Story 10: No Need To Study

By: Conan16

Author's Note: Like I mentioned in my other story, I'm out of school, and that means I'll be updating my chapters more often. Thanks for the long wait. Enjoy!

School was just about out for the day, and Violet was packing up her things.

"Now remember class, we have a very important Algebra test tomorrow. I'd advise you all to study." Violet's teacher said.

Violet went pale in the face.

"I completely forgot about that." She thought.

The bell rang, and class was dismissed.

"Kari! Kari!" Violet cried running up to her friend.

"What's up Vi?" Kari greeted.

"Listen Kari, I need someone to study my Algebra with tonight. Will you help me out?"

"Sure Violet! You know I was just thinking that we haven't been seeing much of each other lately. Haven't you noticed that? So where do you want to study?" Kari asked.

"Umm, my house I guess." Violet replied.

"Oh what an excellent idea! I haven't been to your new house yet! How's you family? I can't wait to see Jack-Jack. Though every time I think of him I start to get these weird chills. I don't know why, but it just sort of happens you know?..."

"Maybe it's like one of those nervous twitch things I've been learning about in Health. Or maybe it's one of those..."

"I don't know. So anyway, I can't wait to see your family! They are so nice! You know you guys kind of remind me of The Incredi..."
"KARI!" Violet cried, interrupting Kari's mile-a-minute conversation. "Can we please get going? I really need to study."

"Oh sorry Vi. Yeah! Onward to your house!"

Later, when the two girls arrived at Violet's house.

Violet let out an annoyed grunt.

"So Vi, do you think maybe we can study our English together too? I have to do a write up on Romeo and Juliet, and I swear! I don't know what the heck they are saying!"
"Kari, why are you so talkative today?"

"Oh me? I had one of those double mocha things. They are sooo good! But full of caffeine!"
"Yeah, I noticed." Violet mumbled.

Kari looked at her watch.

"Oh sorry Vi! I just remembered. I have softball practice today!" Kari ran back towards the school. She turned around and hollered.

"We'll study for your Algebra test tomorrow ok?"

"Kari! My test is tomorrow!" Violet cried back.

Kari continued to run.

Frustrated, Violet sighed and slammed the door.

"I'm home!" She announced.

Helen walked in to greet her.

"Hey Violet! How was school?"

Violet shrugged.

"Can't complain. But I do have a big test that I need to study for in Algebra, so I need things to keep quiet around here." She explained as she went towards her room.

"You got it Vi!" Helen hollered after her.

Violet went up into her room, jumped onto her bed, and opened up her Algebra book.

"Let's see...True or false. Pie is exactly three."
"FALSE!" Dash cried jumping out of Violet's closet.

Violet screamed, and threw her book into the air.

"Dash you freak! Get out of my room!" She cried.

Dash sped out of her room laughing in an obnoxious tone.

"Geeze." Violet grumbled as she picked up her book.

"Anyway...Three squared times two cubed equals..." That's when she heard the phone ringing.

"Eh, mom will answer it." She said looking back at her book.

The phone continued to ring.

"Anytime now."

The phone still rang.

Violet threw her book aside, and ran to the hallway phone.

"Hello?" She said when she answered it, but the caller already hung up.

Violet sighed and hung the phone up.

She went back to her room and cracked open her book.

The phone rang again.

"Mom! Can you get that please?" Violet cried.

No answer. The phone continued to ring.

Frustrated, Violet threw her book down, walked all the way down the hallway to the phone, and answered it.


She could hear her mom and Honey Best talking.

"Oh it's ok Vi. I got it." Helen said.

Violet groaned as she hung the phone up.

She returned to her room, and pulled out some paper and a pencil.

"I work problems 3 and 6 on page 674, and problems 5, 7, and 9 on page.."
"HEY HELEN!" Bob cried from outside, interrupting Violet's concentration.

"WHAT BOB!" Helen cried back.








Then it was silent again.

Violet threw her book open again.

"Geeze! I'm never gonna get any work done!" She cried.

"Ok! If a train leaves point A at noon traveling at one hundred miles, and another train leaves point B at one o'clock traveling at..." Violet was interrupted once again by her brother. He burst through her door wearing his super suit.

"I am the great Rush! Here to take out the hideous alien sitting on my sister's bed! Oh my mistake, that hideous alien is my sister!" He joked as he started to laugh uncontrollably.

Violet growled and got up.

"Get out of my room you little insect!" She warned.

"Oh c'mon sis. I'm just playing superhero is all." Dash argued.

"Why are you playing superhero? We are superheroes you nitwit."

"Oh yeah. My bad!" Dash cried speeding out of her room again.

"Holy cow!" Violet scoffed as she jumped back on her bed and opened her book.

"The square root of 25 is 5. The square root of 100 is 10. The square root of..."
"Hey Vi." Dash said.

Violet slammed her book down.

"What...Is...It?" She said through gritted teeth.

"...Have you ever noticed how easy we can get into our super suits? I mean, there's no zipper on them or Velcro, yet we're still able to get into them very quickly and without any prob..."

"GET OUT OF MY FREAKIN ROOM!" Violet yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Ok ok... Sheesh." Dash mumbled walking out of her room.

