I usually make her. Believe it or not, I actually dislike Risa more than Kikyou.

Any flames will be used to keep my house warm in this way too long Michigan winter.

: New Love, New Life :


Shuichi Minamino sighed to himself as the word echoed in his mind. He knew he wasn't the most popular guy in the school, but Kikyou Higurashi's flat out refusal to go out with him hurt. She'd been his crush for ages now, and it stung that she hadn't even take the time to consider dating him.

"Give it a rest, Red, Kikyou isn't worth the time of day," his friend Sango said in an exasperated voice. Sango and her surrogate brother Yusuke never liked the prissy, stuck up girl that much. Then again, both were friends with Kikyou's elder twin sister and opposite in every way, Kagome.

Where Kikyou was feminine and reserved, Kagome was sporty and hyper. Kikyou possessed an air of superiority, and Kagome was not only very approachable, but someone people loved to be around. Both twins stood out from the crowd, but each carried their own, unique light.

"Says you," Shuichi said with a dry look at the tomboy. The final bell rang, and there was a rush to get out the door. Only Shuichi, Sango and Hiei took their time.

Hiei was the class genius. Not only that, he was incredibly handsome and popular as well, despite being cold and reserved, especially among the girls. The only girl who really despised him was Sango. The twins were the only ones who didn't care much for him either way.

Still, Shuichi always found something very… strange about the red eyed youth. Whenever he had his 'slip ups,' Hiei seemed to watch him specifically, like he knew something about Shuichi that no one else did.

"Minamino. I need to speak with you" Hiei said (Rather demanded) in his usual cold tone. Sango scowled at him as Shuichi rolled his eyes at the hostility radiating off his friend. Having those two in the same room was never a good idea…

"Sango-chan!" All three turned to see Kagome waving excitedly at Sango, Yusuke lounging lazily off to the side. Shuichi sighed in relief. Sure enough Sango took one glance at Kagome and decided she'd rather be with her fellow tomboy then her most hated enemy.

"I'll talk to you later, Red. Don't forget you agreed to do my cleaning duty tonight so I could check out this hush-hush assignment of my father's." Sango was a photographer, and she tended to follow her surrogate father, a detective, on more of his dangerous cases to photograph criminals and crime scenes to give to the school newspaper.

Shuichi nodded as Sango raced off to the energetic girl. the red head felt a slight pang when he noticed Kikyou sitting silently on a green bike next to her twin, wary eyes on Sango and completely dismissing her long time admirer.

"You know of weapons and artifacts," Hiei began, drawing the other youth's attention back to him. "Since you seem to be the only one in the class who's opinion is qualified for merit, I need you to join me tonight at examining a rather strange katana." Shuichi blinked in surprise, startled that Hiei was actually asked him for help on something, before shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. Today's my 17th birthday."

"I see…" Hiei's eyes narrowed slightly before he turned and started away without another word, leaving Shuichi to clean and go home by himself.

"I'm telling you, Kagome-chan, you're the strongest swimmer on the team, and I've never seen any one with your stamina running and biking! You're going to win the 18 and under women's triathlon easy." Kagome shook her head. Both girls and Yusuke were jogging in rhythm with Kikyou's pedaling, yet still didn't show the exhaustion she did, and Yusuke was even jogging backwards in front of her, despite Kagome's disapproving looks.

"No way. Ayame Tsukino's faster than me on her feet."

"Maybe, but she burns out quickly. You're like an energizer battery." Yusuke said with a grin, "You just keep going, and going, and going…"

"Unfortunately, it's a integrated trait," Kikyou huffed out dryly, wiping sweat from her brow in disgust, "She's been like that ever since we were children." Kagome stuck her tongue out at her twin as Yusuke and Sango just ignored her.

"So, are you going out for the weapon training? The Archery teacher will probably finally roll over and die if you decide you're not on the team again this year,"

"Sango-chan!" Kagome said in a scolding tone, barely hiding a laugh, "Hai, I'll be on the archery team. I'm going out for katana, too." Kikyou wrinkled her nose.

