Chapter 35: The Big Finale!

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Instead of the usual Kingdom Hearts group we see, there is only a small room with a single director's chair in it and a red curtain behind the chair.

From the curtain emerged an older man with dark short hair, a thick mustache, a pair of glasses over his eyes and a regular business suit. Spotting the chair, the man immediately sat down in it and calm music began to play as the man readied himself to speak.

"Hi! I'm Leonard Malten," the man introduced waving to the audience. "Ya know, many considered Kingdom Hearts Pranks one of the most pointless Kingdom Heart fictions ever made. Especially this chapter.

"Interestingly enough, critics first loved the fiction, but that all changed when they learned it wasn't European. Therefore, the author hired me, to say that this final chapter is going to be the best he has written just for you the reviewers.

"However, this chapter does contain some interesting performances. See if you can spot some of the familiar songs, character and celebrities today. Also…"

A loud roar interrupted Mr. Malten and a huge orange gorilla like man wearing glasses stomped out from behind the curtain towards Mr. Malten.

"NO! FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY!" Mr. Malten screamed as the gorilla grabbed him and began to run off with Mr. Malten. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

As soon as Leonard Malten and the gorilla were off stage, Vyser stepped onto the stage with sweat drop on the side of his face. "Okay…I wanted to get rid of Mr. Malten before he finished that so I would be able to skip his pay…but I didn't expect that to happen…"

Coughing towards the audience, Vyser adjusted his scarf. "Alright then…I am sad to report that this chapter will be the last one."

All of a sudden, the audience began to boo loudly and throw random heaps of trash, food, and DVDs of old cartoons. "Hey, hey, hey! Don't blame the messenger!"

"But you're also the author!" A random audience member shouted as a blood vessel appeared on the back of Vyser's head.

"SEIZE HIM!" Vyser shouted as two more orange, glasses wearing gorillas ran from behind the curtain and seized a random audience member dragging him off the stage. "That was the wrong guy…but who cares?

"Anyway, this is the final chapter for KHP, however…I will continue my writing in the Kingdom Hearts game. In the future, you will be able view future stories."

"Like what?" another audience member shouted as Vyser rubbed his newly goateed chin.

"You want to know? Well, let's see," Vyser stammered as he pulled a paper from his pocket. "How about Kingdom Hearts Pranks 2?"

"BOO!" All the audience members shouted as Vyser sweat dropped.

"Okay…How does KH Game Shows?" Vyser suggested as everyone thought about it. "How about you people the reviewers suggest something…or vote for the two I've got already and I'll see you at the end of the chapter!"

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Now…our feature presentation…

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"What a great day!" Sora shouted walking towards the Prank Shop. "A great day to pull some pranks! And now to see the new…"

The sight before Sora made his eyes widened and he dropped to his knees. "No…no! You fiends! You destroyed it!"

"Sora…the prank shop's just closed," Zeek pointed out scaring Sora back onto his feet.

Sora's eyes just watered at the sight of the plain building that used to be the Prank Shop, Zeek, Yuffie, and Cait Sith all stood next to him on the sidewalk.

Yuffie sighed loudly as an average person with brown wearing a suit and bow tie walked up. "Yeah…seems the shop deed was sold to a professor to turn it into a science lab."

"Who in their right mind would do that?" Sora asked as cough caught the attention of the three teens and the stuffed fortune machine.

"Allow me to introduce myself," the suited man said as he took a card from his pocket. "I am Professor Jones."

"Weren't you on the TV with a robot?" Zeek asked as Professor Jones walked off cursing under his breath.

"Stupid Americans…"

"Anyway…what are we going to do now?" Sora asked as Zeek held up a ticket.

"I've got a four for one coupon for the Destiny Isle mud baths …care to join me?" Zeek offered as Sora and Yuffie rubbed their chins.

"Sure!" Sora and Yuffie replied at the same time raising their arms into the air…not noticing that Cait Sith raised his arm as well.