Violet ran up after him and locked the door.

"This is getting ridiculous!" She said, as she stomped back to her bed, and opened up her book.

"Let's see...Twenty times pie squared equals...Hmmm..."

"Hey Lucius!" Bob cried outside.

"Hey Bob! Heard you got a new chainsaw." Lucius said.

"I sure did! Here let me fire it up and you can hear the sucker roar!"

Bob started the chainsaw, and the motor buzzed loudly.

Covering her ears, Violet went over to her window, and shut it.

"What's up with all these interruptions! Is it destiny for me to fail this stupid test!" Violet cried.

Almost to answer her question Violet heard a marching band outside, marching down the street. The marching band was followed by a bunch of other loud and obnoxious noises.

Violet flung her door open in frustration, breaking her lock in the process, and ran into the living room.

"What in the world is going on!" She cried over all the noise.

"It's Hyper Sound!" Dash replied excitedly. "The world's loudest and longest parade."

Helen entered the room.

"And it's marching down our street? Hmm what are the odds." She said.

"I give up!" Violet cried.

"I can't study with all these distractions!"

"Oh come on Vi." Helen began. "Distractions happen. You just need to find a way to block them out."

Violet thought about this for a moment.

"Yeah. You're right mom."
"What? I'm sorry I can't hear you over the parade!" Helen hollered.

"Never mind! I'm going back to my room to study!"

Violet entered her room and shut the door. She sat down on her bed, and threw up a force field around it. This blocked out all the noises.

"Ahhh! Much better." Violet said as she grabbed her Algebra book.

"Now where was I?"

Then her mom entered her room, and started talking.

"..." Was all she heard.

Violet sighed and dispersed her field.

"What mom?"

"I said that the Hiking Vikings are robbing the bank! We have to go now! Suit up!" Helen explained as she ran out to get ready.

Violet shook her head.

"Well, I guess I can study on the way." She said with another frustrated sigh.

The family suited up and were on their way to stop the criminals.

Fade opened up her book.

"Ok...If a car travels down Elm Street..." Fade looked at the street sign, it said Elm Street.
"Hmm." She mumbled. "...At the speed of sixty miles an hour..."

She looked at the mile gage on the car. It was sixty.

"Hmm." She mumbled again. "...To try and get to the downtown area where robbers are robbing a bank...Hmm. How long will it take the car to get there if the two points are 6 miles away?"

"Where here!" Mr. Incredible said.

Fade looked at her watch.

"Hmm, six minutes. Alright then."

The supers saw the three Vikings making a retreat from the bank. They were grabbing people on the way and taking there money.

"What's in your wallet!" One of them cried at a guy.

"J-Just fifty d-dollars and my Capital One c-credit card." The guy replied.

The Viking took the wallet and they continued to retreat.

"Showtime!" Mr. Incredible cried and he charged at the villains with Rush and Elastigirl.

Fade continued to read out of her book as she walked towards the enemies.

Rush ran in a big circle creating a giant dust devil, causing the Vikings to lose their site.

Mr. Incredible leaped into the dust devil, and attacked two of them, and Elastigirl grabbed the other Viking and tossed him into the air.

He went flying and landed next to Fade.

He stood up and ran towards her with a battle cry. He pulled out his sword and was just about to attack Fade, when she held her book out in front of him.

"Does number 6 look right?" She asked.

He took the book.

"Ummm, I think you forgot to carry the 2." He replied.

"Really?" Fade grabbed the book.

"There's no 2 in that problem." She said.

"No no look. If you subtract 3 from the 7 and divide it by the two, that gives you 2, not 1." The Viking explained.

"Oh whoops! I didn't catch that. Thanks." Fade said.

"No proble...ACK!" The Viking was tackled in the side by Mr. Incredible.

An hour later, the fighting was over, and the Parrs were back at home eating supper.

Violet was still reading her book.

"Hey Vi! Pass the gravy." Dash said.

Without looking up from her book, Violet picked up the gravy spoon.

"Here you go." She mumbled pouring gravy all over Dash's dessert.

"Gee thanks." Dash grumbled.

"Violet. Do you have to read at the table?" Helen asked.

Violet picked up the peas and handed them to her mother, still not looking up from her book.

Helen sighed.

"Never mind."

Night came along, and Violet still didn't make much progress in her studying since she had to deal with more interruptions. Like Bob and Dash wrestling right outside her door, and Jack-Jack levitating through her walls right over her head over and over again.

It was late, and Violet could barely keep her eyes open. Her night ended with her falling asleep over her book.

The next night during dinner, Helen cleared her throat.

"So Vi. How'd you do on your test?" She asked.

"Not so good." Violet replied. "I got a D."

Bob took a bite of his chicken.

"That's a shame Vi." He said. "You should study more often."

Violet looked at him blankly, and with a groan her head fell forward into her mashed potatoes.

"Was it something I said?" Bob asked.

Helen and Dash just shrugged.

The End

Author's Note: Ok this wasn't one of my best stories. But I went forever without updating, and I wanted to get a story up. But fear not! I have a few great ideas in my head for new stories, and I think you guys will like them.