"Why would you want to learn such a dreadful thing?" She asked in contempt between gasps of breath. "Honestly, it's bad enough you know all that martial arts and participate in all those sports… What if someone thought you were me?"

"Fat chance there," Yusuke said dryly. For all her grace and confidence in the halls of their school, Kikyou was a complete klutz at sports, and had absolutely no hand eye coordination. Plus she always wore skirts, where Kagome refused to wear anything less than comfortable jeans or shorts, save their school uniforms.

"I want to learn because it's what I like to do, Kikyou," Kagome said patently. "I put up with the things you like, so don't start complaining about my tastes." Kagome then shot Sango and Yusuke a dry look. "Go easy on her, okay? It's not her fault she's not athletic,"

"Yes it is," Sango muttered. "Look, I gotta go, okay? Call me later, Kagome-chan!" Kagome sighed as Sango dragged her slightly younger brother towards a waiting car, before tugging her sister towards their own home.

"Do you guys really have to go after each other like that?" Kagome asked her sister in exasperation. "And don't tell me you didn't do anything, Kikyou! I'm your twin, I know you too well for that." Kikyou glanced at her momentarily, not bothering to play innocent. This was Kagome, after all.

"Well I certainly didn't expect them to be so cold. Perhaps they're upset I didn't say yes to that other friend of theirs."

"Huh?" Kagome asked curiously.

"That boy, Minamino, He asked me out on a date," Kagome stopped dead in her tracks.

"…Minamino-kun asked you out?" Kikyou stopped as well, eager for a chance to catch her breath.

"Hai. Dull boy… I doubt there's a single exciting thing about him. As if I'd really date someone so ordinary." Kagome bit her lip.

"Well, it's pretty late. Mama's going to worry if we stay out too late and besides, I promised Souta I'd give him some soccer lessons." Kikyou's nose wrinkled again.

"That boy's taking too much after you," She said in a disdainful tone. Kagome giggled.

"Personally, I'd worry if he took after you," Kagome said cheerfully before jogging off at a faster speed, knowing Kikyou would never catch her.

The girl glared at her sister's shrinking head, but didn't even bother trying to pursue. Kagome had the advantage with almost everything that didn't involve boys.

Kagome was more athletic, which Kikyou actually held against her. Kagome earned better grades, which Kikyou had never cared about either way. Kagome was better in the kitchen, which made Kikyou a little uncomfortable, but Kikyou always received more love letters and admirers than her twin.

Kikyou had always prided herself on keeping with her physical appearance better than Kagome did. Kagome's hair was a little shorter than Kikyou's, going to barely above mid back instead of Kikyou's lower back length. (She would have cut it shorter if Kikyou hadn't stopped her.)

Both girls were the same height and weight, but Kikyou had less of a muscled look than Kagome. Not that Kagome resembled an Amazon, but she did have a lean, athletic appearance to her instead of Kikyou's softer look. Kikyou's skin was lighter, the result of less time in the sun. But Kagome had a few physical advantages that worried Kikyou.

Kagome's hair was a darker hue of black, almost like silk midnight. Also, Kikyou had always been jealous of Kagome's eyes, with were a shade lighter than hers, and seemed to give her a far more beautiful appearance, especially when she smiled.

But there was one thing that embarrassed Kikyou to no end, and it was that very thing that prompted Kikyou to turn away man after man until she found the perfect specimen, someone who'd really get her noticed.

Kagome's bust was 5mm larger than her own. (AN; I HAD to keep that part!)

Shuichi glared at his front door suspiciously, his hand hesitating over the knob as if he was debating the merits of entering his own home. Finally, he opened the door, o a warm, comfortable, normal looking house. With one more suspicious glance around, Shuichi let his guard drop a little.

"I'm home," He announced.

'Ffft!' Yelping, the green eyed teen barely managed to dodge the sharp projectile that was currently lodged in the wall. The point dripped with an acidic green liquid.

"Poison darts… Of course she'd choose poison darts today…" Shuichi muttered to himself.

'Ffft! Ffft! Ffft!'

