This is a sequel to the story Love is out there. I had an inspiration so here is a more detailed profile of the main OCs:

Kira Hiwatari

Age: 18 years

Height: 150 cm

Personality: Fiery temper. People often get their just desserts, when they start calling her puny. She hates to be called that, even though she is petite. She has a black belt in judo and karate. Trained at Biovolt, she is an expert on spying and can literally appear from and disappear into nowhere.


Hair has two shades of blue, light blue streaks on both sides of her face and the rest a dark blue color. Her hair extends to her knees.

She wears the same type of clothes as Kai. Her pants are indigo colored, a powder blue tank top and an ordinary pair of tennis shoes.

Kira's eyes are crimson red, like Kai's.

Other stuff: She goes to a boarding school, along with the Bladebreakers and Hilary. Kira is Kai's twin sister. Her favorite sport besides judo and karate is scaring the hell out of people.

Veronica Meridian

Age: 17 years

Height: 165 cm 5'5"

Personality: Veronica is quite shy and usually doesn't open her mouth much. She mostly just does what people tell her to. This doesn't mean she is stupid, just that she doesn't have the courage to put up with people. She is also strict on manners and doesn't ever behave rudely. Although she is shy, she is willing to make friends whenever others approach her.


Veronica has medium aquamarine hair that she usually has on two braids, held by yellow bows. The braids reach her shoulders.

As with her manners, Veronica is also very strict with what she wears, which is a snow white shirt, a knee-length misty rose colored skirt and shoes that resemble ballet shoes, without the laces. Her outfit is very formal.

Veronica's eyes are sky blue.

Other stuff: Veronica was brought up in the aristocratic way, to become a lady. She does ballet and is very (How many times am I going to use that word? sarcastic) thin and walks or preferably floats gracefully. She can get rather sentimental at times. She has been an outcast most of her life, but not by her own choice. Her nickname is Kitty.

For readers; here are a few things you should know:

"This is talking", (Writer's comments), 'This stands for thinking',Normal story-mode.

Well, enough of this. Enjoy (while it lasts)!

Chapter 1: Freakin' chaos

At a boarding school.

The moon was full and shone its cold, bitter light down to the earth into a garden. The flowers were closed during the night but you could still sense the scent of the roses, tulips and other flowers. Kai was gazing out into the open from a balcony above the garden. His face was blank as always and his eyes were unfocused. A door creaked and he turned around to face it. Inside stepped a relatively short girl with extremely long, blue hair – Kira – Kai's sister. She was the only one he talked to mostly, although not very much.

"What are you doing here?" Kai asked.

"You should be in bed," Kira said, mimicking a motherly voice.

"Still, what are you doing here?" Kai repeated the question.

"I'm worried about you. You know that," Kira whispered, standing now next to Kai.

"Well, don't be," Kai snapped. "Besides, you're off limits."

"Like you really care about that. But seriously Kai, go to bed," she said, this time with a normal voice.

"Yes mother," Kai mocked.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the one with the sarcasm," Kira replied with a smirk and left.

Next morning at the breakfast table:

"School is starting in a few days and I think we should tidy up this place a bit," Hilary stated.

"I agree. This whole place is a freakin' chaos!" Kira snapped.

"Oh no! Do we have to?" Tyson moaned.

"Let's take a vote," Kira said.

"Me and Hilary vote for clean up," she said.







"It seems that most of us want this place cleaned up, so we clean up. Sorry, majority rules," said Hilary, smirking. "Besides, we are getting a new roommate. First expression is what counts the most."

"When is he coming?" Max asked.

"She, yes she, is coming tomorrow at about 11 am," Kira said.

"Enough babbling already!" Hilary snapped. "We have work to do."

"First we need to put everything in place and order," Kira said. "So here is what you are going to do. Kitty can put the books back into the shelves. Rei can help me here in the kitchen. Hilary can change the sheets and everything to the beds."

"What about us and Kai?" Tyson asked, looking suspicious.

"Kai will be in charge of everything and see that everyone gets their jobs done. You on the other hand, end up dealing with the bathrooms," she stated, giving them an evil smirk.

"No! You can't make us do that!" Tyson protested, as Max was blushing.

"But I can. I'm sure I don't need to remind you Tyson about all the incidents between us and how they ended," she replied. "Now, get lost."