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"Ah…this is some good mud," Zeek sighed sitting in a tub up to his chest with mud. "Really takes your mind off the prank shop."

Sora's eyes widened at the information that was brought back to his attention. "You're right! But we've got to do something!"

"Like what?" Zeek asked as he noticed that Cait Sith was right next to him. "Hey what's the fortune machine doing here?"

"How should I know?" Sora questioned not knowing which question Zeek was asking.

"Maybe we should find out who bought out the store?"

Zeek and Sora turned their heads to see Yuffie sitting across from them up to her chin in mud. The two teen boys raised an eyebrow at the sight of Yuffie.

With a sigh, Zeek slapped his forehead. "Yuffie this is the guy's side of the mud baths."

"So? I'm wearing a bathing suit," Yuffie replied as Zeek sighed.

"Yeah, but what if some guy isn't?" Zeek asked as Sora shifted his eyes. "I mean, I'm wearing a bathing suit, and I'm not sure, but I think that Cait Sith is wearing one as well."

"We were supposed to wear swimsuits?" Sora asked as Zeek, Yuffie, and Cait Sith all sweat dropped.

"Everyone but Sora out!" Yuffie shouted as she, Zeek and Cait Sith jumped out of the mud bath and ran towards the showers.

Sora just laughed loudly and lowered his body into the mud. "Works every time…"

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A few hours later, the four were at Zeek's house and had called the entire group in the living room. Everyone was seated at different places and was waiting for the snacks that were supposed to be delivered.

Sora, Roxas, Riku and Kairi sat at the couch watching some of the TV movie that was on Zeek's new plasma screen.

Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie stood in the right corner, Cloud was just reading a book not really paying attention to anything.

Rikku, Tidus, Wakka, Yuna and Sephiroth were playing rock, paper, and scissors to see who would get the comfortable chair. While Squall, Riona, Selphie, and Irvine were standing behind the couch enjoying the movie as well.

From the kitchen emerged Zeek with a tray of pizza rolls, no one seemed to notice that on his shoulder was Cait Sith munching on a pizza roll. "Okay…now I think you all know why you have been called here."

"Nope…you just said free food," Riku replied snatching a pizza roll from Zeek.

"Whatever…anyway…I called you all here for one reason, and that is beside the free food," Zeek replied placing the pizza rolls on the table. "The prank shop…has been closed down."

Everyone fussed loudly at the news, and Zeek raised his hands. "I know…and with that, I can't give any of you your prank discounts."

"So what exactly are we going to do?" Sephiroth asked as a knock at the door made Zeek walk from where he was standing and headed for the door.

"Thank you for that question Sephiroth, I've gotten some of our friends to do a little research," Zeek replied as Vincent and Zidane entered the house. "And now we're going to explain the plan very, very, VERY carefully!"

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"Okay, now that we've gone over that great plan and divided the pranks," Sora stated standing up. "We just need to find the top dogs of the Organization!"

"Yes! That means we need to prank Axel, Vexen, Demyx, and Ansem!" Riku shouted as everyone shouted into the air.

"And let's not forget about their boss…" Zeek stated as everyone sighed at the name they were about to say.

"…Ben Stein…" Sephiroth interrupted while everyone sighed loudly.

"NO! Xemnas!" Everyone shouted loudly.

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The morning sun blared over Destiny Isles as Ansem (who still happened to have partial green skin) opened his newly green house to get his newspaper. In his hand was a large cup of coffee while with his other hand he lifted up the newspaper and snapped it open.

"Nothing like a good old fashion cup of coffee, a beautiful sunset, and my second to favorite paper," Ansem stated looking over to his new red Camero. "And since I took care of that prank shop, I get to take the day off to enjoy a drive with my new car. Too bad, I have take Vexen and Demyx to that stupid emergency meeting. I hate car pools."

As soon as Ansem entered back into his house, Sora, Kairi and Riku ran to the car with a huge box filled with multiple items used for multiple reasons. Sora lifted a blue bucket of paint from the box. "Nice car…let's wreck it! How about a dose of blue paint!"