Shuichi dodged all the darts perfectly, but landed on a net that nearly managed to drag him up. Luckily, he was able to swing out of it before it fully closed, using it to get him safely over the pressure sensitive tiles that lined a good way of the hall.

Next up were lasers. Shuichi sprang and navigated his way through the laser field with expert ease, and landed safely on the other side. The door to the kitchen was right in front of him, but he knew better than to think it over yet.

Grasping the rubber sole of his shoe, Shuichi pressed down on the knob, causing electric sparks to fly.

"I'm home," Shuichi repeated, walking into the kitchen as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

"Welcome home, Shuichi. Wipe your feet before coming in, I just finished sweeping," Kaede warned him, hobbling away as he obeyed her request. "Nice to see ye learned to avoid the lasers so well."

"Arigato, Kaede-baba" Shuichi said, too polite not to respond to his grandmother's praise, "I'm going to bed…"


"Stay here Shippo," Shuichi order his fox-like pet. Sighing to himself, he headed up the stairs. Kaede chuckled as the footsteps faded. She knew what would happen tonight, and was quite intrigued the thought of the polite teen coping with the cocky, handsome demon he would soon become one with.

With that thought in mind, Kaede turned in amusement to the news.

'-Police found a note attached to the infamous Katana no Bara, created nearly five hundred years ago, stating that tonight at 8:00 PM, the infamous Youkai Bandit, also known as Youko Kurama, will come to steal it…'

Shuichi sighed as he stared up at his ceiling, dismissing the flora growing wildly around him. What about him was so unappealing that Kikyou wouldn't even give him the time of day? He wasn't perfect, but he did love her. Why couldn't she return his feelings? What did he have to change to get her?

The boy scowled as he thought back to Sango's words. He couldn't just forget about Kikyou! She had always been so perfect in his eyes. Grace, beauty, sophistication… everything that really set a woman apart all in one package.

Depressed, Shuichi turned over, glancing at the photograph Sango had taken of Kikyou standing on the school steps, reading a book. Her eyes were focused, and carried the elegant look she always seemed to hold, and her lips were set into a soft frown.

'Shuichi…' the boy stiffened as Kikyou's voice seemed to caress his soul, followed by a painful burning sensation that had him gasping. 'Shuichi… I love you, Shuichi… only you…'

Shuichi yelled in pain as the burning sensation increased, causing a roar in his ears. He felt his bones, his very body begin to shift. He grew taller, and his hair got longer, and turned from red to silver. Pointed fangs poked his lips, and dangerous, razor sharp claws now graced his hands. He panted as the burning sensation faded, his eyes so dilated you could barely see they were now amber. When he finally caught his breath, only once word escaped his lips.

"KAEDE!" He yelled, racing down stairs at a speed he'd never been able to obtain before. Kaede merely glanced up at his entry.

"Shuichi. It is not yet time for dinner. Is there something wrong?" Shuichi's eyes narrowed in response.

"What's happening to me!"

"Oh? I assume ye mean ye appearance?" Shuichi began to scowl. "Calm ye self, Grandson. All will be explained soon. Ye have heard of the Great Youko Kurama, yes?"

"…The demon thief!"

"Hai. For five hundred years, our family has shared his identity, awakening on their seventeenth birthday. Now it is ye turn."

"…WHAT!" Shuichi gaped, "I'm no youkai! Change me back!"

"Ye can't. Ye still have to steal the Katana no Bara. There is a soul in the katana, a dangerous soul. Her powers have awakened, and will harm many if ye do not steal it,"

"I will steal nothing looking like this! Change me BACK!"

"I cannot, Shuichi. Ye will turn back to normal as soon as ye steal her," Shuichi sighed.

"Fine! I'll get you the katana," He scowled to himself before, heading back to his room to get ready.

"Shuichi? Ye must take Shippo with you," Kaede said, nodding towards the kitsune. Immediately Shippo bound over to Shuichi, growing to the size of a small horse. Shuichi gaped at him.

"Since when could he do that!"

"For the last five hundred years, Shuichi. Shippo is a youkai as well, and Youko's aid." Shuichi's lips pressed together tightly.