Tyson and Max got to work. Kai's time went by mostly watching that they did everything properly, until in the bedrooms...

"You're not touching those sheets!" Kai shouted.

"It's my job to change them!" Hilary exclaimed.

"No way!" Kai repeated.

"Why not?" Hilary asked.

"What's going on in here!" Kira asked as she barged into Kai's bedroom.

"It's not my fault!" Kai and Hilary exclaimed in unison.

"What's this all about?" Kira asked.

"Kai won't let me change the sheets in his bed," Hilary stated.

"Kai, why is that? Why won't you let Hilary change the sheets?" Kira questioned.

Kai was giving Hilary a death glare. "Because it's my bed," he responded.

"Don't be so immature," Kira said. 'Did I actually call him immature?'

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"You're immature if you don't let Hilary change them," Kira stated with a this-is-finished-voice.

"Fine, in a few moments. Leave," he replied with an icy tone.

"Come on Hilary," Kira said and the two girls left.

'Now they definitely know I'm hiding something. Great!' Kai thought.

By lunchtime they had done their jobs and gathered to eat.

"So, how did it go with the bathroom?" Hilary asked and smirked.

Tyson gave her the finger.

"That bad? Well, I guess I should remind you that it is you, who mostly created that mess," she accused.

"Hey, let's calm down," Rei cut in before Tyson could reply.

There were a few moments of silence before Kira spoke.

"Now that everything is in place we can get the rags, mops, vacuum cleaner and other stuff," she said.

"We're not done!" Tyson exclaimed, not believing his ears.

"No," Kira replied. "But since you have done such a nice job with the bathroom you don't have to grab the rags, you are helping Kitty with the dusting, by lifting the objects on the tables. Rei can deal with the kitchen. I'll take the vacuum cleaner. Hilary can finish the stuff with the laundry and Kai can grab the mop."

They all went to their duties, although some of them with a slight disagreement.

Again all didn't go without problems...

"Kai! Man you look stupid swinging with that mop!" Tyson laughed.

"Would you like to try it?" Kai replied sarcastically. "Let's see how stupid you look with it."

Kira just saw what was happening but too late. Kai soaked the mop and a few moments later it was in Tyson's face.

"Serves you right," Kai said as he continued with his cleaning.

"Are you alright?" Max asked.

"Well, what do you think!" Tyson snapped.

He left the room and when Max tried to follow him Kira blocked his way.

"Kitty needs your help," she said.

When they finished, the whole house was sparkling clean and in order. The books were put alphabetically in the shelves, all sheets were changed and washed, tables dusted, kitchen and bathroom cleaned to the point where they were stainless.

"This went quite well," Hilary said.

"With a few problems," Kira added and looked at Tyson and Kai. Kai gave Tyson a glare.

"We should do this more often," Hilary stated.

There was sudden burst of refusals.

"Okay, okay. I was kidding. Keep your clothes on!" She said.

Hilary and Kira laughed themselves to death (almost).

"But seriously now, let's try to keep this place in order," Kira said.

They all nodded in agreement.

Kira stayed in the kitchen with Rei as everyone else headed for bed. They were cleaning up the dishes.

"What's wrong?" Rei asked.

"Huh, what?" Kira said, snapping back to reality.

"What's wrong?" Rei repeated the question.

"Oh, It's Kai," she said.

"What about him?" Rei urged her.

"Promise not to tell anyone, not even Kai?" She asked.

"Cross my heart," he replied.

"He was up last night again," she said.

"I thought he had stopped that," Rei stated.

"So did I," Kira said.

"What are you thinking of doing?" Rei asked.

"I don't know. It's obvious he hasn't gotten over the loss," Kira explained.

"So there's nothing we can do?" Rei asked.

"No," Kira assured.

An hour later everyone was in bed, except for a certain blue-haired boy.

Kai was once again out on the balcony; and once again, listening to a certain song that a certain redhead had sung a long time ago...

"It's not goodbye," he whispered the name of the song silently.

He didn't remember how many times he had listened to that song. Every time he heard it, it ripped the wounds open all over again. He didn't know why he listened to it. 'Is it just so hard to let go? Why did this happen? Am I supposed to learn something?' Kai thought. 'I'll never let this happen again.' With these thoughts he fell asleep.