Sora quickly splashed the paint onto the car getting it all over the hood and windshield. "Oh yeah!"

Kairi quickly lifted another bucket from the box and held it in her arms. "Yet…it lacks something…maybe this would work…"

Throwing the bucket into the air, Kairi watched as the black liquid in the bucket spilled all over the car. "Was that good?"

"Nope…not just yet," Riku stated taking a pillow from the box and held it over the ruined car. "Prepare yourself…for this!"

Riku ripped the pillow open and the feathers flowed over the entire car that made them stick to the entire car. "The chicken mobile!"

"Now then, let's get the rest of this stuff ready," Sora stated as he lifted Christmas decorations. "Now grab the Easter Eggs and Bowling balls and we'll…we'll…"

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We are experiencing technical difficulties…

A loud crashing sound and multiple buckets fill the air. "LOOK OUT! QUICK! GET IT BACK UP! HURRY!"

We are experiencing technical difficulties…please stay tuned.

"Are we all clear? Okay, good we're clear…" Vyser sighed loudly as he returned to the computer. "Great…hit the red button…"

A large beep filled the air followed by a loud rumbling noise. "NO! NOT THAT BUTTON!"

Lots of sirens, screams, dog barks, explosions, and novelty car horns filled the air, but then all of a sudden stopped for no apparent reason.

Thank you for staying tuned…

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"Wow…" Sora awed at the sight of the newly developed car.

"It's amazing…" Riku snickered tossing one final egg at the car.

"What are you two talking about? It's ugly!" Kairi sighed at the awful sight.

All of a sudden, the door to Ansem's house began to open up and the three ran as if they were on fire. Ansem's back was to his car as he locked the door. "Going to enjoy my car, going to enjoy my car ride…"

Turning towards his car, Ansem just fainted backwards slamming the front lawn. And with good reason two, his car was covered with feathers, Christmas decorations, eggs, Easter Eggs, scrambled eggs, fruit cake, paint, bowling balls broke the windows, and it looked like someone took couple swings at the vehicle with an aluminum bat.

From the nearby bushes Sora, Kairi and Riku just laughed to themselves as they stepped from the bushes. Riku lifted up a sheet of paper with a smile. "Okay, now its time for part two of our prank on Ansem."

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Meanwhile, on the other side of the isle, Roxas, Sephiroth, Aerith, and Yuffie were headed straight towards Axel's house armed with multiple bags. Sephiroth however, had multiple spray cans in his hands. "I can't wait to make another house hairy!"

"I don't know, Axel happens to be one of my friends," Roxas stated as the four reached the front door.

"Come on! We needed those pranks at the shop!" Yuffie shouted not knowing that Axel was at the door already listening to the four.

'You're not going to get me!' Axel quietly tipped toed towards his closet and opened it. 'Time for me to have some fun of my own.'

"Guys, what exactly are we going to do?" Aerith asked as Sephiroth placed his ear to the door.

"Ssh!" Sephiroth shushed as a small, yet powerful engine filled the air. "I hear a car…"

"What's a car doing in a house?" Roxas asked when all of a small horn honking filled the air.

All of a sudden, the front door slammed down on the four teens and Axel rode out of his house riding on a shiner's car wearing a red fez. "Beep! Beep! Yahoo! Shiners rule!"

For a small vehicle, that shiner car moved quick down the street. When the door was moved off the teens, they were covered with hair dye, eggs, toilet paper, and Sephiroth to be specific had more hair on his body and clothes. "Oh dang it! Now I'm a biker freak!"

"Was Axel a shiner?" Aerith asked as the four teens jumped back to their feet while Sephiroth ran off trying to rip off the extra hair.

"That was news to me," Roxas replied wiping the egg from his eye.

All of a sudden, Axel drove back past his house, and when the group turned towards him, they could see that he was being followed by other shiners (all of them wearing fezzes). "Leave me alone!"