"You could've taken time to tell me all this, you know," He grumbled, bounding up the stairs. Kaede chucked to herself. Yes, at the very least, this should prove quite amusing….

Kikyou sighed as she flipped through the channel. Nothing was on tonight…

She frowned impatiently in the direction of the bathroom, where running water could be heard. Kagome took forever in the bathroom. Their parents were out, working later again, and wouldn't be back until early morning.

Finally, the girl settled on a news channel. They were at a museum talking about some famous thief that was supposed to show up. Nothing that caught Kikyou's interest, but whatever.

'We've just received word that it has turned the time Youko announced, yet there is still no sign of him. The police now suspect a hoax, or that the thief may have decided not to show- WAIT! There he is!' Kikyou watched curiously as the camera swung to one of the buildings. Eyes widening, she gasped as the camera stilled, and she got an eyeful of him.

Long, silver hair cascaded down his back and golden eyes were narrowed in assessment, scanning the crowd. Pointed animal ears twitched every once in a while in response to the sounds it heard, and a silvery tail trashed around behind him. He was deadly. He was dangerous. He was-

"Beautiful…" Kikyou whispered, not tearing her eyes away from the perfect face to the legendary thief.

'Wow! He's so young!' The reported gasped, a light flush spreading across her own cheeks 'Wait! Now he's disappeared!' The reporter announced, Kikyou tensed, watching in rapt attention.

"Kikyou, I'm done with the bathroom. Kikyou?" Kagome glanced into the living room and sighed to the look on her sister's face. Nothing good ever happened when Kikyou was that determined about something…

"Where'd he go! How did he get past all the guards with time to spare to remove the katana! Find him you fools!" Detective Koenma Natsu roared at his frantic men.

"Sir! There's an officer down over here!" There was a rush to the exhibit, now gone. Sure enough an officer was passed out against the wall, his cap falling down over his eyes. Next to him was a ventilation shaft, wretched free in a violent manner.

"He's still breathing, sir," One of the officers said, feeling the unconscious officer's neck.

"Then leave him be! Everyone to the outside, he's trying to escape through the air vents!"

"Yes sir!" There was another mad rush to the door, then silence.

"Too easy." Shuichi muttered, pulling the cap off and letting the silver hair fall back over his shoulders. Peeling the uniform off, he made his way to the empty exhibit, which seemed to shimmer for a moment before the katana reappeared. "Alright. Now, lets see…" He punched in the security code, and all the alarms around the sword were turned off. "And grandmother made this sound like it'd be hard."

"I wouldn't consider myself home free just yet if I were you," Shuichi stiffened, a chill filling his stomach.

(It can't be…)

Sure enough, Hiei was sitting on a pedestal behind him, glaring at him intensely, his claret eyes appearing to glow on the moonlight.

"I was beginning to think you'd never appear…" Hiei continued, standing. "Youko Kurama," Shuichi narrowed.

This was bad. He couldn't hurt Hiei, but he needed to get past him somehow. What was he going to do? Suddenly, Shuichi was on the ground, Hiei above him with a foot on his stomach.

"Don't let your guard down around me, thief." Hiei said coldly, "I don't care about your petty weapons and jewels. However, I do need to capture you, for reasons I cannot say." Hiei dug his foot into Shuichi's stomach, making him wince in pain. "I've spent my entire life training for this encounter. Pity. I thought you'd be more of a challenge…"

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Shuichi was surprised that Hiei had said so much willingly. The greater part of his subconscious, however, was panicking at the thought of jail.

(What am I going to do? Help… I need help…)

(Well, I suppose then It's my turn…) Shuichi's eye's shot wide at the new voice, but he wasn't given time to dwell on it as a bright silver light enveloped his body.

Hiei hissed, and stepped back temporarily blinded by the light. When he regained his vision, Youko Kurama was standing with his arms crossed, a rose in his right hand he was tapping against his upper arm and his head tilted, cocky eyes fixed on Hiei's smaller form.

"Well then, I suppose I shouldn't disappoint…" Youko drawled out in an arrogant tone. Hiei's eyes narrowed again, and he slashed at the thief with a katana. "Shippo!" He yelled, and there was another bright flash. Hiei protected his eyes from this one and growled in annoyance, fixing a glared where Youko had been, Only to find him on his left.

…And right?

Sure enough, there were two identical youkai on either sides of Hiei.

"Well, Hiei?" One Youko began with the smirk that was starting to irritate the red eyed youth.

"You said you would capture me…" the other one continued. Hiei growled, looking between them before diving for the one on the right. Unfortunately for him, the one behind him shifted, and trapped him in thick vines.

"Time to go," Youko said with a sharp whistle for Shippo. "All and all, I'd stay that went quite well…"

Kikyou sighed as she stared dreamily off into space. Youko Kurama… He was so perfect. Smiling to herself, Kikyou thought of those intense amber eyes. What she wouldn't give to see him in person…

"Are you taking a bath, or are you just going to stand out there all night?" Kagome asked irritably from the doors of the balcony. Kikyou smiled at her, her mood unaffected even by her twin's nagging.

"I'm going. You really should get dressed, Kagome dear." She said, eyeing Kagome's bathrobe. Kagome glared at her, blushing. "I would if my clothes were dry!" She said through gritted teeth. "But someone forgot it was their turn to do laundry."

"I did, didn't I?" Kikyou said, frowning to herself before shrugging it off, "Be a dear and take care of that for me…" Kagome growled as Kikyou left.

'Of all the-!'

"Kik-YOU!" Kagome yelled. But it was in vain. Her twin was long gone. Kagome sat down on her bed, glaring at the wall.

Kikyou always seemed to have her way. Their parents always fell for her fake tears and the servants answered to her every whim. And she wasn't about to start on the boys who would beg on hands and knees to carry her books. Kagome was the only one who ever stood up to her.

In a way, though, this made Kikyou respect Kagome more. She knew that if she set her mind to it, she could manipulate even Sango and Yusuke, but stubborn Kagome knew her far too well. Kagome was the only person Kikyou refused to hurt.

Too bad she didn't know she had in fact hurt her twin many times, and probably would again.

Kagome frowned sadly as the water began to run. Why did it hurt when she heard Shuichi had asked her sister out? She didn't blame Shuichi for liking Kikyou, lots of guys did.

"Why do I care?" Kagome asked herself, "Kikyou's relationships are none of my business… And it's not like I like Minamino-kun, right? Why do I care if Minamino-kun likes her…" a small voice snorted in the back of her head, making Kagome groan in frustration and stand up.

Still deep in thought, she headed to the laundry room to check on her clothes. The sooner she was dressed and in bed, the better.

"Please," She whispered as she headed down the hall, "Please, Kami, give me something to take my mind off all of this… ANYTHING!"

Oh, how she'd wish she never said that…

(Why are you still here!) Shuichi asked frantically when Youko finally found a nice tree to sit down in. (I was supposed to change back as soon as I had the Katana no Bara!)

"Change back? Think again," Youko snorted. "It's been 80 years since I've had a body, and Your grandfather kept me on a tight leash. You honestly think I'll blow my freedom just because you want your body back?" Shuichi glared at Youko.

(It's MY body!) He said, starting to get a little afraid. Why didn't the katana work? Why wasn't he himself! Youko laughed, leaping through the trees and towards an extravagant manor.

"Yes, and I'll give it back when I'm done," He said playfully, "If you're quiet, I'll even make sure it's not too beat up." Shuichi ground his teeth together. This youkai was trying his patience.

His anger turned to horror at the sight of the manor that was quickly approaching.

(Youko, we can't go there!) he said frantically. He'd already seen Youko's reaction to random passing girls, and he didn't want his alter ego anywhere near his crush.

"'Can't go there,' isn't in a thief's vocabulary, Red." Youko smirked. Shuichi was a little puzzled about how he knew that nickname, but didn't dwell on it.


"Calm down. There's an interesting scent here and I want to check in on it." Youko said lazily.