"You give a bad name to shiners!" the Shiners yelled chasing after Axel.

"Now that was just weird," Aerith sighed loudly.

"Come on, we've got to meet up with the others," Yuffie stated as loud punching and screams were heard not too far down the street.

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"Geez Ansem, you sure know how to wreck a car," Vexen scoffed as the Blonde Demyx was tuning his guitar like weapon.

"I didn't do it!" Ansem shouted looking outside the broken window in order to drive. "Anyway, I need to stop and get some gas."

"There's a gas station," Demyx pointed out as Ansem began to drive towards the station.

Inside the gas station, Sora, Kairi, and Riku were currently handing some munny to a white suited employee. "Okay you got the idea right?"

"Yeah…it'll be fun! Ready everyone?" The white suited employee shouted to receive many nods from other white suited people.

As soon as Ansem stepped out of his car, five white suited employees walked out of the building. "Hello sir! Can we be of assistance?"

Looking at the five workers with a strange look. "What the?"

"This is an old time gas station where people do the work for you!" The head employee explained as Ansem cocked an eyebrow.

"Um…okay," Ansem sighed in relief. "Fill her up then."

"Did you say fill her up?" The head employee asked before he whistled loudly.

All of a sudden a cheery tune filled the air and all five of the white suited worker began to head to the car with smile.

…That is when they started singing.

"If you want service with a smile…

"We will go that extra mile!

"We clean windows!"

"Fill the tank!"

"Wax the hood!"

"No need to thank!"

"Gas a go! We are at your service!

"Gas a go! That is our purpose!"

Inside the gas station, Sora, Riku and Kairi sweat dropped as the white suited workers grabbed tambourines.

Sora slapped his forehead as his foot tapped to the music. "Man…where did Zeek find these guys?"

"Gas a go with your car!

"Gas a go we're never far!"

"Enough!" Ansem shouted interrupting the song. "I need to go!"

"But…we didn't finish our song…" The lead white suited worker sobbed as Ansem slapped his forehead.

"Dang it…"

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"Man look at this building…" Zeek awed at the huge building, as did Cait Sith who sat on his shoulder. "This is the Organization's main building…hey you guys! Hurry up!"

Rikku, Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Cloud, Roxas, Vincent and Zidane walked slowly each of them carrying large boxes filled with pranks. Vincent growled at Zeek as he dropped the box. "Forget this! I've got a new game to star in…so if you excuse me!"

Tidus, Wakka, Rikku and Yuna dropped their stuff and walked away as well. "See ya guys later."

Cloud, Roxas and Zeek just looked at the boxes and sighed loudly. "Okay, I'll take these, Cloud, Roxas you mind taking yours up?"

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"Ansem! Why did you bring them along?" Demyx shouted while covering his ears.

"If you want service with a smile…

"We will go that extra mile!"

"We clean windows!"

"Fill the tank!"

"Wax the hood!"

"No need to thank!"

"Gas a go! We are at your service!

"Gas a go! That is our purpose!"

Ansem turned around as the white suited workers grabbed their tambourines again. "Cause they didn't finish their song!"

"Gas a go with your car!

"Gas a go we're never far!"

"They keep it up I'll finish it for them!" Vexen threatened.

"Gas a go we're here to please you!

"Gas a go will never leave you!"


"Gas a go!

"So put us to the test!

"We will strive to do our best!"

The music finally stopped, Ansem, Demyx and Vexen all sighed with relief. "Finally, they're done."

"Second verse! Same as the first!" The white suited workers shouted before the music began to play again.

"If you want service with a smile…

"We will go that extra mile!"

"We clean windows!"

"Fill the tank!"

"Wax the hood!"

"No need to thank!"

"Gas a go! We are at your service!

"Gas a go! That is our purpose!"

"God help me!" Ansem shouted loudly through the tambourine music.

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"Come on…we need to hurry up!" Zeek announced laying down his prank traps through out the conference room.

"Quit yelling at us and we'll go faster!" Cloud replied when all of a sudden the doors to the conference room opened up.

"Uh oh," Roxas gasped as the people who opened the door entered the room.

The people looked at the trio. There were only two of them; one was a middle-aged man with long silver hair wearing a black business suit while the other one was a little bald man with glasses.

Everyone was silent as the two men looked at the trio. Then unexpectedly, the silver haired man coughed. "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

Zeek, Cloud and Roxas looked at each other before turning towards the silver haired man. "We don't know…"

"Shoot…Bob, bring me a map and some sandwiches to these guys," the silver haired man ordered as the bald man named Bob just stared at the silver haired man. "NOW!"

"Eeeeeeeeeeh! Yes President Xemnas!" Bob shouted before running off.

"You must excuse Bob…" Xemnas stated as he turned towards the trio. "He used to work for Bobby Knight."

"Yikes…" Zeek sighed.

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A few minutes later, Sora, Kairi, Riku, Tifa, Yuffie and Sephiroth (who was back to normal) had arrived out side the Organization's building.

Sora stared at the building in awe. "Wow…look at this place."

"So Zeek and the others should've gotten those pranks ready?" Kairi asked as a familiar song began to fill the air.

"If you want service with a smile…

"We will go that extra mile!

"We clean windows!"

"Fill the tank!"

"Wax the hood!"

"No need to thank!"

"Gas a go! We are at your service!

"Gas a go! That is our purpose!"

"Quick! Get inside the building!" Riku shouted as the group ran into the building just before Ansem's car pulled up to the building.

"Gas a go with your car!

"Gas a go we're never far!"

Ansem, Demyx, and Vexen ran out of the car screaming however, the white suited employees followed them while still singing.

"Gas a go we're here to please you!

"Gas a go will never leave you!"


"Gas a go!

"So put us to the test!

"We will strive to do our best!"

"For the last time! Stop singing!" Ansem shouted as the white suited workers stopped.

"Okay…then that will be 12,349 munny please," The white suited workers stated as Ansem's jaw dropped.

"WHAT?" Ansem shouted as Demyx and Vexen ran off.

"You're on your own Ansem!" Demyx shouted as Ansem sighed loudly.

"I feel a pain in the pit of my wallet…" Ansem sighed as an idea came into his head. "They will all pay!"

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Meanwhile, in the conference room, Sora's group entered to see Zeek, Cloud, and Roxas sitting at the table enjoying a few sandwiches next to Xemnas. "Hello! More people! Laugh with me!"

"How about no…you big weenie," Sora replied as Xemnas held his head.

"I am not a weenie! You are the weenie!" Xemnas shouted before he calmed down. "Okay…so I've heard from your friends right here about you attacking my employees for closing down your Prank Shop..."

"Hey this is quite a good sandwich, does this have palmetto loaf in it?" Zeek asked as Xemnas sighed.

"Forget the sandwiches! Anyway, we were discussing some ideas," Xemnas continued before Cloud raised his hand.

"No we weren't, we were discussing the sandwiches," Cloud interrupted as Xemnas growled loudly.

"Do you want to talk about our deal…or about the stupid sandwiches?" Xemnas shouted while Roxas smiled.

"Can Bob make us a few more?" Roxas asked as Xemnas pulled his hair.

"This day can't get any worse!" Xemnas roared loudly.

All of a sudden, the doors to the entrance room opened up, allowing Demyx and Vexen to enter the room panting. "Boss! We've got big problems!"

Vexen jumped forward with a worried look on his face. "Yeah! There are these people singing downstairs demanding munny!"

"And some orange gorillas wearing glasses are taking people to who knows where!" Demyx shouted as suddenly, two large hairy arms busted down the door and snatched him. "LIKE THIS!"

"Well…that's just wrong," Riku sighed while Demyx was pulled from the room screaming in terror.

"Who could be behind something like this?" Tifa asked as Sephiroth laughed loudly.