"Humans carry fundamental scents, almost like a fingerprint. You can't smell them yet because you're still clinging to humanity."

(Because I'm human!)

"Just keep telling yourself that," Youko said with a shrug. "Anyways, I just want to see where the scent's coming from. A quick peek won't kill us."

(It will if Kikyou-san's sister catches us,) Shuichi retorted. He shuttered slightly at the thought. Kagome's wrath wasn't something he'd wish upon his worst enemy, which Youko was quickly becoming.

"Has anyone ever told you you're the single most boring person on the planet?" Youko asked irritably and he jumped high into a tall tree near a balcony.

And froze.

Inside their mind, Shuichi was moaning and shaking his head, wondering why the worst luck always befell him.

In the middle of the large room was Kagome Higurashi, clothed only from the waist down. And even then, it was only a pair of boxer shorts.

She was currently in the process of pulling an oversized soccer jersey over her head, completely unaware of their presence.

(Youko! Are you completely shameless! Kagome Higurashi would kill any man she found peeking at her! Let's get out of here before- Youko?)


"Hm?" Kagome turned at the slight noise she heard outside, stopping like a deer in the headlights as she did.

Sitting in a tree RIGHT outside was the oddest-looking man she'd ever seen. She didn't dwell on this too long, though, as she realized he'd been watching her change.





"Kagome!" Kikyou said frantically, bursting through her doors, clad in a sleeping yutaka with her hair still damp. "What happened!"

"A peeping tom!" Kagome yelled, burying herself in her blankets. "There's a peeping tom right outside!" Kikyou rushed to the window.

"I don't see anyone, but someone was definitely here." Kikyou said, frowning at the broken tree branch and the stirring water, though the night was calm. There was also a damp spot on the cement where it looked like someone who'd gotten soaked had run away.

"I'm calling the police." Kagome said, reaching for the phone. "I doubt many men have silver hair and gold eyes, so he shouldn't be that hard to-!"

"NO!" Kagome stared at her sister in shock and she literally wretched her away from the phone. "Kagome, if mother and father find out about this, they'll have people here night and day," Kikyou said hastily, "Besides, the police would deprive you of the pleasure of beating him up yourself." Sighing, Kagome glared at her sister.

"It's more than that, isn't it?" she asked with a glare. Kikyou turned away and said nothing. Kagome sighed. "Fine. The police stay out of it," She said in a sulky voice.

"Thank you, Kagome." Kikyou said, leaving.

'What would Youko Kurama want with Kagome…?'

Meanwhile, a good three blocks away from the Higurashi manor, a wet and muddy Shuichi Minamino realized Kagome wasn't chasing him. And that he finally had his body back.

"Excellent," Kaede said with a nod. "Ye have done well, Shuichi. Now, perhaps ye should bathe…" Shuichi frowned at her. She wasn't getting off that easy.

"You said was soon as I had that katana, I'd change back," He accused his grandmother. "But I didn't turn back until much later!"

"I never said that," Kaede said, rummaging through a drawer. Shuichi gritted his teeth.

"You said-!"

"I said ye will turn back to normal as soon as ye steal her. She has not been stolen yet." Shuichi frowned in confusion. Kaede silently handed him an envelope, which he opened obediently, drawing out the picture inside.

A picture of Kikyou.

Shuichi gasped as the transformation was triggered yet again, when suddenly Kaede reached over and turned it over, revealing a shot of Kagome. Just as suddenly as it started, the transformation stopped.

"Ye blood is one with Youko's now, and forever it shall remain that way, lest ye love return ye affections." Kaede said, "Only if she comes to love ye, will ye stop transforming. Youko's own blood reacts on the same concept." Shuichi stared at her in shock.

"Then… the one I have to steal…" Then, his eyes widened even more. "Wait! You said Youko's blood reacts on the same concept. Does that mean he loves-!"

"It is late." Kaede interrupted him, "Ye have school tomorrow. Bathe and rest, and let ye questions come later." Kaede hobbled into her room, ignoring Shuichi's surprise.

(…Youko loves Kagome-san…?)