"I don't know about the singing workers, but the glasses wearing gorillas are my doing!" Sephiroth laughed loudly as Sora stomped his foot into the ground.

"Well then, with the power of everyone's pranks!" Sora shouted as everyone stood up towards Sephiroth. "We'll defeat you!"

"Before that…" Roxas interrupted as everyone looked at him. "Can I have another sandwich?"

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Notes from the Internet Censor

Vyser just stood up at the sight of the sign on his computer. "What the hell?"

From behind Vyser stood a very geeky looking guy with a sign over his neck that reads 'Internet Censor.' "I'm the Internet Censor, and I disapprove of the next scene."

"Why? Why would you disapprove the next scene?" Vyser asked turning towards the Internet Censor.

"It's too mean and scary! So you better change it!" The Internet Censor said before sticking his tongue out.

"I can't! You interrupted my writing!" Vyser shouted as the Internet Censor smiled.

"Good! I like this!" The Internet Censor replied.

"I bet you're really happy," Vyser scoffed looking at his laptop.

"I am!" yelled the Internet Censor.

"But it's dull and boring!" Vyser moaned loudly.

"I don't care! I like it!" The Internet Censor shouted.

"Oh this is a real showstopper!" Vyser roared.

"Why don't you grow up?" The Internet Censor responded as Vyser slammed his fists into the desk he sat at.

"Why don't you make me!" Challenged Vyser.

"Go eat a melon!" The Internet Censor countered as Vyser adjusted his glasses.

"Go censor your head!" Vyser roared as the Internet stepped back.

"Be quiet! And continue this chapter before I get you kicked off this site!" The Internet Censor threatened as Vyser turned back to his computer.

A light bulb appeared over Vyser's head as he continued to type. "Let's see how you like this!"

All of a sudden, another orange glasses wearing gorilla appeared from behind the Internet Censor and snatched him. "What the! Nnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo! I must censor!"

"That's a blow to you and your kind for ruining good TV shows!" Vyser roared before he continued to type the story.

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Everyone stood outside the destroyed building that used to be the Organization's. All of the orange, glasses wearing gorillas were tied up along with Sephiroth. Standing next to the large group was Mr. Malten and the Internet Censor.

"Awe man…" Xemnas sighed as Axel, Vexen, and Demyx patted him on the back. "Yeah, well, we lost everything."

"Yeah…well you deserved it," Sora sighed as Cait Sith (who was still on Zeek's shoulder) raised his hand.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Kairi asked as Cait Sith jumped on Zeek's shoulder.

"I wanna see Babeheart!" Cait Sith shouted scaring everyone.

"It's alive!" Everyone but Zeek and Yuffie shouted jumping back.

"You all just notice this?" Yuffie asked as everyone nodded.

"What's Babeheart?" Zeek asked Cait Sith.

"A cute little pig that slaughters the English," Cait Sith answered as everyone shrugged.

"Sounds like a rip off of two movies," Sephiroth replied to receive a smack to the head. "Ow…"

"I'd go with you people," Mr. Malten started before he walked off. "But I need to get paid by a Vyser Dragoon."

"And I need to get him back for sending those Gorillas after me!" The Internet Censor shouted as he followed Mr. Malten.

"Okay…then from all of us from this fiction…" Sora stated as everyone turned towards the audience. "We all want to say…"

"Goodbye and we'll see you next time you play the game!"

As everyone was waving goodbye, Vyser ran in front of them with a panicked look on his face. "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! THE FAN GIRLS ARE AFTER ME AGAIN FOR NOT GIVING RIKU ENOUGH LINES!"

Everyone just laughed as Vyser ran off from the multiple fan girls chasing him with clubs. However behind them the singing workers. "I'm not done yet!"

While the entire cast was laughing a large amount of blue paint spill all over them. Sora wiped the paint from his mouth and pointed to where Vyser was running. "Let's get him!"

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Thank you all so much for reviewing and hope to see you next time!